Conference on College Composition and Communication Logo

College Composition and Communication

Editor: Jonathan Alexander University of California, Irvine Email:

February 2018 College Composition and Communication

Congratulations to Malea Powell (Michigan State University), who was recently selected as the next editor of College Composition and Communication. Her first issue will appear in February 2020.
Access back issues (Note: The “Extended CCC” articles published from December 2008 through December 2009 are available to both subscribers and nonsubscribers of CCC.)

Access CCC Online Subscribe to College Composition and Communication!   About CCC College Composition and Communication publishes research and scholarship in rhetoric and composition studies that support college teachers in reflecting on and improving their practices in teaching writing and that reflects the most current scholarship and theory in the field. The field of composition studies draws on research and theories from a broad range of humanistic disciplines—English studies, rhetoric, cultural studies, LGBT studies, gender studies, critical theory, education, technology studies, race studies, communication, philosophy of language, anthropology, sociology, and others—and from within composition and rhetoric studies, where a number of subfields have also developed, such as technical communication, computers and composition, writing across the curriculum, research practices, and the history of these fields.

CCCC Grants and Awards

CCCC offers numerous grants and awards for travel, research, publications, programs, and service, to name a few.  All CCCC awards are given annually and are presented at the CCCC Convention each year.  CCCC has a Protocol and Procedures for Establishing a CCCC Award. Please follow the links below for detailed information on each award, criteria, and submission deadlines.

Advancement of Knowledge Award
Presented annually for the empirical research publication that most advances writing studies.

Assistance Fund for Contingent Faculty
Presented annually to contingent faculty at two-year colleges and four-year colleges and universities to travel to the CCCC Annual Convention.

Chairs’ Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships of $750 each to help cover the costs of four graduate students who are presenting at the annual conference.

Disability in College Composition Travel Awards
Six travel awards designed to support scholarship dedicated to improving knowledge about the intersections of disability with composition and rhetoric, the value of disability as a source of diversity, inclusive practices and the promotion of access, and the value of disability as a critical lens.

Emergent Researcher Awards
These awards are intended to invest in our organization’s members by rewarding and supporting: early career researchers; writing faculty/instructors who have not had the opportunity to engage in funded research; and/or writing faculty/instructors who do not have support for research within their institutions. In addition to research funding (up to $10,000 per project), the Emergent Researcher Awards also provide research support.

Exemplar Award
Recognizes an individual who has served or serves as an exemplar for our organization.

Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award
Supports graduate students or first-time presenters whose work participates in the making of meaning out of sexual and gender minority experiences with up to three $750 awards for travel to the CCCC Convention.

James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award
Honors a graduate whose dissertation improves the educational process in composition studies, or adds to the field’s body of knowledge, through research or scholarly inquiry.

Lavender Rhetorics Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship
Presented annually to three works (one book, one article, and one dissertation) published within the past two years that best make queer interventions into the study of composition and rhetoric.

The Luiz Antonio Marcuschi Travel Awards
Two $1000 travel reimbursement awards are available to scholars living and working/studying in Mexico, Central, or South America who have papers accepted for presentation at the CCCC Convention.

Outstanding Book Award
Presented annually to the author(s) or editor(s) of a book published up to two years previously that makes an outstanding contribution to composition and rhetoric.

Outstanding Dissertation Award in Technical Communication
Given for an outstanding disseration in Technical Communication.

Professional Equity Project
$320 grants,offered for part-time or adjunct faculty to attend the CCCC annual convention.

Research Impact Award
Presented annually for the empirical research publication that most advances the mission of the organization or the needs of the profession.

Research Initiative
CCCC funds research proposals up to $10,000 each.

Richard Braddock Award
Presented to the author of the outstanding article on writing or the teaching of writing in the CCCC journal, College Composition and Communication, during the year ending December 31 before the annual CCCC Convention.

Scholars for the Dream Travel Award
Encourages scholarship by historically underrepresented groups, offering up to twenty $1,000 grants in two categories for travel to the CCCC conference.

Stonewall Service Award
Recognizes members of CCCC/NCTE who have consistently worked to improve the experiences of sexual and gender minorities within the organization and the profession.

Technical and Scientific Communication Awards 
Accepting nominations for outstanding books and articles in technical and scientific communication in six categories.

Tribal College Faculty Fellowship
CCCC offers two fellowships in the amount of $1,250 each to faculty members currently working at tribally controlled colleges to attend the CCCC conference.

Writing Program Certificate of Excellence
Awards up to 20 outstanding writing programs each year. 

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