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CCCC Professional Equity Project (PEP)

Nomination Deadline: November 1, 2024

Purpose and Eligibility: The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) invites you to participate in the Professional Equity Project (PEP). CCCC will offer a grant valued at $500 each to teachers of writing with part-time or adjunct status at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and universities, or independent scholars, including community partners and scholars outside of the discipline, to attend the CCCC Annual Convention. Priority will be given to teachers of writing with part-time or adjunct status. The $500 grant includes a $310 stipend to help cover expenses, a paid registration for the Convention, and a complimentary membership in CCCC. The Convention will be held in Baltimore, MD, April 9–12, 2025.

Award Criteria: A department or individual can nominate teachers who would benefit most from this professional development experience. Additionally, we do accept and encourage self-nomination. CCCC seeks nominees exhibiting a sustained interest in the teaching of writing – both faculty early in their career and more experienced faculty – who have never attended a CCCC Convention (individuals who have never attended a CCCC Convention will be given first consideration but we will still accept nominations of those who have attended). While a department or individual may nominate as many teachers who meet these criteria as they would like, there is a generous yet limited number of grants. If there are more nominees than we have grants, one selection criterion we’ll use is the date we receive nominees, so early response is desirable. Another criterion is proximity to the Convention city; this year, we especially encourage nominees from Baltimore and the surrounding states. Finally, we’ll try to distribute grants among multiple institutions, if need be, and we’ll give priority to people who haven’t yet attended a CCCC Convention. Having said that, we heartily encourage all nominations.

Award Specifics: We’ve designed the nomination process to be simple. Please complete this nomination form for each nominee you wish to nominate (including their name, city, state, zip code, and email address) by November 1, 2024.

We will notify grant winners by January 2025, sending each registration materials and procedures for receiving grant funds. We appreciate your support of this initiative to bring more writing teachers to our 2025 Annual Convention in Baltimore, MD.

Other Considerations: In the event that the CCCC Annual Convention moves to an online-only event with no in-person component, recipients will receive a complimentary registration for the convention and a complimentary CCCC membership in lieu of any travel funds.

Nomination Form

Email Questions

A Special Note for Administrators:
Last year a few administrators volunteered to match the $500 grants CCCC had awarded their faculty members. One of them noted, “This opportunity provides terrific professional development at a surprisingly reasonable cost.” We agree.

We are, therefore, posing this gentle invitation to you and your institution: what matching support can you provide for your faculty? It was said, and we agree, that this is a win-win situation for both CCCC and institutions. CCCC increases the adjunct and part-time faculty presence at the conference, and institutions are able to offer and support professional development for their adjunct and part-time faculty. We think of this as a partner institution effort, and as a gesture of thanks, we will be pleased to acknowledge such participation by listing partner institutions on the CCCC website.

We hope that you too will become a partner in this faculty development effort, one that benefits instructional staff, of course, and students as well.

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