Nominations are not accepted for this award.
Purpose: The Richard Braddock Award is presented to the author of the outstanding article on writing or the teaching of writing in the CCCC journal, College Composition and Communication (CCC) during the year ending December 31 before the annual CCCC Convention. The award was created to honor the memory of Richard Braddock, University of Iowa. Richard Braddock was an extraordinary person and teacher who touched the lives of many people in ways that this special award established in his name can only suggest.
Eligibility: CCC articles published in 2024 will be eligible for the award in 2025.
Award Specifics: Because the Braddock Award committee considers all refereed articles published in CCC during the calendar year preceding the presentation of the award, nominations for this award are not accepted.
Braddock Award Winners: Best CCC Article of the Year
2025 Recipient
Hannah Franz, Michelle Petty, Angela Rowell, Marie Tano, Sierra J. Johnson, and Anne Charity Hudley, “Black Linguistic Justice from Theory to Practice,” June 2024
2025 Honorable Mentions
José Luis Cano, Jr., “Composition Studies at the US-Mexico Border,” December 2024
Christopher E. Castillo and Christa J. Olson, “Burning Our Fingers: An Intersectional Grapple with the Steel Cage of Racism,” September 2024
Brandon M. Erby, “Imagining Freedom: Cultural Rhetorics, Digital Literacies, and Podcasting in Prison,” September 2023
Amy J. Wan, “From Post-War Boom to Global University: Enacting Equity in the Open Doors Policies of Mass Higher Education,” September 2022
Pritha Prasad and Louis M. Maraj, “‘I Am Not Your Teaching Moment’: The Benevolent Gaslight and Epistemic Violence,” December 2022
Sonia C. Arellano, “Sexual Violences Traveling to El Norte: An Example of Quilting as Method,” September 2021
Antonio Byrd, “‘Like Coming Home’: African Americans Tinkering and Playing toward a Computer Code Bootcamp,” February 2020
Aneil Rallin, “‘Can I Get a Witness?’: Writing with June Jordan,” June 2019
Deborah Mutnick, “Pathways to Freedom: From the Archives to the Street,’” February 2018
Eli Goldblatt, “Don’t Call It Expressivism: Legacies of a ‘Tacit Tradition,’” February 2017
D. Alexis Hart and Roger Thompson, “Veterans in the Writing Classroom: Three Programmatic Approaches to Facilitate the Transition from the Military to Higher Education,” December 2016
Lisa Dush, “When Writing Becomes Content,” December 2015
Ben Kuebrich, “‘White Guys Who Send My Uncle to Prison’: Going Public within Asymmetrical Power,” June 2015
Lisa R. Arnold, “’The Worst Part of the Dead Past’: Language Attitudes, Policies, and Pedagogies at Syrian Protestant College, 1866–1902,” December 2014
Tony Scott and Lil Brannon, “Democracy, Struggle, and the Praxis of Assessment,” December 2013
Dylan B. Dryer, “At a Mirror, Darkly: The Imagined Undergraduate Writers of Ten Novice Composition Instructors,” February 2012
Brandy Nalani McDougall and Georganne Nordstrom, “Ma ka Hana ka ‘Ike (In the Work Is the Knowledge): Kaona as Rhetorical Action,” September 2011
Anne-Marie Pedersen, “Negotiating Cultural Identities through Language: Academic English in Jordan,” December 2010
Shevaun E. Watson, “Good Will Come of This Evil”: Enslaved Teachers and the Transatlantic Politics of Early Black Literacy,” September 2009
Ellen Barton, “Further Contributions from the Ethical Turn in Composition/Rhetoric: Analyzing Ethics in Interaction,” June 2008
Michael Carter, “Ways of Knowing, Doing, and Writing in the Disciplines,” February 2007
A. Suresh Canagarajah, “The Place of World Englishes in Composition: Pluralization Continued,” June 2006
Jenn Fishman, Andrea Lunsford, Beth McGregor, and Mark Otuteye, “Performing Writing, Performing Literacy,” December 2005
Min-Zhan Lu, “An Essay on the Work of Composition: Composing English against the Order of Fast Capitalism,” September 2004
Karen Kopelson, “Rhetoric on the Edge of Cunning; Or, The Performance of Neutrality (Re)Considered As a Composition Pedagogy for Student Resistance,” September 2003
Bruce Horner and John Trimbur, “English Only and U.S. College Composition,” June 2002
Kathryn Fitzgerald, “A Rediscovered Tradition: European Pedagogy and Composition in Nineteenth-Century Midwestern Normal Schools,” December 2001
James E. Porter, Patricia Sullivan, Stuart Blythe, Jeffrey T. Grabill, and Libby Miles, “Institutional Critique: A Rhetorical Methodology for Change,” June 2000
Jacqueline Jones Royster and Jean C. Williams, “History in the Spaces Left: African American Presence and Narratives of Composition Studies,” June 1999
Catherine Prendergast, “Race: The Absent Presence in Composition Studies,” September 1998
Arnetha Ball and Ted Lardner, “Dispositions Toward Language: Teacher Constructs of Knowledge and the Ann Arbor Black English Class,” December 1997
Dennis Lynch, Diana George, and Marilyn Cooper, “Moments of Argument: Agonistic Inquiry and Confrontational Cooperation,” February 1997
Ellen Cushman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, “The Rhetorician as an Agent of Social Change,” February 1996
Mary N. Muchiri, Nshindi G. Mulamba, Greg Myers, and Deoscorous B. Ndoloi, “Importing Composition: Teaching and Researching Academic Writing Beyond North America,” May 1995
Cheryl Glenn “sex, lies, and manuscript: Refiguring Aspasia in the History of Rhetoric,” May 1994
Peter Mortensen, and Gesa E. Kirsch, “On Authority in the Study of Writing,” December 1993
Nancy Sommers, “Between the Drafts,” February 1992
Marisa Castellano, Glynda Hull, Kay Losey Fraser, and Mike Rose, “Remediation as Social Construct: Perspectives from an Analysis of Classroom Discourse,” October 1991
Glynda Hull, and Mike Rose, “`This Wooden Shack Place’: The Logic of an Unconventional Reading,” October 1990
Joseph Harris, “The Idea of Community in the Study of Writing,” February 1989
Christina Haas and Linda Flower, “Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning,” May 1988
Robert Brooke, “Underlife and Writing Instruction,” May 1987
Linda Flower, John R. Hayes, Linda Carey, Karen Schriver, and James Stratman, “Detection, Diagnosis, and the Strategies of Revision,” February 1986
Peter Elbow, “The Shifting Relationships Between Speech and Writing,” October 1985
Lisa Ede, and Andrea Lunsford, “Audience Addressed/Audience Invoked: The Role of Audience in Composition Theory and Pedagogy,” May 1984
Stephen P. Witte, “Topical Structure and Revision: An Exploratory Study,” October 1983
Nancy Sommers, “Responding to Student Writing,” May 1982
Robert J. Connors, “The Rise and Fall of the Modes of Discourse,” December 1981
David Bartholomae, “The Study of Error,” October 1980
Lee Odell, “Teachers of Composition and Needed Research in Discourse Theory,” February 1979
Mary P. Hiatt, “The Feminine Style: Theory and Fact,” October 1978
Richard Gebhardt, “Balancing Theory with Practice in the Training of Writing Teachers,” May 1977
Frank D’Angelo, “The Search for Intelligible Structure in the Teaching of Composition,” May 1976
Glenn Matott, “In Search of a Philosophical Context for Teaching Composition,” February 1976
James Corder, “What I Learned at School,” December 1975
Richard Braddock: “The Frequency and Placement of Topic Sentences in Expository Prose,” Winter 1974 (Research in the Teaching of English)