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Committee on Globalization of Postsecondary Writing Instruction and Research (November 2019)

Committee Members

Lisa Arnold, Chair
Chris Anson
Tiane Donahue
Bruce Horner
Jay Jordan
LuMing Mao
Vivette Milson-Whyte
Xiaoye You

Committee Charge

This committee is charged to:

  1. Design a research project to gather information about writing programs in the U.S. that are attempting to address global communications and communication within globalized professions and communications. Since CCCC has numerous groups desiring to gather, analyze, and disseminate information about curricula and programs, this committee’s research design (rationale, methodology, time and budget recommendations from CCCC, analytical framework) will be combined with other groups’ data-collection requests.
  2. Design a research project to gather information about the growth of postsecondary writing education in different regions of the world.
  3. Identify organizations and networks in other regions that might form relations or partnerships with CCCC so as to establish international professional cooperation and communication. For each entry in this list, articulate one or two specific mechanisms to increase communication and propose one or two possible activities or agreements that might be possible between the entity and the CCCC.
November 2017 Update

The committee currently coordinates its efforts with the Transnational Composition and the International Research Consortium Standing Groups. It sponsors the International Writing Studies page on CompPile and is currently exploring how this work, as well as other sites related to globalization and international writing research, programs, initiatives and activities, might be hosted on an online, publicly accessible platform. The committee continues to explore options through which CCCC can encourage international participation and collaboration. The committee has presented a policy statement for consideration by the CCCC Executive Committee.

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