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Committee on Computers in Composition and Communication (November 2024)

Committee Members

Wendi Sierra, Chair
Bradley Beck
Janine Butler
Stephen McElroy
Patti Poblete
Jenny Sheppard
Naomi Silver
Rachel Sullivan
Abir Ward
Charles Woods

Committee Charge

This committee is charged to:

  1. Support continuity in the annual Computers and Writing Conferences by coordinating the search for a sponsoring university each year and arranging for the transfer of conference materials from site to site. The committee also maintains mailing lists and other records, provides advice and logistical support for the conference planners, and assists in publicizing the conference.
  2. Examine the historical repository of information heretofore gathered under the URL and a. evaluate this project’s effectiveness, b. identify steps needed to provide ongoing support for the initiative, and c. propose concrete technology, budget, and organizational steps that the CCCC EC might enact. If the investigation determines that a different organization should house and support this repository, that conclusion should also be fleshed out for the EC.
  3. Manage the nomination and judging process for the annual CCCC Technology Innovator Award, and bestow that award at the Computers and Writing Conference.
  4. The eras of handwriting and typewriting are long over, and the era of word processing seems to be on the wane as students and teachers increasingly use smart phone, tablets, cloud computing, voice recognition, auto-correct, and extra-textual tools like Snap and emogis as parts of the writing process. Handbooks, videos, and other textbook materials are being read on the same devices, possibly placing our students in the difficult position of reading, reflecting, writing, and revising in a small space. Further, student access may be uneven given the expense of connectivity and portable devices. Investigate the impact of portable and ubiquitous computing on writing and writing instruction with an eye to developing a position statement about the ethics and efficacy of these practices.
  5. Organize and sponsor the Digital Praxis Posters at CCCC. In addition, continue to sponsor, propose, and present workshops, panels, and demonstrations at CCCC and NCTE sponsored conferences. Include in these activities attention to open source and community source projects and software, calling attention to best practices, when possible, and providing guidelines on issues and strategies.

Tenure and Promotion Cases for Composition Faculty Who Work with Technology

Computers and Writing Conference


The 7Cs supports composition teachers and scholars (and those in related fields) who work with digital technology. This CCCC committee is responsible for selecting the host for the annual Computers and Writing conference as well as for organizing the Digital Praxis Poster sessions at the annual CCCC conference. 7Cs is also responsible for coordinating the Technology Innovator Award, which is presented annually at the Computers and Writing conference. This committee of nine voting members works closely with its associated Technorhetorician Working Group, which is comprised of any constituents interested in promoting digital technology issues in writing studies. To receive updates about the committee or participate in the broader computers and writing community, please follow the CCCC Committee on Computers in Composition and Communication and the Technorhetorician Working Group on Facebook.

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