Nomination Deadline: July 15
Purpose: The Advancement of Knowledge Award is presented annually for the empirical research publication in the previous two years that most advances writing studies.
Eligibility: A work eligible for the 2025 award will have been published in calendar year 2023 or 2024. To be eligible for the award, a nominee must be a member of CCCC and/or NCTE at the time of nomination. To nominate a publication for the award, the author, editor, publisher, or reader must be a CCCC and/or NCTE member.
Award Specifics: Nominations must be received by July 15, 2024, and must include a brief statement of the work’s contribution to the profession (Note: You do not need to send copies of the nominated publication with the nomination.). Please send the statement of the publication’s contribution to the CCCC Advancement of Knowledge Award Committee at
Advancement of Knowledge Award Winners
2025 Winner
Todd Craig, “K for the Way”: DJ Rhetoric and Literacy for 21st Century Writing Studies
Rebecca Hallman Martini, Disrupting the Center: A Partnership Approach to Writing across the University
2024 Honorable Mention
Stephanie West-Puckett, Nicole I. Caswell, and William P. Banks, Failing Sideways: Queer Possibilities for Writing Assessment
Aja Y. Martinez, Counterstory: The Rhetoric and Writing of Critical Race Theory
2023 Honorable Mention
Qianqian Zhang-Wu, Languaging Myths and Realities: Journeys of Chinese International Students
Huatong Sun, Global Social Media Design: Bridging Differences Across Cultures
Isabel Baca, Yndalecio Isaac Hinojosa, and Susan Wolff Murphy (Eds.), Bordered Writers: Latinx Identities and Literacy Practices at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Kate Vieira, Writing for Love and Money: How Migration Drives Literacy Learning in Transnational Families
Laura Gonzales, Sites of Translation: What Multilinguals Can Teach Us About Digital Writing and Rhetoric
2020 Honorable Mention
Shyam Sharma, Writing Support for International Graduate Students: Enhancing Transition and Success
Brice Nordquist, Literacy and Mobility: Complexity, Uncertainty, and Agency at the Nexus of High School and College
Eric Darnell Pritchard, Fashioning Lives: Black Queers and the Politics of Literacy
Iswari P. Pandey, South Asian in the Mid-South: Migrations of Literacies
Laurie E. Gries, Still Life with Rhetoric: A New Materialist Approach for Visual Rhetorics
Stephanie L. Kerschbaum, Toward a New Rhetoric of Difference
Scott Wible, Shaping Language Policy in the U.S.: The Role of Composition Studies
Patrick W. Berry, Gail E. Hawisher, and Cynthia L. Selfe, Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times
Mya Poe, Neal Lerner, and Jennifer Craig, Learning to Communicate in Science and Engineering: Case Studies from MIT