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CCCC Resources

Resources by Topic

Rights and Resources for Anti-CRT, Anti-trans, Anti-2SLGBTQ+ Censorship and Workplace
*Note: Neither CCCC nor NCTE can dispense legal advice and this document does not constitute legal advice. For legal support specific to your situation, please seek out a qualified lawyer in your region.

CCCC Strategic Action Task Force Resource
The Strategic Actions Task Force was charged with supporting CCCC members and their efforts to create inclusive and publicly oriented Composition and Rhetoric programs. The goal was to support faculty and administrators who actively work towards the success of all students across heritages, genders, classes, and legal status. In effect, our aim was to enable programs that worked to the full promise of all students.

The goal of this website is to provide the resources which will allow graduate students, adjunct faculty, full-time faculty, and program administrators to speak effectively to the public on the value of their pedagogical, curricular, and civic work.

CCCC Labor Liaison

Cross-Generational Connections White Paper, May 2014–May 2018 (pdf)
The CCCC Task Force on Cross-Generational Connections was created in 2014 as a joint initiative between the Retired and Retiring Faculty SIG and the CCCC Newcomers’ Committee based on recommendations from a cross-generational session organized at the 2013 CCCC convention by Shelley Rodrigo and Louise Phelps. Its goal was to explore the different “generational” needs of graduate students through retirees and the benefits that can result from cross-generational connections. Such benefits include mentorship at all career stages, recognition of the need for differing levels of contribution to the field at different career stages, and preservation of knowledge from early generations. This White Paper (pdf) outlines the task force’s activities and findings.

Intellectual Property

Online Writing Instruction

Status of Women in the Profession

Writing Major

Position Statements

These statements on educational issues are approved by the Conference on College Composition and Communication Exeucutive Committee.

Not finding the information you need? Research the complete database of NCTE position statements.

Grants and Awards

CCCC offers numerous grants and awards for travel, research, publications, programs, and service, to name a few. All CCCC awards are given annually and are presented at the CCCC Convention each year. Please see the detailed information for each award including criteria and submission deadlines.


CCCC accomplishes much of its work through the use of committees. It is because of committees that we have position statements, award programs, even a conference itself. Please visit the committee website to learn more about current charges and activities being undertaken by these hard-working groups of CCCC members.

Writing Studies Tree (WST)

The Writing Studies Tree (WST) is an online, crowdsourced database of academic genealogies within writing studies; in other words, it is an interactive archive for recording and mapping scholarly relationships in Composition and Rhetoric and adjacent disciplines. Explore the network of people and institutions, create new nodes within that network, or participate in discussions about what you’ve discovered or where to go next! Learn more.

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