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CCC Editor Search Procedures

The College Composition and Communication (CCC) editor serves a term of five years. The editor can be invited to serve a second term, if CCCC officers decide to ask her or him to do so. The editor is a member of the CCCC Editors team, which meets face-to-face at the CCCC Convention and, on occasion, virtually throughout the year.

About two-and-a-half years before the new editor’s first issue is to appear (or roughly midway through the current editor’s term), a search committee is formed consisting of the CCCC Chair, CCCC Associate Chair, NCTE Executive Director, and two members approved by the CCCC Executive Committee from a slate of at least three nominees offered by the CCCC Officers. The NCTE Publications Director serves as staff contact person and has an ex officio role on the committee.

A search announcement is placed in appropriate NCTE journals, on the CCCC website, in the weekly INBOX newsletter, and on social media platforms. The announcement is placed 5-7 months before the next CCCC Convention (usually held in March or April), with an application deadline of 2-3 months before this meeting.

Applicants are asked to submit in PDF form the following materials: (1) a vita, (2) one published writing sample (article or chapter), and (3) a statement of vision, to include any suggestions for changing the journal as well as features of the journal to be continued. Applicants are also asked to secure statements from their institutional administrators affirming financial and general support for hosting the editor position.

After the deadline for submissions, the applications are shared with the committee, who discuss them via email or conference call, and narrow the applications down to a list of finalists. The finalists can be asked to share additional information (such as a sample editorial).

Finalists are interviewed in person at the CCCC Annual Convention. The committee meets, if possible, as soon as possible after the final interview to choose the editor. Once a choice is made, the publications director negotiates the terms of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between CCCC/NCTE and the new editor’s institution. Upon successful completion of the MOU, the committee’s recommendation is submitted to the CCCC Executive Committee for approval.

The new editor is brought to NCTE headquarters for orientation about 18 months before her or his first issue appears.

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