Conference on College Composition and Communication Logo

CCCC Elections

2025 Call for Nominations for CCCC Offices

The Call for Nominations and nomination form for the 2025 CCCC Ballot are now available. Nominations are due by March 1, 2025. Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague!
Submit a Nomination

Questions? Please contact

Election Process

CCCC elects its leaders through a ballot mailed to the entire CCCC membership.  The CCCC Nominating Committee (click here for a listing of Nominating Committee members from 1994 to the present) is elected annually through this process and serves for one year.  The elected Nominating Committee members (as well as the Immediate and Senior Past Chairs of CCCC, who also serve on the nominating committee) select a slate of candidates from nominations, which may be made by any CCCC member.  This slate of candidates is contacted, their consent to run obtained, and an election held during the summer to determine who will replace the Assistant Chair (for a four-year term, ascending to Associate Chair, Chair, and Past Chair), the outgoing members of the CCCC Executive Committee, the CCCC Nominating Committee, and the CCCC Secretary (every four years).

 NCTE Policy on Campaigning

Elected Offices

Click on a link below for specific information about each of the CCCC elected offices:

Assistant Chair (to serve through the CCCC Chairs’ Rotation)

CCCC Executive Committee

CCCC Nominating Committee

CCCC Secretary

CCCC Accountability for Equity and Inclusion Committee

CCCC Committee on Disability Issues in College Composition

Program Format

Submit a Proposal

The proposal submission database is now open.
Proposal deadline for the 2025 CCCC Annual Convention is 9:00 a.m. ET on Friday, May 31, 2024.

Full Call for Proposals

Criteria and Guidelines

General Information

Program Format

Area Clusters

Information Required to Submit

Grants and Travel Awards

The 2025 CCCC Annual Convention consists mainly of 75-minute concurrent sessions offered Thursday through late Saturday afternoon, though we also offer other opportunities for connection, conversation, and learning relevant to the theme and vision of the convention. Special presentations by featured speakers will be organized by the Program Chair. Half-day and all-day workshops take place on Wednesday. Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Standing Groups, and Committees or Task Forces will also hold business or discussion meetings throughout the program session slots.

Concurrent and Roundtable Sessions

Members may propose whole sessions: 75-minute sessions consisting of three or more presenters or Engaged Learning Experience sessions (see below for details) with two or more leaders/facilitators. Members may also submit individual proposals for a 30-minute presentation with one to two presenters.

Presenters may propose separately titled papers, performances, digital installations, visual presentations, etc., in whatever format best delivers the presenters’ ideas and engages the audience. In a panel or ensemble performance where more than three speakers/performers are proposed, formats such as position statements and abstracts are acceptable.

The 2025 Convention encourages presenters to engage their best practices as teachers; therefore, every presentation should be designed and delivered with learning goals in mind and means by which panelists and audience members may pursue these goals.

Engaged Learning Experience Sessions

Continuing the 2020 program’s integration of the Engaged Learning Experience (ELE), 2025 will include submission under the ELE category. Engaged Learning Experience sessions are an alternative genre of concurrent session, a dedicated space for invention, problem-solving, and experiential learning. As with all sessions, leaders should think in terms of a learning goal and a means for moving participants toward it. In the case of Engaged Learning Experience sessions, some means for moving toward learning goals might include (things like) problem-solving groups, spoken-word poetry, dramatization/improv, making, role-playing, storytelling.

Poster Sessions

Posters are visual presentations displayed on bulletin boards. Posters will be on display throughout the convention, and members will present/perform and discuss their work at a dedicated session during the convention. During these poster sessions—which can be exploratory and experimental, works-in-progress, new concepts, late-breaking research results—presenters accompany their displays to narrate content, answer questions, and invite conversation.

Proposals for posters will be peer reviewed, and as long as the presenters register for the convention, those accepted will appear on the program. A poster session at this convention is considered to be a speaking role, equivalent in value to a panel presentation, and will be listed as such in the program. See our tips for preparing for your poster session at the CCCC Convention.

Workshop Sessions

Workshops offer opportunities for engaged introductions to new developments in the field and participatory discussion of current ideas and practices. Successful workshop proposals articulate learning goals for the workshop and means for participants to achieve them. Workshop proposals must include a schedule indicating times, registrant activities, and facilitators. Workshops are limited to 30–50 registrants, who will be charged an additional fee.

Preconvention workshops are scheduled for either a full day on Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., or a half-day on Wednesday, either 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. or 1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Additionally, some workshops will be scheduled as postconvention workshops on Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Member Groups: SIGs and Standing Groups

Member Groups convene for one-hour business meetings after the last concurrent session on Thursday and Friday, and Standing Groups can also host a sponsored panel. Every Member Group that wishes to hold a business meeting must submit a proposal each year that includes a statement of the group’s interest and potential value to CCCC members, as well as any special space requirements (subject to availability). Presentation titles and speakers will not be listed in the Convention Program. Please click here for the full guidelines.

CCCC Documentarians

Initiated in a virtual format for the 2020 Convention, the CCCC Documentarian role is an opportunity for attendees to participate in a new way, and to take part in a collaborative inquiry into what a convention is and does and for whom–and to teach the rest of us. The Documentarian role has been designed to respond to four primary questions about how attendees experience CCCC:

  1. What does it mean to attend the convention? The efforts of Documentarians will help the CCCC community better understand the range of attendees’ convention experiences.
  2. What do we learn at the convention? The Documentarian role is designed not only to document things that happen at the convention and the perspectives of those who experience those things, but to help Documentarians–and those who may benefit from their stories–identify the learning they did by way of their convention experiences.
  3. What are the outcomes of a convention experience? The results of the Documentarians’ efforts will be made available to the CCCC community in a variety of ways, including both formal and informal publication of the resulting documentary stories and in sessions flagged in the program featuring documentarians.
  4. What does it mean to be included? How diverse are our experiences? The Documentarian role is meant to provide a new form of convention access to a broad range of attendees.

Because they fill a “speaking” role (technically, a speaking back role), Documentarians will appear on the program.

Documentarians will complete a brief instructional module, attend the convention, choose a path through the convention experience, record some observations about the things they see and hear, and then compose a reflective narrative about their experiences. To support them in their work, they will be given a prompt and a set of guidelines for planning, attending, documenting, and reflecting on their experiences with the convention.

Documentarian roles are available to those with or without another speaking role at the CCCC Convention. For example, it is possible to be on the program solely as a Documentarian or as a panelist and a Documentarian. Documentarians’ products will be realized as a variety of written (i.e., alphabetic—not filmed or audio-recorded) products that capture highlights of, and reflections on, Documentarians’ convention experiences.

Those wishing to serve (and be listed in the program) as Documentarians do not need to submit a proposal for this role, but may indicate their interest in serving as s Documentarian when they submit a proposal for a session as part of the regular review process.

CCCC Convention Twitter Feed

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Preparing for Your Poster Session at the CCCC Annual Convention

Creating Your Poster

As you develop your poster, determine which aspects of your research project are most interesting and important and consider how you can communicate that information visually. Posters are most effective when they mix visuals and text, include plenty of white space, and guide the reader through the material with a logical organization.

Here are a few basic pieces of information your poster should include:

  • Your project title
  • Your name and affiliation
  • Your research question
  • Information about how you attempted to answer your question (methods)
  • Your results
  • The significance of those results (to you, to the field, or to particular groups).

Remember that your audience should be able to absorb your main arguments in a few minutes. Be prepared to give a brief oral introduction to the project and answer questions.

There are many websites that provide practical advice in how to design an effective poster presentation, including the following:

Design Tips

  • Posters should be readable from a distance of 5 to 10 feet. (Use at least 48-point font for titles and 36-point for body text and tables.)
  • Include images to support your argument and capture viewers’ interest.
  • Limit text (no more than 800 words); use headings, bulleted lists, and enumeration where possible.
  • Select highly legible font styles (no more than three) and use them consistently throughout.
  • Use dark text on a light background to maximize readability.
  • Don’t overdo color; select a color scheme and use color strategically. (Overuse of bright colors or use of clashing colors can distract readers.)


Setting Up

You are responsible for transporting your poster to and from the Convention site. Ideally, print your poster in a size that can be rolled up and slid into a tube for transport (and slide in a few tacks for mounting).

The poster display boards are 8’ wide x 4’ tall, and your poster must fit comfortably within that space. There are enough display boards to accommodate one poster per side of the board. You are responsible for mounting your own poster, so please bring your own push pins.


Your Poster Session

You will have a designated session time slot during which you will “present” your poster and interact with attendees about your work. Please arrive a few minutes early and stay near your poster throughout the duration of your session.

Poster Presentation Tips:

  • Develop a “talk” that will complement your poster’s information; consider probable viewer questions as you prepare.
  • Prepare a few different versions of your poster “talk”:
    • a quick 30-second overview of the project
    • a 60-second summary plus brief explanations about each major poster heading
    • a 3-minute explanation of the poster and its visual content
  • Practice your talk, complete with gestures, while maintaining eye contact.
  • During the poster session, allow viewers some time look at poster’s content, particularly the visuals, and then tell them about it.
  • Bring your business cards and a stack of handouts that summarize your presentation for attendees to take away from your session.
  • Bring a sign-up sheet to collect contact information to email additional information after the Convention to those interested.


Enjoy your poster session at the CCCC Annual Convention!


Criteria and Guidelines

Submit a Proposal

The proposal submission database is now open.
Proposal deadline for the 2025 CCCC Annual Convention is 9:00 a.m. ET on Friday, May 31, 2024.

Full Call for Proposals

Criteria and Guidelines

General Information

Program Format

Area Clusters

Information Required to Submit

Grants and Travel Awards

Evaluation Criteria for Proposals

Regardless of role or session type, reviewers for the 2025 Convention will use the following criteria to evaluate proposals:

  • Engages with the conference theme, “‘Computer Love’: Extended Play, B-Sides, Remix, Collaboration, and Creativity,” in postsecondary writing research, teaching, and/or administration, whether explicitly or implicitly. In other words, proposal writers are not required to use the conference theme in their panel titles. Given the conference theme, writers are welcome to pose questions they may not yet be able to answer, that speak to a recognition of existing abundances, in their proposal.
  • Reflects an awareness of diverse audience needs relevant to the topic.
  • Practices citation justice. The proposal is situated in relation to existing scholarship and research in the field, and uplifts and amplifies Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, and other multiply marginalized perspectives. The proposal may also describe how the presenters will learn from other minoritized communities to further their thinking about the topic.
  • Demonstrates a concrete and specific plan that aligns with the criteria for the selected session type.

General Guidelines for Authors of Proposals

  • The proposal submission database opened April 6, 2024.
  • By Monday, April 22, email to request a coach to assist you with your proposal. Submit a draft of your proposal so the coach has something to review.
  • Follow the proposal format.
  • Be as specific and clear as possible about the focus and purpose of your proposal, and provide only the information requested. The volume of proposals to review makes supplemental material difficult to manage.
  • Meet the May 31 deadline and submit electronically through the online program proposal system.
  • Notify NCTE immediately (1-800-369-6283 or of address changes.
  • Expect official invitations to be sent in early September 2024 to those whose proposals have been accepted.
  • Names appearing in the 2025 Convention Program will include those whose peer-reviewed proposals have been accepted and/or those who will be serving in a Documentarian role (and who have completed the required support module) and who have paid registrations.
Special Note for Proposal Submitters:
  • Please note that when you submit a proposal draft, a confirmation email will be sent to the 1st person listed on the proposal submission. Please make sure you, the submitter, is listed first so you receive the email as it will include information on re-entering the proposal system so you can edit the proposal, if needed.

Attend the 2016 CCCC Annual Convention

Linda Addler-KassnerJoin us for CCCC 2016! This year’s conference theme, “Writing Strategies for Action,” will provide a chance to think about the opportunities and challenges that we face as we engage with the work of writing instruction and literacy development.

Presenters will stimulate your thinking as they share recent research focusing on issues of concern to those in and out of the field: definitions of writing and good writing in different contexts; ways to engage and draw on the field’s disciplinary identity and knowledge; new methods for learning about writing, writers, or contexts for writing; policy questions that affect conditions for writing, writers, and the teaching of writing in different contexts; questions associated with the ways writing circulates in communities beyond the university; and more. Attendees are sure to leave with new ideas to bring to their own classes and institutions.

Taking Action ButtonAttendees will have a chance to leave with more than just ideas, too. CCCC 2016 will feature Taking Action Workshops that will provide opportunities to develop specific strategies for action. These workshops are free to all attendees and take place during regular session time blocks. CCCC 2016 will also feature a number of opportunities to enable you to develop and practice with strategies for action, including special activity stations in the Action Hub.

I invite you to bring your ideas, energies, and concerns to CCCC 2016 so that together, we can engage in and think about how to use writing strategies for action.

See you in Houston!

Linda Addler-Kassner
Program Chair
2016 CCCC Annual Convention


Still not convinced? Click here for the Top Three Reasons to Attend CCCC 2016!

For more on the theme for this year’s Convention, see the official Call for Proposals. (Note: CCCC is no longer accepting proposals for this event.)  


Pitch Practicing in the Action Hub

The Pitch Practicing station in the Action Hub is an opportunity for you to practice your pitch to a range of (role-played) audiences. Colleagues from the field will be there, ready to listen to what you have to say and to provide feedback on your pitches in real time, helping you to make the best case that you can for what you’d like to achieve.

There’s no need to schedule a pitch practicing slot; just go to the Pitch Practicing Station in the Action Hub, and they’ll be waiting!

A schedule of colleagues and the roles they’re ready to play:


A Sessions
10:30 a.m. to
11:45 a.m.

Rita Malenczyk – parent, union member, WPA

Deb Holdstein – dean, department chair

Anne Ruggles Gere – WPA, dean, student, donor

Shirley Wilson Logan – English department colleague, faculty member from another discipline, non tenure track faculty member, high school teacher, parent

Barbara Cambridge – provost, legislator, policymaker, lobbyist, administrators, disciplinary association officer (CCCC, NCTE…)

B Sessions
12:15 p.m. to
1:30 p.m.

David Jolliffe – community arts advocate

Dominic Delli Carpini – faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, dean, parent of incoming first year student, disciplinary association officer, administrator

Iris Ruiz – graduate student, lecturer, union member, activist

Peter Mortensen – WPA, dean, provost’s senior staff, donor, parent, state higher ed authority

Jeff Grabill – department chair, community member, university administrator, parent

Becca Hayes – graduate student, parent, foundation/nonprofit employee, community member/activist/advocate

C Sessions
1:45 p.m. to
3:00 p.m.

Bud Weiser – dean, department chair, WPA

Eva Payne – two-year college department chair colleague, faculty member, dual credit advocate or opponent

Andrea Lunsford – faculty member, parent, journalist, chair, dean, donor

Jeff Andelora – department chair, parent, colleague, WPA, student, high school teacher

Shirley Rose – WPA, parent, faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, parent of incoming first year student, community member, administrator, director of external group with interest in higher ed

Kathleen Blake Yancey – department chair, faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, high school teacher, parent, community member

Howard Tinberg – faculty member, parent, high school teacher, department chair, journalist

D Sessions
3:15 p.m. to
4:30 p.m.

John Schilb – faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, dean, high school teacher/principal, parent of incoming student, community member, private donor

Lil Brannon – faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, dean, high school teacher/principal, parent, community member, private donor

Joyce Kinkead – journalist, dean, provost, PR/media representative from campus

E Sessions
4:45 p.m. to
6:00 p.m.

Bill Hart-Davidson – dean, ed tech company representative

Raul Sanchez – WPA, union member, union president



F Sessions
8:00 a.m. to
9:15 a.m.

Not Available.


G Sessions
9:30 a.m. to
10:45 a.m.

Eva Payne – two-year college department chair colleague, faculty member, dual credit advocate or opponent

Shirley Wilson Logan – English department colleague, faculty member from another discipline, non tenure track faculty member, high school teacher, parent

Jeff Andelora – department chair, parent, colleague, WPA, student, high school teacher

Shirley Rose – WPA, parent, faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, parent of incoming first year student, community member, administrator, director of external group with interest in higher ed

Elyse Eidman-Aadahl – foundation officer, education policy maker, government official

Les Perelman – reporter, university/college news officer, administrator, STEM faculty member

H Sessions
11:00 a.m. to
12:15 p.m.

David Jolliffe – community arts advocate

Chris Thaiss – faculty colleague, colleague from another discipline, dean, high school teacher/principal, parent, community member, administrator, student, pro or anti-public education legislator, union member, donor, journalist

Andrea Lunsford – faculty member, parent, journalist, chair, dean, donor

Bill Hart-Davidson – dean, ed tech company representative

Donnie Sackey – faculty colleague, colleague from another department, activist, graduate student

Jeff Grabill – department chair, community member, university administrator, parent

I Sessions
12:30 p.m. to
1:45 p.m.

Bud Weiser – dean, department chair, WPA

Anne Ruggles Gere – WPA, dean, student, donor

Dominic Delli Carpini – faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, dean, parent of incoming first year student, disciplinary association officer, administrator

Peter Mortensen – WPA, dean, provost’s senior staff, donor, parent, state higher ed authority

Barbara Cambridge – provost, legislator, policymaker, lobbyist, administrators, disciplinary association officer (CCCC, NCTE…)

J Sessions
2:00 p.m. to
3:15 p.m.

Duane Roen – dean, provost, department chair, parent, WPA, high school teacher, community member, disciplinary association officer

Jeff Klausman – community college WPA, department chair, union leader

Malea Powell – department chair, graduate director, journal/book series editor, community member

Becca Hayes – graduate student, parent, foundation/nonprofit employee, community member/activist/advocate

K Sessions
3:30 p.m. to
4:45 p.m.

Michael Pemberton – writing center director, WAC director, parent, faculty member from another department politician (pro or anti public education) donor

Ryan Skinnell – parent, WPA, community member

L Sessions
9:30 a.m. to
10:45 a.m.

Michael Pemberton – writing center director, WAC director, parent, faculty member from another department politician (pro or anti public education) donor

John Schilb – faculty colleague, faculty member from another discipline, dean, high school teacher/principal, parent of incoming student, community member, private donor

Chuck Schuster – dean, legislator, faculty colleague, colleague from another department, irate parent, student

Elyse Eidman-Aadahl – foundation officer, education policy maker, government official

Joyce Kinkead – journalist, dean, provost, PR/media representative from campus

About the CCCC Annual Convention

1. How is the convention site chosen?
About 5 years prior to a convention, NCTE/CCCC convention staff begin to look for convention locations using the criteria outlined below. From those possibilities, a list of sites is presented to the membership, who provide feedback on the locations. A final list of 2-3 sites is then presented to the executive committee for discussion no later than three years prior to the year in which the convention is to be held.

The list of possible sites is determined by a number of logistical considerations (e.g., size) and principles passed by past Executive Committees. For instance, the convention site must:

  • Be aligned with CCCC’s mission and vision
  • Not have any existing or pending legislation that is unjust or perpetuates inequality against one or more groups of people
  • Accommodate at least 3,500 presenters in concurrent presentations (approximately 45 presentation rooms)
  • Be accessible for participants with disabilities
  • Provide adequate A/V and wireless bandwidth within the budget allocated for technology by the CCCC Executive Committee
  • Be located within walking or public transportation distance from hotels

Meanwhile, the convention location must:

  • Have a number of hotels (including the main conference hotel) with rooms at reasonable rates for the locale
  • Be located near a major airport
  • Be aligned with the principles and values articulated in the CCCC mission

Convention sites are chosen on a rotation: East, Midwest, West, Midwest, East, Midwest, etc., whenever possible.

To select possible convention locations, the NCTE convention staff (who also coordinate the CCCC convention siting process) visit a number of possible locations. They put together a proposal outlining the possibilities, pros, and cons of each location. A list of 2-4 possible sites is then put to the CCCC membership for feedback. The sites are then voted on by the CCCC Executive Committee for a final decision. At the time of the decision, the convention staff present the EC with a more thorough dossier that includes the budgets and contracts for the site (including convention facilities and hotels), a summary of the political situation in the convention location, and member feedback.

Currently, the CCCC Convention is sited through 2027.

2. Where is it going next?

3. Where has it been?

4. Are there any cities or states where we can’t go, in protest to some laws?
Not precisely. In November, 2013, the CCCC Executive Committee passed the CCCC Convention and Hostile Legislation Guiding Principles. This forms a foundation for site selection.

5. Has the convention ever been moved or cancelled?
The convention was moved from the San Francisco Hilton to the Moscone Center in 2005 because the hotel workers in San Francisco went on strike. However, CCCC pledged to return to SF for the 2009 convention, thus avoiding millions of dollars in contract cancellation fees. The 2020 convention in Milwaukee was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This required many months of negotiation to minimize financial penalties to the organization. The 2021 and 2022 convention were moved to virtual events, again due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which also required many months of renegotiation and a re-booking of the convention sites for 2023 and 2024.

6. Why is it so complicated to move or cancel the convention?
Several reasons. The CCCC convention is largely a volunteer effort. It is coordinated by the officer elected as assistant chair approximately 16 months before the convention takes place (in other words, the officer elected in August will run the convention not the next spring, but the spring afterward). That officer begins work on the convention, drafting their convention call, about 30 days after they step into the position as assistant chair (in December following their election).

From that moment forward, and especially after the convention that occurs a few months later, they are working in earnest on planning their convention. This includes visiting the site, recruiting a volunteer local committee (consisting of colleagues in the area), and planning local events and activities. In June/July, the convention chair works with NCTE staff on proposal review. At that point, the chair begins fitting the convention into the space available for the convention – because each convention is fit only to the available space, not to a generic space. Once this process begins, the investment of time, connections, and money has begun; each of those is lost if and when a convention is moved or cancelled. NCTE also signs contracts for space (convention and hotel) once a convention is sited. The contracts for these locations have cancellation penalties. Depending on the contracts, these penalties can be extremely expensive (hundreds of thousands to over one million dollars).

Any funds associated with cancellation come from the CCCC contingency fund, money set aside for transformational CCCC efforts and initiatives. A drop in CCCC’s budget could mean the loss or elimination of these efforts. It also inhibits CCCC’s and NCTE’s abilities to negotiate future contracts, since these contracts require that organizations have funds available in case of emergency cancellation.

8. While I’m at it, where do I learn about CCCC governance, committees, policies, etc.?

9. If I want to be more involved in the organization, what can I do?
Join a Special Interest Group or Standing Group (see the program for meeting times) and/or express your interest in serving on a CCCC committee (including award selection committees) by emailing the CCCC Liaison at

10. How are CCCC EC Members and Officers elected?
A nominating committee solicits nominations and presents a slate for voting.

11. How does CCCC pay for its meeting rooms?
Two models. In large hotels (and some convention center cities), CCCC gets free or substantially subsidized meeting rooms if members fill a certain number of sleeping rooms. (CCCC contracts for a certain number of rooms. If bookings fall short, the organization has to pay the difference. If it books too few, then members can be left to fend for themselves.) In other sites, we pay separately for meeting rooms in the hotel or in a convention center. This costs tens and tens of thousands of dollars.

12. What’s the registration fee, and how does that compare to other national association convention fees?
$240 for CCCC members; substantially less for grad students and adjuncts/retirees/veterans. Generally cheaper. This compares very favorably to other national association conferences, whose registration costs are generally upward of $300.00. The CCCC Executive Committee has consistently voted over the years to keep registration costs as low as possible.

13. How generously does CCCC support adjuncts, graduate students, etc.?
CCCC has a number of programs supporting adjuncts, graduate students, and undergraduates.

The CCCC Assistance Fund for Contingent Faculty provides funding ($750 grants) to the CCCC Annual Convention to contingent faculty at two-year colleges and four-year colleges and universities. Funds are raised from the CCCC membership and matched by CCCC. The number of awards is dependent on the amount of donations received.

The Professional Equity Project subsidizes adjuncts, providing registration, membership in CCCC, and a check for $310.

Scholars for the Dream gives 20 awards (of $1,000 each) for scholars of color to attend the convention.

Tribal College awards gives 2 awards (of $1,500 each) to attend the convention. In recent years, 4 graduate students each year have received $750 to attend the convention.

Most recently, 6 individuals receive $750 scholarships for their work on disability issues; 3 individuals whose work participates in the making of meaning out of sexual and gender minority experiences receive $750 scholarships; and 2 scholars from Mexico, Central, or South America receive $1,000 scholarships. This amounts to approximately $60,000 of support each year.

14. Do CCCC’s leaders wish we could do more to support these groups?
Certainly! That said, the Executive Committee (which serves as the financial manager for the organization) must balance between the needs and interests of all of its members, trying to use its resources (people, financial) as effectively as it possibly can. This means that the Executive Committee needs to be very strategic in its decisions at all times.

15. How do we pay for the support we do provide?
Membership dues, convention registrations, member contributions, sponsorships, and advertising and exhibiting income.

16. After all the convention bills are paid, what do the members get from a surplus—if any?
As a nonprofit, membership organization, CCCC puts any surpluses towards programming and membership services. For example, in the past decade, CCCC has funded over $600,000 in research grants.

17. Who sets the program?
The CCCC program chair (assistant chair of CCCC) writes the call for proposals and sets the strategic direction for the convention. The assistant chair also recruits Stage 1 and Stage 2 reviewers. This group blind reviews all submissions for CCCC.

Stage 1 review takes place online (usually between May and June), and has historically included individual proposal submissions. Stage 1 review must be completed before stage 2 review can begin.

Stage 2 review typically takes place online has historically included all panel submissions and workshops.

18. What’s the acceptance rate?
Historically, 33-38%.

19. How does NCTE staff help?
As a conference of NCTE, CCCC has no staff of its own. Instead, CCCC contracts with NCTE staff to assist with the management of the conference. In this instance, CCCC contracts with NCTE’s convention department, which helps not only CCCC and the NCTE annual conventions but also meetings of several other constituent groups. CCCC benefits from the expertise of those staff. The NCTE staff designs and handles printing, websites, hotel and exhibitor negotiations, registrations, etc. Membership dues and convention registrations pay a portion of the salaries of the many good NCTE folks.

Funding Opportunities for the CCCC Annual Convention

Assistance Fund for Contingent Faculty

Supports awards in the amount of $750 each for contingent faculty at two-year colleges and four-year colleges and universities to travel to the CCCC Annual Convention. Applicants must reside more than 250 miles from the convention site. The number of available awards each year will be dependent on the donations raised each year from the CCCC membership. Please click here for application information.

Chairs’ Memorial Scholarship

To remember and honor the Chairs of CCCC who have passed away, the CCCC Executive Committee has created scholarships of $750 each to help cover the costs of four graduate students who are presenting at the annual conference.  Full-time graduate students whose presentations were selected through the regular peer review process are eligible to apply.  Please click here for submission information.

Disability in College Composition Travel Awards

Six travel awards of $750 each (3 for graduate students and 3 for faculty and staff) designed to support scholarship dedicated to improving knowledge about the intersections of disability with composition and rhetoric, the value of disability as a source of diversity, inclusive practices and the promotion of access, and the value of disability as a critical lens. The awards will go to the eligible scholars whose CCCC Annual Convention accepted program proposals are determined to have the greatest potential to further the goals laid out in the CCCC Policy on Disability. Please click here for submission information.

Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award

Supports up to three travel awards in the amount of $750 each for graduate students or first-time presenters at the CCCC Convention whose whose work participates in the making of meaning out of sexual and gender minority experiences. Please click here for submission information.

The Luiz Antonio Marcuschi Travel Awards

Two $1,000 travel reimbursement awards are available to scholars living and working/studying in Mexico, Central, or South America who have papers accepted for presentation at the CCCC Annual Convention. Please click here for submission information.

Scholars for the Dream Travel Award

CCCC sponsors the Scholars for the Dream Award to encourage scholarship by historically underrepresented groups. These groups include Black, Latinx, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander scholars—persons whose presence and whose contributions are central to the full realization of our professional goals. CCCC offers to emerging scholars up to twenty travel awards of $1,000 each in two categories and sponsors a reception for all award winners.  Please click here for submission information.

Professional Equity Project (PEP)

CCCC invites you to participate in the Professional Equity Project (PEP). CCCC will offer a grant valued at $500 to teachers of writing with part-time or adjunct status at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and universities to attend the CCCC annual convention. The $500 grant includes a check for $310 to help cover expenses, a paid registration for the conference, and a complimentary membership in CCCC.  Please click here for nomination information.

Tribal College Faculty Fellowship

The Tribal College Faculty Fellowship offers financial aid to selected faculty members currently working at tribally controlled colleges to attend the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). We are offering two Tribal College Faculty Fellowships in the amount of $1,500 each.  Please click here for submission information.

Cultivating Ideas for CCCC 2017

Submit an Idea!

Submission Deadline:

September 15, 2016


Submit by email:

Include “Cultivate Session” or “Think-Tank Session” in your subject line.

As you may recall from the original convention CFP, my goal for the Portland convention is to provide space within the program to engage as a “conference,” a meeting of minds—to come together to discuss and work on shared interests in an informal, democratic way.

To this end, the chair’s portion of the convention program will largely be dedicated to two new types of highly interactive sessions:

  1. “cultivate” sessions—workshop-style sessions, which provide space for members to “cultivate capacity” in various ways
  2. “think-tank” sessions—facilitated discussions around organizational, professional, or disciplinary issues or concerns, intended to generate concrete recommendations for how to “create change.”

In both cases, these sessions will draw upon member interests and expertise and will be designed to be collaborative, working exchanges rather than “presentations” with featured speakers.

While some “cultivate” sessions have already been solicited from members or groups or have been selected out of proposals submitted in the blind review process, I am also calling on the general membership to help me shape the program in order to create featured sessions that are member-driven and member-supportive.

A few possible topic areas include:

  • cultivating new voices/new lines of inquiry in research and scholarship
  • preparing future and early-career professionals (including majors/graduate programs)
  • improving literacy teaching and learning
  • sustaining ourselves as professionals throughout career
  • engaging and retaining members in the organization
  • cultivating future CCCC leaders
    developing our public voice (teacher/scholar/advocate)
  • cultivating connections (cross-generational, across interest groups, between institution types, interdisciplinary, etc.)
  • advocating for social justice and equity inside and outside the organization

I invite you to email me ( by September 15, 2016, with your session ideas related to the topics above or with other themes or issues you would like me to consider for “cultivate” or “think-tank” sessions.

I welcome your recommendations for potential facilitators and/or plans for engaging members around these or other themes. (Please include “cultivate session” or “think-tank” in the subject line of your email.) There is no need to send full “proposals,” as your suggestions will not go through a formal review process. I will read your ideas and follow up with those I may want to feature in the limited space I have available on the program.

Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt
CCCC 2017 Program Chair


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