When you agree to accept the nomination for Assistant Chair, you are making a serious four-year commitment as an Officer of CCCC. You may wish to consider the following issues before deciding on your candidacy:
1. Travel and Time Commitments
You must attend a one-time orientation and three annual meetings for four consecutive years. In addition, the CCCC Officers meet virtually either monthly or every two months, depending the time of year.
- Attend an online orientation following election and prior to/at the start of the four-year term.
- CCCC Convention, including one Officers’ Meetings (Tuesday afternoon), one Executive Committee meeting (all day Wednesday), Reception for new Executive Committee Members (Wednesday evening), Opening General Session (Thursday morning), Scholars for the Dream Reception (Thursday evening), Award Presentation (Friday evening), and Annual Business Meeting (Friday evening).
- CCCC Officers’ Meeting in January (Arrive Friday afternoon, meet all day Saturday and a half day Sunday, return home on Sunday afternoon/evening).
- NCTE Convention in November, CCCC Officers’ Meeting (Saturday afternoon), Executive Committee Retreat (Sunday afternoon), and Executive Committee Meeting (Monday)
You must attend or participate virtually in the following additional meetings:
- As Assistant/Associate Chair, you will be planning the CCCC Convention.
- Virtual participation in June or July after election for Stage II of review process (two to three days).
- Spring/Summer after election Convention site visit.
As Assistant Chair, you will attend the following at the NCTE Convention in preparation for your service on the NCTE Executive Committee:
NCTE Executive Committee orientation on Wednesday before the start of the Convention; and
NCTE Executive Committee meeting on Thursday during the Convention, as a non-voting member.
As Associate Chair and Chair, you will represent CCCC on the NCTE Executive Committee.
The NCTE Executive Committee meets four times annually:
- November NCTE Convention (Wednesday pre-Convention and Thursday)
- Executive Committee and Convention Planning Meeting held virtually (2.5 days with EC and 1.5 days for Convention Planning)
- May online budget approval meeting
- July/August in person (Thursday evening thru Sunday noon)
As Chair, you will represent CCCC on the NCTE College Forum Committee. The NCTE College Forum Committee meets during the summer NCTE EC Meeting.
As Immediate Past Chair: Serve on the CCCC Nominating Committee.
2. Institutional Support and Commitments
In the past, Chairs have typically garnered support from their institutions for a 50% graduate assistant and/or professional clerical staff to help during the year of convention planning. This financial commitment is not a determining factor in selecting Chairs candidates, but it is nonetheless an important consideration to take into account.
Most chairs have negotiated time/course release with their institutions for the year of convention planning. We recommend holding preliminary conversations with your department chair and dean about possible release time and financial support.
Candidates agree not to campaign during the election process.