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2015 CCCC Convention Program

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Program by section



CCCC Supports

Research Grants

Emergent Researcher Award
These awards are intended to invest in CCCC members by rewarding and supporting: early career researchers; writing faculty/instructors who have not had the opportunity to engage in funded research; and/or writing faculty/instructors who do not have support for research within their institutions. In addition to funding research up to $10,000 per project, the Emergent Researcher Awards also provide research support.

Research Initiative
The CCCC Research Initiative invites proposals for research projects that can contribute to or affect discussions about literacy and writing instruction in and out of formal education. This program funds proposals up to $10,000 each.

CCCC/TYCA Editorial Fellowship
Travel Scholarships and Grants
CCCC Childcare Grants
CCCC Annual Convention
CCCC Summer Conferences

Position Statement on CCCC Standards for Ethical Conduct Regarding Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment, and Workplace Bullying

Conference on College Composition and Communication
November 2016; Revised March 2020

Executive Summary

The goal of this position statement is to outline expectations of ethical conduct by CCCC members as they relate to sexual violence, sexual harassment, and workplace bullying, building upon NCTE’s Mutual Respect and Anti-Harassment Policy applied to all NCTE events. This position statement is meant to facilitate a greater understanding of ethical conduct as it pertains to sexual violence, sexual harassment, and workplace bullying as they occur in a range of contexts among postsecondary teachers and researchers in the profession as well as students and other stakeholders served by CCCC members. CCCC condemns sexual violence, sexual harassment, and workplace bullying in any form and seeks to foster a sense of responsibility among members as they combat these forms of ethical misconduct. This statement offers a glossary for understanding such misconduct, as well as resources on reporting sexual misconduct and workplace bullying, and resources on professional ethics.


Given histories of sexual misconduct and workplace bullying within academia broadly and our profession specifically, CCCC forwards this statement on sexual violence, sexual harassment, and workplace bullying to help protect vulnerable or subordinate populations from harm incurred, knowingly or unknowingly, by teachers, researchers, and administrators. This document aligns with long-held positions of numerous prominent scholarly organizations (see Resources: Professional Ethics below) and builds upon the foundation laid by NCTE’s Mutual Respect and Anti-Harassment Policy to address sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and unwelcome sexual attention, with the addition of workplace bullying, as these behaviors apply specifically to postsecondary teachers, researchers, and administrators in the profession.

CCCC is committed to protecting the rights, safety, dignity, and well-being of those involved in our research, our teaching, and in the range of professional training environments that occur within the field of writing studies/rhetoric and composition. CCCC further has a commitment to creating conditions supportive of professional competence, honesty and fairness, professional and scholarly responsibility, and contributing to the public good. Thus, CCCC condemns sexual violence, sexual harassment, and workplace bullying in any form.

To behave ethically within national organizations necessitates an awareness of power differentials among students, teachers, administrators, researchers, research assistants and associates, research participants, peers, mentors, and mentees. Teachers and researchers are responsible for implementing ethical research and professional practices in association with institutional ethics review bodies such as departments, faculties, universities, colleges, community organizations, and funding agencies, as well as regional and national federations of faculty members.

This statement is intended to inform members’ ethical judgments as they consider asymmetric and sometimes shifting power relations—in relation to position titles, identity politics, institutional norms, etc.—among themselves and others they work with in professional roles. The role of CCCC as a professional organization is to serve as a forum for working through problems of research ethics, teaching practices, writing assessment, working with students, and for educating the public about literacy. Its powers of enforcement are limited to moral persuasion, public discussion, and the recommendation of resources for conflict resolution. We recognize that this statement’s strength and requisite influence depend on its circulation, discussion, reflection, and use by CCCC members.

Sexual Misconduct and Harassment

CCCC does not condone sexual harassment, nor does it condone the disregard of complaints of sexual harassment from students, staff, or colleagues. While relationships between faculty and student, mentor and mentee are in some ways unequal, in some circumstances they might raise actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Such conflicts may arise when personal and professional relationships are mixed, and care should be exercised under those circumstances to protect the interests of less powerful parties. Use of asymmetric power by members of the profession resulting in sexual harassment of a student, a colleague, or a staff member is seen as unacceptable and unethical behavior by CCCC (a conference of NCTE).

Intent and Impact
Intentionality is of central importance when considering instances of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and discrimination, but the lack of intentionality should not be used or accepted as a blanket excuse for harassment or discrimination. The question of the impact of one’s behavior is more important than the intent behind it. Conduct that impacts a member negatively as unwelcome, coercive, or nonconsensual is determined by the recipient of the behavior rather than the initiator. Sexual, racial, homophobic, transphobic, and other such harassment are abuses of power that negate both the principle of equal opportunity and the possibilities of a good working and meeting environment.

Asymmetrical Power Relations and Exploitation
Ethical behavior by CCCC is recognized as that which recognizes asymmetries in power that are distinguishable between members and does not exploit asymmetric power for personal gain. Asymmetric relationships might include relationships between teachers and undergraduate, graduate, and research students, as well as relationships that place an individual in a position to evaluate their colleagues or allocate resources to them. We define exploitation as engaging in conduct in order to obtain personal, sexual, economic, or professional advantages. CCCC members should be aware that such inequalities of power pertain not only in cases of overt sexual harassment, but also in relationships that involve consent and an attendant hierarchy. Members should take care to ensure that personal or sexual relationships entered into at work on a consensual and reciprocal basis do not exploit those inequalities of power and do not disadvantage or unfairly advantage the less powerful.

Decisions and circumstances involving professional ethical obligations often extend past an individual moment of contact: peer and senior members of the field may be positioned in varied ways in the future beyond a direct supervisory/advisory role. In thinking through situations of professional ethics, it is thus important to remember that the colleagues one encounters today may in the future be department chairs, colleagues with oversight responsibilities, committee members who hire faculty or award grants, reviewers for manuscripts, editors of professional journals, leaders in professional organizations, and writers of support letters for employment, tenure, and promotion cases.

Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying is bullying that occurs in any setting in which work-related activities happen and consists of a pattern of behavior or behaviors that persist over a period of time. These behaviors negatively impact the target of the bullying, interfering with the target’s ability to do their job. While many behaviors can make up bullying—ranging from rumors and criticism to verbal abuse—research on bullying in the WPA workplace has shown that bullying behaviors often work to exclude and isolate, to undermine individuals and writing programs, to exert control over individuals and writing programs, and to intimidate through verbal or physical actions or attacks (see Defining, Locating, and Addressing Bullying in the WPA Workplace). For a list of 22 workplace bullying behaviors as identified by the NAQ-R (Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised), see the link below under Resources for Workplace Bullying. For a more thorough exploration of bullying specific to writing programs, see the CWPA Statement on Bullying in the Workplace (also below).

CCCC does not condone bullying in the workplace, nor does it condone the disregard of complaints of workplace bullying from students, staff, or colleagues. While relationships between administrators and faculty, faculty and faculty, faculty and student, as well as mentor and mentee are in some ways unequal, power relations are often complicated and shifting. Care should be exercised to protect the interests of less-powerful parties. Use of asymmetric power by members of the profession resulting in workplace bullying is seen as unacceptable and unethical behavior by CCCC.

Intent and Impact
As with sexual harassment and misconduct, workplace bullying may be intentional or unintentional, and it is the impact of the behavior that is at issue, not the intent. In fact, bullies often do not recognize their behavior as bullying. Many scholars of workplace bullying assert that it is the target who decides when bullying has occurred, while others suggest that behaviors can be deemed bullying when a reasonable person identifies abusive behaviors as such. Because workplace bullying can negatively impact the target’s ability to do their work, the impact is more important than the intent.

Structural Risk Factors and Power Differentials
Major risk factors that contribute to the widespread presence of workplace bullying in higher education include the size of higher education institutions, the tenure structure, a ubiquitous lack of resources, and perceptions of unfair practices. Most important to this position statement is the risk that comes along with the hierarchical environment in most postsecondary institutions. For example, the strict reporting lines of tenure structures and departments can make it difficult to report bullying, particularly when one’s supervisor is the bully or one’s supervisor chooses not to address a colleague’s bullying behavior. However, having a higher status in the tenure hierarchy does not necessarily protect one from being the target of bullying, particularly as power relations can change multiple times over the course of one’s career and are affected by identity politics, disciplinary affiliation, mobbing, and other factors. Structural risk factors are typically outside the control of individuals, and targets are not to be blamed for being bullied. Therefore, we emphasize the professional ethical obligation for CCCC members to be aware of their own conduct and to respond as allies when they witness bullying as referenced in the following section.

Professional Ethical Obligations

Implicit in the idea of professionalism is for those in positions of authority to recognize that their relationships with others always involve elements of power, particularly in circumstances where they might be in a position to evaluate and endorse subordinates’ work or to respond to sexual violence, sexual harassment, and workplace bullying they witness or to evaluate their own behaviors for elements of these destructive actions. It is incumbent upon members of the profession not to abuse the power with which they are entrusted.

CCCC recognizes that student members of the profession (whether undergraduate or graduate) as well as contingent and untenured faculty and faculty of color or from underrepresented groups may be particularly vulnerable in the power structure of the academy. For this reason, CCCC supports the position that all members of CCCC feel secure while at CCCC-sponsored events, and that members know that CCCC is concerned with their safety, dignity, and well-being as it relates to their professional lives.

Sexual Misconduct and Harassment
CCCC expects members to recognize and avoid exploitive behavior that manifests as coercive sexual contact or harassment and to be familiar with affirmative consent. Exploitive and nonconsensual sexual relationships undermine the atmosphere of trust among students, staff, and faculty on which the educational process depends and constitute unprofessional and unethical behavior. CCCC encourages in all members a sense of care and responsibility in making decisions in situations that invoke sexual ethics and to know, use, and promote training they’ve received in Title IX and Equity offices in their home institutions. CCCC expects members to be familiar with the NCTE Mutual Respect and Anti-Harassment Policy, which prohibits sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and unwelcome sexual contact in all venues and events. CCCC supports in all members those reporting obligations set by Title IX, specifically, the expectation that members report witnessed instances of sexual violence and sexual harassment in off-campus education activities. CCCC also acknowledges, however, recommendations offered by the AAUP for colleges and universities to avoid making faculty mandatory reporters. CCCC encourages members to be aware of the ways individual administrations and institutions elect to implement Title IX policy. (See “The History, Uses, and Abuses of Title IX” linked below.) 

Workplace Bullying
CCCC expects members to recognize and avoid exploitive behavior that manifests as workplace bullying. CCCC encourages in all members a sense of responsibility in making decisions in situations that invoke professional workplace ethics and to identify and address workplace bullying they’ve witnessed or been told about. For suggested responses to workplace bullying, see the link below to the CWPA Position Statement on Bullying in the Workplace.

Appendix: Additional Resources


Below is a glossary of terms used to talk about sexual violence, sexual harassment, and hostile environments. The glossary is informed by terms and definitions in Unveiling the Silence: No!: The Rape Documentary Study Guide (2007), edited by Salamishah Tillet, Rachel Afi Quinn, and Aishah Shahidah Simmons.

  • Accountability: a willingness for one to have their behavior critiqued by others. If applicable, accountability can also mean taking responsibility for behaviors, actions, and errors that are unjust and accepting and acting on the need for a change to occur in recognition of this new understanding of a matter learned from the response of others.
  • Bullying: As defined by the Workplace Bullying Institute, “workplace bullying is repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is:
  • Consent: explicit words or actions that express a choice to participate in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. It is imperative to note that affirmative or positive consent is not guaranteed when drugs, alcohol, medication, or any substance or circumstance that could impair someone has been used.
  • Harassment: whether verbal, psychological, or physical, behavior that may discriminate or disempower others based on another person’s race/ethnicity, gender identification, religious status, nationality or national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability status, political beliefs or affiliation, chosen research or teaching area, or employment status. Harassment creates a hostile environment that compromises the professional freedoms, development, and performance of its victims and undermines the atmosphere of trust essential to the academic enterprise. Members of the CCCC are expected to create professional settings that foster respect for the rights of others.
  • NAQ-R (Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised): a 22-item survey instrument used to measure exposure to workplace bullying.
  • Perpetrator: one who commits or has committed a crime against another. Assailant and Offender are also often used in this statement and elsewhere to refer to a perpetrator.
  • Rape: a crime of forced, manipulated, or coerced sexual intercourse.
  • Rape Culture: an environment in which attitudes, ideologies, and gender socialization justify (or do not challenge) nonconsensual sexual activity.
  • Sexual Harassment: behavior in the context of a professional and educational environment in which one person is sexualized and objectified. Examples of such harassment include sexual comments or remarks upon another individual’s body or sexuality; a quid pro quo in which sexual advances or acquiescence is accompanied by the threat of retaliation or a reward. Such behavior is illegal in the United States under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments.
  • Sexual Violence: unwanted or coercive sexual behavior, which can range from sexual bullying to rape. The terms rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse can be used interchangeably and refer to coercive, forced sexual contact.
  • Victim Blaming: holding the victim of a harm or assault, including sexually based crimes, responsible for having been assaulted.

Resources: Reporting Sexual Assault

Reporting Sexual Assault to Law Enforcement

How to File a Title IX Complaint

The History, Uses, and Abuses of Title IX

Bystanders: Help Prevent Sexual Assault

How to Respond to a Survivor

What Consent Looks Like

No-Contact Orders

Intersections of Race and Sexual Assault

Resources: Professional Ethics

MLA Statement of Professional Ethics

AAUP Statement of Professional Ethics

Canadian Sociological Association Statement of Professional Ethics

Canadian Association of University Teachers Policy Statement on Freedom from Harassment

Canadian Association of University Teachers Policy Statement on Professional on Professional Rights and Responsibilities

American Association of Geographers Statement on Professional Ethics

American Association of Physical Anthropologists Code of Ethics

National Communication Association Code of Professional Ethics

American Sociological Association Code of Ethics

Organization of American Historians Code of Ethics

American Musicological Association Guidelines for Ethical Conduct

American Political Science Association Guide to Professional Ethics

Resources: Teaching and Learning

Unveiling the Silence: No!: The Rape Documentary Study Guide

Resources: Workplace Bullying

Defining, Locating, and Addressing Bullying in the WPA Workplace

CWPA Position Statement on Bullying in the Workplace

NAQ-R (Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised)

Workplace Bullying in Higher Education

Workplace Bullying Institute

This position statement may be printed, copied, and disseminated without permission from NCTE.

CCC Podcasts–D. Alexis Hart and Roger Thompson

D. Alexis Hart and Roger Thompson
A conversation with D. Alexis Hart and Roger Thompson, coauthors of “Veterans in the Writing Classroom: Three Programmatic Approaches to Facilitate the Transition from the Military to Higher Education” (14:50).

D. Alexis Hart is associate professor of English and director of writing at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania. A US Navy veteran, she has published and edited scholarly work on veterans’ issues and was the co-recipient, with Roger Thompson, of a 2010 Conference on College Composition and Communication Research Initiative Grant to study veterans returning to college writing classrooms. She is co-chair of the CCCC Task Force on Veterans and an NCTE Policy Analyst for Higher Education in Pennsylvania.



Roger Thompson is associate professor in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stony Brook University and serves as senior fellow at Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families. He is coauthor of Beyond Duty: Life on the Frontline of Iraq and is author of two forthcoming books: Emerson and the History of Rhetoric and The Last Bears of Abruzzo.




Electronic Portfolios: Principles and Practices

As e-portfolios assume a greater role in institutional assessment, First-Year Composition (FYC) will most likely serve as the course that introduces them to students. Therefore, FYC faculty may have a particular, invested interest in identifying the principles and practices of e-portfolio development that prioritize student learning. Such principles and best practices, based on the theoretical knowledge that classroom evidence substantiates, enable composition faculty to provide students with experiences that help them expand and specialize their writing skills for a variety of cross-disciplinary programs and professional contexts beyond FYC.

Read the full statement, Principles and Practices in Electronic Portfolios (November 2007, Revised March 2015)

CCCC Guideline on the National Language Policy

Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), March 1988, Updated 1992, Revised March 2015


The National Language Policy is a response to efforts to make English the “official” language of the United States. This policy recognizes the historical reality that, even though English has become the language of wider communication, we are a multilingual society. All people in a democratic society have the right to education, to employment, to social services, and to equal protection under the law. No one should be denied these or any civil rights because of linguistic differences. This policy enables everyone to participate in the life of this multicultural nation by ensuring continued respect both for English, our common language, and for the many other languages that contribute to our rich cultural heritage.

CCCC National Language Policy

Be it resolved that CCCC members promote the National Language Policy adopted at the Executive Committee meeting on March 16, 1988. This policy has three inseparable parts:

  1. To provide resources to enable native and nonnative speakers to achieve oral and literate competence in English, the language of wider communication.
  2. To support programs that assert the legitimacy of native languages and dialects and ensure that proficiency in one’s mother tongue will not be lost.
  3. To foster the teaching of languages other than English so that native speakers of English can rediscover the language of their heritage or learn a second language.

Passed unanimously by both the Executive Committee and the membership at the CCCC Annual Meeting in March 1988, the National Language Policy is now the official policy of the CCCC.

Why Do We Need a National Language Policy?

Debates about declaring English the official language of the United States are centuries old. Those who established this nation opposed attempts to designate an official language in order to accommodate diverse colonizers and to maintain their declaration of freedom. However, in the nineteenth century, the government established off-reservation “boarding schools” for Native American children, forcibly removing them from their families and communities, and routinely inflicting severe abuse on Native children for speaking their languages. The explicit mission of the boarding schools was to eradicate Native cultures through forced assimilation. As a result of this U.S. educational policy, Native American languages in the United States are endangered; many are dormant.

Efforts to make English the official language surface during economic downturns or when the threat of war and/or increased immigration triggers widespread fears. During the World War I era, Nebraska passed an “English-Only” law at the height of European immigration. The most recent attempts surfaced in response to the influx of Asian and Latin American immigrants in the late twentieth century. In 1981, the late Senator S.I. Hayakawa sponsored a Constitutional amendment to make English the official language of the United States, which did not pass. In 1983, he founded “U.S. English” to promote national and statewide efforts. (Some accounts also cite John Tanton as a co-founder and driving force in that movement, which was a spinoff from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, also founded by him.) The latest federal proposal, which has been re-introduced in several sessions of Congress, is the English Language Unity Act (H.R. 997). In declaring English the official language of the U.S., this bill would remove the requirement for federal agencies to operate in languages other than English. H.R. 997 is currently before the House Judiciary Committee.

As of January 2015, twenty-eight states have declared English their sole official language. These laws declare that official government business must be conducted only in the English language; some include other restrictions, e.g., against bilingual education. Many Americans mistakenly believe that these laws give citizens the right to insist on “English-Only” everywhere. There has been an increase in the number of court cases in which parents who are not raising their child(ren) in English are threatened with loss of custody; in the re-assignment of teachers who speak accented English; and in the firing of workers who speak a language other than English on the job—including those who were hired to speak Spanish to customers and then ironically fired for speaking Spanish to each other.

Furthermore, throughout the U.S., the belief that “real” Americans speak only English has contributed to increased violence against speakers of other languages. More than 1,000 hate groups now exist in the U.S.; in 2010, the FBI reported that 67 percent of the victims of reported hate crimes were targeted because they were Latinas and Latinos.

In contrast, several states have taken stands against English language protectionism. In 1989, New Mexico, Washington, and Oregon passed “English-Plus” laws that protect the use of languages other than English and encourage the study of foreign languages. In Hawai`i and Alaska, Native languages are co-official with English, and French has special status in Louisiana.  Indigenous languages under United States occupation have a particular legal status at the federal level, in part because federally-recognized Native nations have a nation-to-nation legal relationship with the United States government. In addition, in 1990 the Native American Languages Act was signed. It includes Native Hawaiians as well as other Indigenous people of the Pacific under U.S. control.

Many civic, religious and professional organizations also have passed resolutions and issued statements opposing the English-Only movement. These include the American Civil Liberties Union, Linguistic Society of America, National Education Association, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Modern Language Association, National Council for Black Studies, American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Center for Applied Linguistics, American Anthropological Association and American Psychological Association.

While the CCCC National Language Policy supports English as the language of wider communication, it protects the civil rights of speakers of all languages and language varieties, in the hope of contributing to greater linguistic, ethnic, and racial respect and justice in our multiethnic multicultural society.

What’s Wrong with English Only?

  • It’s unnecessary.

    English, the global lingua franca and the language of wider communication in this country, is not threatened. For two centuries, most immigrants learned English within a generation without any laws compelling them. Current immigrants are doing the same. The 2013 American Community Survey, a national survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau every year, found that 79% of the U.S. population speaks only English at home. And the majority of the 21% that speak a language other than English at home also speak English “well” or “very well.”

  • It’s dangerous and unfair.

    When we pass laws that forbid health and safety information, street signs, court trials, and marriage ceremonies in languages people can understand, we deny them legal protection and social services. Further, it can deny individuals employment opportunities. U.S. workers should not be denied employment if they speak languages other than English on the job while competently performing their job duties, especially considering that approximately 61 million people in the U.S. speak a language other than English in the home.

  • It’s ineffective.

    Laws making English the official language do nothing to increase the number of English classes, nor do they teach a single person English. Instead of promoting English-Only policies, Congress needs to focus on expanding adult literacy and English as a Second Language classes nationwide, since millions of non-English speakers are eager to learn English.

  • It’s educationally unsound.

    English-Only opposes bilingual and similar programs that help students build on their linguistic skills.  When students cannot use their strengths, they experience alienation and failure. Prohibiting or discouraging linguistic diversity limits rather than expands learning opportunities.

  • It’s counterproductive.

    As members of the global community, we need more, not fewer speakers of different languages. It’s shortsighted, anti-immigrant, and racist to demean and destroy the competencies of multilingual people.

  • It’s oppressive and dehumanizing.

    English-Only policies both reflect and promote language prejudice. This dehumanizes people and creates a hostile climate that can, in turn, promote further violence. In a recent example, police in Alabama accosted a non-English-speaking grandfather visiting from India, scoffing at his inability to speak English and manhandling him, causing the man to become partially paralyzed and involving the FBI and Embassy of India.

  • It’s unconstitutional.

    The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech. The Fourteenth Amendment forbids abridging the privileges and immunities of naturalized citizens. English-Only policies violate these Constitutional rights, especially when the public mistakenly believes that an official English law requires that English be spoken at all times. When Filipino hospital employees are told that they cannot speak Tagalog in the lounge, or when a college employee is told he must not speak Spanish during his lunch break, they are denied freedom of speech.

Support the National Language Policy: What You Can Do

  • Strive to include all citizens of all language communities in the positive development of our daily activities.
  • Teach children and others—in schools, communities, and workplaces—that language differences are opportunities to learn and benefit from each other in a global society.
  • Advocate education, social services, legal services, medical services, and protective signing for linguistic minorities in their own languages so that basic human rights are preserved.
  • Emphasize the importance of all Americans learning second and third languages so that we can participate more effectively in worldwide activities, unify diverse U.S. communities, and enlarge our view of what is human.
  • Recognize that people learning English need time and encouragement to learn, and that their ability to prosper over the long term requires facility in the dominant American language.
  • Encourage immigrants to retain their first languages, to pass them on to their children, and to celebrate the life-supporting customs of their parents in the company of other Americans of differing backgrounds.
  • Remain vigilant and united to protect the civil rights of all language minorities in the United States.

Selected References

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Trasvina, J. (1988). Official English/English Only: More than Meets the Eye. Prepared for the National Education Association. Washington, DC: National Education Association.

Trimbur, H. (2010). “Linguistic Memory and the Uneasy Settlement of U. S. English.” IN Horner, B. et al (Eds.), Cross Language Relations in Composition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP. pps. 21–41.

Zentella, A.C. (2014). “TWB (Talking while Bilingual): Linguistic Profiling of Latin@s, and other Linguistic Torquemadas.” LATINO STUDIES, 12 (4): pps. 620–635.

Zentella, A. C. (Ed.) 2005. Building on Strength: Language and Literacy in Latino Families and Communities. New York: Teachers College Press.

This position statement may be printed, copied, and disseminated without permission from NCTE.

CCCC/NCTE Editor "Office Hours" at the CCCC Convention

The editorial staff of several CCCC/NCTE journals and the Studies in Writing & Rhetoric book series will be holding “office hours” during the CCCC Annual Convention in Houston. Got an idea for an article or book proposal? Stop by booth #108 in the Exhibit Hall during the following times:

Thursday, 4/7

10:00 am–Noon: Amy Lynch-Biniek, FORUM: Issues about Part-Time and Contingent Faculty






Noon–1:00 pm and 3:00-4:00 pm: Steve Parks, Studies in Writing & Rhetoric book series






Friday, 4/8

12:30–3:15 pm: Holly Hassel, Teaching English in the Two-Year College






3:30–5:00 pm: Jonathan Alexander and Jasmine Lee, College Composition and Communication






Information for CCCC 2017 Program Presenters

Congratulations on your acceptance onto the 2017 CCCC Annual Convention program!


To ensure your place on the program, you will need to do the following:

  1. Log into the Program Proposal System and click “Accept” to accept your invitation to present. Please accept or decline your speaking role(s) by Dec. 1, 2016.

  2. Check your personal information, including your affiliation, to ensure accuracy.

  3. If you need to make edits to your session title or annotation, please email that information to All updates to personal information and session information need to be completed by Dec. 1, 2016.

  4. Pay the appropriate convention registration fee by Dec. 31, 2016, to ensure that you are listed in the program. Click here to register online for the 2017 CCCC Convention.


Considerations As You Prepare


Regardless of session type, please prepare your presentation with accessibility in mind; for instance, bring a transcript of prepared remarks (to aid transcription and interpretive services), create materials in accessible formats (e.g., html), ensure text and images are large and easy-to-read from a distance, and include captioning for audio and video materials.

Additional Resources:

Creating Accessible Presentations by the Disability Studies SIG and the Committee on Disability Issues in College Composition

Composing Access by the Committee on Disability Issues in College Composition and the Computers & Composition Digital Press


Room Set-Up

All Sessions will take place in the Oregon Convention Center.  Session rooms will be equipped with:

  • microphone
  • LCD projector
  • screen
  • sound capabilities

Presenters are responsible for supplying their one laptop for device, as well as their own dongle to connect to the LCD.


Considerations by Session Type

Roundtable Sessions

Please keep in mind that speakers should limit their remarks to approximately 5 minutes to allow ample time for audience participation.

Individual Proposals Accepted As Constructed Panels

Please limit your total speaking time to 15 minutes per proposal to enable all panelists sufficient speaking time as well as to allow time for audience interaction.

Concurrent Sessions

Please plan to include at least 30 minutes of audience interaction or participation.

Cultivate Sessions

Please prepare your presentation with audience engagement in mind; the goal of the new Cultivate sessions is to provide a participatory space in which members can develop their capacity in particular areas.

Poster Sessions

Please design your printed poster with a viewing audience in mind, considering content and design choices that will make information clear, easy-to-follow, and accessible to viewers/readers without additional commentary.  You will have a scheduled time to present your poster to any poster session attendees, but your poster will be on display during the entire Convention.


Workshop enrollment is typically capped at 50; all attendees must register and pay workshop registration fees in advance to be admitted. Because participation in preconvention workshops requires preregistration and additional fees, workshops should be designed in ways that maximize audience engagement and interaction and offer clear and tangible take-aways for attendees.

Principles and Practices in Electronic Portfolios

Conference on College Composition and Communication, November 2007, Revised March 2015

[Submitted by the CCCC Taskforce on Best Practices in Electronic Portfolios and adopted by the CCCC Executive Committee on November 19, 2007. Revised in March 2015]

Introductory Premises

Composition professionals in post-secondary institutions—composition faculty, writing program administrators, and technology staff—share concern and responsibility for helping students learn to write at a college level, using the most effective communication technologies. Disciplinary practice and research suggest that portfolio assessment has become an important part of the learning-to-write process.

In turn, electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) have become a viable institutional tool to facilitate student learning and its assessment. E-portfolios can be “web-sensible”—a thoughtfully arranged collection of multimedia-rich, interlinked, hypertextual documents that students compose, own, maintain, and archive on the Internet or in other formats. Web applications designed to support e-portfolio composition can offer additional opportunities for providing structure, guidance, and feedback to students, and can provide students with opportunities to connect selectively with multiple audiences.

E-portfolios communicate various kinds of information for the purposes of assessment. For example, e-portfolios can:

  • Identify connections among academic and extra-curricular learning for admission to higher education and vocational opportunities
  • Demonstrate applications of knowledge and critical literacies for course or programmatic assessment
  • Provide evidence of meeting standards for professional certification
  • Display qualifications for employment
  • Showcase job-related accomplishments beyond schooling, for evaluation or promotion
  • Represent lifelong learning for participation in public service

However, these purposes do not capture important kinds of student learning in composition courses that should carry over to writing tasks in other courses and contexts, such as students understanding different writing processes or learning styles or students setting their own goals for future learning.

As e-portfolios assume a greater role in institutional assessment, First-Year Composition (FYC) will most likely serve as the course that introduces them to students. Therefore, FYC faculty may have a particular, vested interest in identifying the principles and practices of e-portfolio development that prioritize student learning. Such principles and best practices, based on the theoretical knowledge that classroom evidence substantiates, enable composition faculty to provide students with experiences that help them expand and specialize their writing skills for a variety of cross-disciplinary programs and professional contexts beyond FYC.

Suggested Principles and Best Practices

E-portfolios develop over time, taking many forms that are unique to the missions of different programs and institutions. No list of principles and practices can describe such assessment in toto. Neither can any list suggest an ideal path of development or endpoint, because e-portfolio projects are dynamic, in-progress projects that necessarily undergo changes that are influenced by institutional exigencies and available resources.

Nonetheless, this document proposes that successful uses of e-portfolios share in common certain principles and best practices. The following suggested principles—accompanied by supportive practices in the teaching of writing—can inform the use of e-portfolios in writing programs. These principles and best practices can also inform cross-disciplinary faculty, program directors, technology staff, and university administrators, as e-portfolios are adapted on a wider institutional scale.

It may be most useful to consider these principles and practices in conjunction with the National Council of Writing Program Administrators’ “Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition,” since that document provides a sound foundation upon which successful writing instruction and assessment rests.

Principle #1: Learning Outcomes

Students are guided by clearly articulated individual, course, programmatic, or institutional outcomes in their collection, selection, reflection upon, and presentation of “artifacts” (various electronic documents) in the e-portfolio.

At the same time, students structure portfolios around their own learning goals.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Familiarize students with programmatic learning outcomes
    • Share the rubric that will be used in e-portfolio assessment
    • Provide students with models of e-portfolios that illustrate different ways of meeting programmatic outcomes and satisfying rubric criteria
    • Help students identify personal learning goals and adapt programmatic outcomes to those goals
    • Design e-portfolios that demonstrate their own learning goals in teaching
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Familiarize faculty with learning outcomes that the profession values nationally
    • Collaborate with faculty to establish local programmatic learning outcomes based on actual classroom activities and assignments
    • Collaborate with faculty in designing rubrics that consistently facilitate a valid and reliable process of measuring programmatic learning outcomes
    • Collaborate with faculty to cull various models of successful e-portfolios
    • Participate in the selection of software that will help faculty and students meet the program or course learning objectives
    • Observe protocols of permission and confidentiality in obtaining model e-portfolios for instructional purposes
    • Design e-portfolios that demonstrate their own learning goals in writing program direction
  • Technology staff:
    • Maintain an archive of student and faculty e-portfolios that successfully illustrate programmatic learning outcomes in various ways
    • Make the archive easily accessible for instructional purposes
    • Collaborate with faculty and program directors to determine how technology facilitates programmatic learning outcomes
  • University Administrators:
    • Encourage authentic assessment driven by locally-designed programmatic objectives and outcomes
    • Select e-portfolio platforms that best support the teaching and assessment of those locally-designed programmatic objectives and outcomes
    • Provide resources for writing programs to develop and share learning outcomes with other programs
    • Highlight how e-portfolios demonstrate student learning outcomes in annual institutional reports and accreditation cycles
    • Factor faculty and director e-portfolios in reviews for promotion and tenure

Principle #2: Digital Environments

Students develop digital literacies in composing, collaboration, and records-keeping, and consider the rhetorical implications of circulating e-portfolios to both public and private audiences.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Introduce students to the affordances of different digital media
    • Teach students to attend to web design in rhetorically effective and ethical ways, e.g., linking, choosing images, creating webpage formats
    • Discuss the ethical use of digital sources (e.g., fair use, copyright, Creative Commons licenses) and protocols for obtaining permission and documenting digital sources
    • Provide classroom experiences that allow students to practice multimodal composing
    • Encourage students to collaborate when composing and designing multimodal texts
    • Prompt student reflection and discussion on the potentials and limitations of creating e-portfolios with institution-supported e-portfolio platforms or with other outside platforms and tools
    • Facilitate critical discussions on the benefits and disadvantages of students allowing public access to their documents
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Train faculty how to create and teach e-portfolios well in advance of initial attempts to implement programmatic assessment
    • Show faculty how to implement web design for e-portfolios in easy-to-teach steps
    • Give faculty a clear rationale and explanation of how e-portfolios enhance digital learning and assessment, so faculty can explain the same to students
  • Technology staff:
    • Develop and test templates for constructing e-portfolios, to assure consistencies in design, layout, and usability
    • Train technology mentors to work individually or in class with students and faculty
    • Provide ongoing, drop-in workshops and studios to support students and faculty
    • Oversee development of online manuals to assist students and faculty with the use of e-portfolio platforms
  • University Administrators:
    • Establish budget lines to ensure on-campus technological support and training for students and faculty
    • Show long term commitment to e-portfolios (e.g., purchase equipment, maintain equipment replacement cycles, engage software consultants, provide central electronic sites where students may access their e-portfolios at any time from any location)

Principle #3: Virtual Identities

Students represent themselves through personalized information that conveys a web-savvy and deliberately constructed ethos for various uses of the e-portfolio. Students manage those identities by having control over artifacts and who sees them through privacy and access tools.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Facilitate critical discussions of how writers represent themselves in online resumes, profiles, etc.
    • Help students recognize what information, digital forms, and specific artifacts can best represent them as learners
    • Acquaint students with how they construct professional ethos in their own e-portfolios and how they represent themselves professionally, academically, civically, or culturally
    • Encourage students to represent their multicultural backgrounds effectively
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Acquaint faculty with any institutional policies or protocols relevant to Internet publishing, student confidentiality, and personal information
  • Technology staff:
    • Set up access protocols that protect student confidentiality and control over who may read e-portfolios, allowing them selectively to deliver and circulate their work in different forms to a variety of audiences
  • University Administrators:
    • Provide guidelines for maintaining student confidentiality and use of e-portfolios as an assessment tool

Principle #4: Authentic Audiences

Students engage in audience analysis of who they intend to read their e-portfolios, not only to accommodate faculty, but also employers, issuers of credentials, family, friends, and other readers. Students coordinate access to their e-portfolios with faculty, programs, the institution, and other readers.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Facilitate critical discussions of different readers’ expectations about grammatical usage and digital styles (e.g., font, layout, colors, text-image balance)
    • Teach conventions and principles of user-friendly design and functionality
    • Identify the readers who will assess students’ programmatic e-portfolios, and familiarize students with those readers’ expectations
    • Help students identify and cultivate appropriate outside readers to respond to their e-portfolios (e.g., former teachers or employers)
    • Teach rhetorical knowledge and dexterity by asking students to analyze how e-portfolios might be written and designed for different readers (e.g., program directors in their major, prospective employers, evaluators of transferable course credits)
    • Encourage students to understand that e-portfolios are dynamic, not static, collections that they will continue to change as they encounter new readers in various contexts
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Invite students to present their e-portfolios in faculty training sessions
    • Develop protocols to inform students and faculty about expectations for e-portfolio assessment (e.g., required minimal content, elements of format, reflective artifacts)
  • Technology staff:
    • Design websites that showcase programmatic uses of e-portfolios for purposes of recruiting students, informing administrators, attracting employers, and educating legislators or the public (while maintaining the technology that allows students to continue to choose and change whatever artifacts are put on public display)
  • University Administrators:
    • Encourage involvement of students in campus-wide workshops to acquaint cross-curricular faculty and program directors in all disciplines with various uses of e-portfolio assessment
    • Include student representation in university assessment committees
    • Provide recognition and awards for excellence in student e-portfolios

Principle #5: Reflection and E-portfolio Pedagogy

Students create “reflective artifacts” in which they identify and evaluate the different kinds of learning that their e-portfolios represent. In particular, students may explain how various forms of instructive feedback (from faculty, Writing Centers, peers, and other readers) have influenced the composition and revision of their various e-portfolio artifacts, making teaching methods and learning contexts more transparent to their readers.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Teach students different formats and forms that facilitate reflection on their learning at various stages of drafting and web-design (e.g., reflective cover letters that introduce and link readers to various artifacts; concept maps)
    • Teach students that ongoing, rigorous reflection is a crucial part of the process of creating e-portfolios that are dynamic, not static collections
    • Provide opportunities for students to give each other feedback on e-portfolio artifacts, including reflective artifacts
    • Give students clear, constructive feedback that encourages revision and offers tips for improvement in design and communication modalities
    • Encourage students to consult with Writing Center tutors or other institutional support services
    • Collaborate regularly with other faculty, technology staff, and program directors to share the most effective ways to provide feedback and teach reflection
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Acquaint faculty with exemplary e-portfolio formats and forms that show how students can effectively link reflective artifacts with their selected written work (e.g., cover letters, concept maps)
    • Collaborate with teachers to craft effective writing prompts that lead to intellectually rigorous reflective thinking
    • Give faculty feedback on their own e-portfolios and encourage them to incorporate it in their annual self-evaluations
  • Technology staff:
    • Coordinate closely with writing program directors and faculty to develop technologies that can help track or display the “feedback loop” between writers and responders/evaluators
    • Keep faculty aware of new technologies that have potential for creating reflective artifacts
  • University Administrators:
    • Understand reflection as a critical thinking skill that reinforces student learning outcomes and yields valuable insights about programmatic effectiveness
    • Oversee campus events that introduce or advance knowledge about reflection and e-portfolio pedagogy (e.g., invite national speakers, sponsor regional conferences)

Principle #6: Integration and Curriculum Connections

Students link artifacts in a flexible structure that (1) synthesizes diverse evidence and ideas, (2) invites linear or non-linear ways to read and evaluate e-portfolios, and (3) makes connections to portfolio-related evidence and relationships distributed across the Internet. Students may therefore use linking to represent how e-portfolio artifacts inter-relate with other courses in the larger context of whole-curriculum learning.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Encourage students to show learning outcomes by linking artifacts to earlier drafts, or even to artifacts from earlier, relevant courses
    • Encourage students to show transferability of learning outcomes by linking artifacts developed in writing courses to cross-curricular courses
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Facilitate discussions with faculty on how e-portfolios can encourage articulation among related courses (e.g., first and second-semester FYC, or FYC and advanced composition courses)
    • Collaborate with other program directors to stimulate cross-curricular articulation among courses and address shared assessment goals
  • Technology staff:
    • Develop e-portfolio systems that feature compatibility with other programmatic or institutional e-portfolio systems
  • University Administrators:
    • Encourage faculty, program directors, departments, and colleges to identify and agree upon where in the overall scheme of institutional accountability e-portfolios can play a well-defined, cross-curricular role in student learning and assessment
    • Embrace flexibility in software/technology to accommodate various institutional and programmatic  assessment needs
    • Endorse and provide resources for writing across the curriculum

Principle #7: Stakeholders’ Responsibilities

Students receive the necessary support from faculty, program directors, and university administrators who not only use e-portfolios for assessment purposes and program improvement, but also keep informed about what resources are essential for implementing, maintaining, and accessing e-portfolios.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Familiarize themselves with relevant theory and e-portfolio research
    • Participate in ongoing programmatic assessment of student e-portfolios
    • Use findings of e-portfolio assessment to improve approaches to teaching
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Acquaint faculty with the most relevant sources available in portfolio learning, research, and assessment
    • Set up and train a small cohort of faculty to participate in a pilot program when first implementing e-portfolios
    • Expand e-portfolio assessment gradually
    • Conduct faculty scoring of e-portfolios, involving mixes of teachers who are experienced and inexperienced with programmatic assessment
      Invite teachers to suggest ways to improve training in e-portfolios, and use findings of e-portfolio assessment to improve the program
    • Report assessment data promptly and provide university administrators with examples of actual student- and teacher-designed e-portfolios that help interpret what the data means
    • Collaborate with directors who are using e-portfolios at their own and other institutions
  • Technology staff:
    • Contribute to the development of open-source software and standards that support e-portfolio implementation and maintenance
    • Adapt portfolio rubrics to electronic formats that collect and process data efficiently
  • University Administrators:
    • Provide start-up funds for writing directors, technology staff, and interested teachers to engage in professional development related to e-portfolios (e.g., conferences, national workshops)
    • Use e-portfolio assessment findings to help inform further decisions about allocating resources

Principle # 8: Lifelong Learning

Students are able to adapt their e-portfolios to various purposes/ uses beyond their academic careers, enabling their various readers, in turn, to track their learning longitudinally.

Supportive best practices:

  • Composition Faculty:
    • Introduce students to a range of uses for which e-portfolios are used beyond programmatic or institutional goals
    • Provide students with models of e-portfolios that have been adapted for different purposes, to show development of learning over time
    • Demonstrate how their own e-portfolios are examples of lifelong learning
  • Writing Program Directors:
    • Coordinate with other program directors and university administrators to develop institutional e-portfolio systems that accommodate longitudinal tracking
  • Technology staff:
    • Collaborate with other institutions and organizations, to develop e-portfolio systems that are compatible and interoperable, accommodating “open standards” so that students can easily transfer their e-portfolios to other institutions or sites
  • University Administrators:
    • Collaborate with other institutions, state boards of education, and organizations that could provide space and support for e-portfolios that demonstrate lifelong learning

Current Examples

Current examples of well-conceived e-portfolio projects include:

  1. Alverno Diagnostic Digital Portfolio—
  2. E-Folio Minnesota—
  3. Elon University Student Portfolios—
  4. Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, Institutional Portfolio—
  5. John Hopkins Digital Portfolio—
  6. Kapi’olani Community College—
  7. La Guardia Community College—
  8. Louisiana State University Communication Across the Curriculum Digital Portfolio Examples—
  9. Michigan State University, Professional Writing Alumni Portfolios—
  10. New York City College of Technology ePortfolio—
  11. Portland State University University Studies Portfolios—
  12. Portfolios at Penn State—
  13. St. Olaf College Web Portfolios—
  14. University of British Columbia ePortfolios—
  15. University of Denver DU Portfolio—
  16. University of Washington Bothell ePortfolios
  17. Virginia Tech ePortfolio—

Interested teachers, writing program administrators, technology professionals, and university administrators interested in learning more about e-portfolio programs at particular universities should also consult the ePortfolio case studies (Section II, Chapters 23–51) in Handbook of Research on ePortfolios, edited by Ali Jafari and Catherine Kaufman (Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006, 248–575).

This shorter list presents examples of professional e-portfolios created by scholars and teachers in composition studies. All e-portfolios are shared with permission from the authors.??

1. Dr. Daniel Anderson, Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “LitCasting: Sharing Engagement with Literature”—

2. Dr. Steven J. Corbett, Visiting Assistant Professor, George Mason University, “Poetics, Rhetorics, and Relationships”—

3. Dr. Michael Day, Professor, Northern Illinois University, “Assignment for Reflective Teaching Portfolio.”
These sample professional portfolios were generated by teaching assistants at Northern Illinois University in response to Dr. Michael Day’s reflective teaching e-portfolio assignment:


This bibliography of current sources on e-portfolios includes important research in composition studies and other disciplines:

Abrami, Philip, and Helen Barrett. “Directions for Research and Development on Electronic Portfolios.” Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology 31.3 (2005). Web 5 Mar. 2015.

Acker, Stephen, and Kay Halasek. “Preparing High School Students for College-Level Writing: Using ePortfolio to Support a Successful Transition.” Journal of General Education 57.1 (2008): 1–14. Print.

Acosta, Teresa, and Youmei Liu. “ePortfolios: Beyond Assessment.” Handbook of Research on ePortfolios. Eds. Ali Jafari and Catherine Kaufman. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006. 15–23. Print.

Al Kahtani, Saad. “Electronic Portfolios in ESL Writing: An Alternative Approach.” Computer Assisted Language Learning 12.3 (1999): 261–68. Print.

Alverno College. “The Diagnostic Digital Portfolio.” Nov. 2003. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.

Anderson, Dan, Jacklyn Ngo, Sydney Stegall, and Kyle Stevens. “This is What We Did in Our Class.” CCC Online 1.1 (2012). Web. 3 Mar 2015.

Ash, Linda. Electronic Student Portfolios. Arlington Heights, IL: Skylight Professional Development, 2000. Print.

Avraamidou, Lucy, and Carla Zembal-Saul. “Exploring the Influence of Web-based Portfolio Development on Learning to Teach Elementary Science.” Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 11.3 (2003): 415–42. Print.

Bacabac, Florence Elizabeth. “Creating Professional ePortfolios in Technical Writing.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 27.1 (2013): 91–110. Print.

Barkley, Elizabeth. “From Bach to Tupac: Using an Electronic Course Portfolio to Analyze a Curricular Transformation.” Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Ed. Barbara Cambridge, Susan Kahn, Daniel Tompkins, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education, 2001. 117–23. Print.

Barrett, Helen C. “Electronic Portfolios = Multimedia Development = Portfolio Development: The Electronic Development Process.” Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Ed. Barbara Cambridge, Susan Kahn, Daniel Tompkins, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education, 2001.110–116. Print.

_____. “Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement: The REFLECT Initiative.” Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 50.6 (2007): 436–49. Print.

Batson, Trent. “The Electronic Portfolio Boom: What’s it All About?” Campus Technology (Dec. 2002). Web. 1 Mar. 2015.

Bauer, William, and Robert Dunn. “Digital Reflection: The Electronic Portfolio in Music Teacher Education.” Journal of Music Teacher Education 13.1 (2003): 7–20. Print.

Beck, Robert, Nava Livne, and Sharon Bear. “Teachers’ Self-Assessment of the Effects of Formative and Summative Electronic Portfolios on Professional Development.” European Journal of Teacher Education 28.3 (2005): 221–44. Print.

Blair, Kristine L. “Digital Ideologies and Electronic Portfolios: Toward a Rhetoric of Hybridity.” Digital Tools in Composition Studies. Ed. Ollie O. Oviedo, Joyce R. Walker, and Byron Hawk. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2010. 253–70. Print.

_____. “Technological Labor and Tenure Decisions: Making a Virtual Case via Electronic Portfolios.” Labor, Writing Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the Academy. Ed. Pamela Takayoshi and Patricia Sullivan. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2007. 59–74. Print.

Blom, Diana, Jennifer Rowley, Dawn Bennett, Matthew Hitchcock, and Peter Dunbar-Hall. “Knowledge Sharing: Exploring Institutional Policy and Educator Practice through ePortfolios in Music and Writing.” Electronic Journal of e-Learning 12.2 (2014): 138–48. Print.

Borden, Victor. “The Role of Institutional Research and Data in Institutional Portfolios.” Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Ed. Barbara Cambridge, Susan Kahn, Daniel Tompkins, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education, 2001. 192–202. Print.

Brammer, Charlotte. “Eportfolios and Cognitive Storytelling: Making the Journey Personal.” Business Communication Quarterly 74.3 (2011): 352–55. Print.

Cambridge, Barbara. “Electronic Portfolios as Knowledge Builders.” Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Ed. Barbara Cambridge, Susan Kahn, Daniel Tompkins, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education, 2001. 1–11. Print.

Cambridge, Barbara L., Susan Kahn, Daniel P. Tompkins, and Kathleen Blake Yancey, eds. Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education, 2001. Print.

Cambridge, Darren. “Integral ePortfolio Interoperability with the IMS ePortfolio Specification.” Handbook of Research on ePortfolios. Eds. Ali Jafari and Catherine Kaufman. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006. 234–47. Print.

_____, ed. E-Portfolios and Global Diffusion: Solutions for Collaborative Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2012. Print.

Cambridge, Darren, Barbara Cambridge, and Kathleen Yancey. Electronic Portfolios 2.0: Emergent Research on Implementation and Impact. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2009. Print.

Campbell, Jo. “Electronic Portfolios: A Five-Year History.” Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996): 185–94. Print.

Carliner, Saul. “Commentary: Assessing the Current Status of Electronic Portfolios.” Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology 31.3 (2005). Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Carmean, Colleen, and Alice Christie. “ePortfolios: Constructing Meaning Across Time, Space, and Curriculum.” Handbook of Research on ePortfolios. Eds. Ali Jafari and Catherine Kaufman. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006. 33–43. Print.

Carney, Joanne. “Setting an Agenda for Electronic Portfolio Research: A Framework for Evaluating Portfolio Literature.” Presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Diego, April 14, 2004. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

Chalfen, Richard. “Electronic Demonstration Portfolios for Visual Anthropology Majors.” Journal of Educational Media 29.1 (2004): 37–48. Print.

Challis, Diana. “Towards the Mature ePortfolio: Some Implications for Higher Education.” Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology 31.3 (2005). Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Chang, Chi-Cheng. “A Study on the Evaluation and Effectiveness Analysis of Web-based Learning Portfolio.” British Journal of Educational Technology 32.4 (2001): 435–58. Print.

Chappell, David, and John Schermerhorn Jr. “Using Electronic Student Portfolios in Management Education: A Stakeholder Perspective.” Journal of Management Education 23.6 (1999): 651–62. Print.

Chen, Helen L., and Thomas Black. “Using E-Portfolios to Support an Undergraduate Learning Career: An Experiment with Academic Advising.” EDUCAUSE Quarterly Magazine 15 Dec. 2010. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Chen, Helen, David Cannon, Jonathan Gabrio, Larry Leifer, George Toye, and Tori Bailey. “Using Wikis and Weblogs to Support Reflective Learning in an Introductory Engineering Design Course.” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition. American Society for Engineering Education, 2005. Print.

Clark, J. Elizabeth. “The Digital Imperative: Making the Case for a 21st Century Pedagogy.” Computers and Composition 27.1 (2010): 27–35. Print.

Click, Ben A., and Sarah C. Magruder. “Implementing Electronic Portfolios for Performance Assessment: A Pilot Program Involving a College Writing Center.” Assessment Update 16.4 (2004): 13–5. Print.

Cohn, Ellen, and Bernard Hibbits. “Beyond the Electronic Portfolio: A Lifetime Personal Web Space.” EDUCAUSE Quarterly 27.4 (2004): 7–10. Print.

Colby, Richard. “Digital Portfolio Sensibility: An Interview with Kathleen Blake Yancey.” Computers and Composition Online. Spring 2005. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

Condon, William, Fiona Glade, Richard Haswell, Lisa Johnson-Shull, Diane Kelly-Riley, Galen Leonhardy, Jennie Nelson, Susan McLeod, and Susan Wyche. “Whither? Some Questions, Some Answers.” Beyond Outcomes: Assessment and Instruction Within a University Writing Program. Ed. Richard Haswell. Westport, CT: Ablex Publishing, 2001. 191–205. Print.

Corwin, Terry. “Electronic Portfolios.” Campus-Wide Publications 20.1 (Jan. 2003): 32–8. Print.

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Dagley, Valerie, and Bob Berrington. “Learning from an Evaluation of an Electronic Portfolio to Support General Practitioners’ Personal Development Planning, Appraisal, and Revalidation.” Education for Primary Care 16.5 (Sept. 2005): 567–74. Print.

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Some Relevant Sources on Reflection

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Brookfield, Stephen. Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995. Print.

Doig, Bob, Barbara Illsley, Joseph McLuckie, and Richard Parsons. “Using ePortfolios to Enhance Reflective Learning and Development.” Handbook of Research on ePortfolios. Eds. Ali Jafari and Catherine Kaufman. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006. 158–67. Print.

Granville, Stella, and Laura Dison. “Making Connections Through Reflection: Writing and Feedback in an Academic Literacy Programme.” Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 27.1 (2009): 53–63. Print.

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Riedinger, Bonnie. “Mining for Meaning: Teaching Students How to Reflect.” Handbook of Research on ePortfolios. Eds. Ali Jafari and Catherine Kaufman. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006. 90–101. Print.

Robertson, Liane, Kara Taczak, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. “Notes toward a Theory of Prior Knowledge and Its Role in College Composers’ Transfer of Knowledge and Practice.” Composition Forum 26 (Fall 2012). Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

Rodgers, Carol. “Defining Reflection: Another Look at John Dewey and Reflective Thinking.” Teachers College Record 104.4 (2002): 842–66. Print.

Schon, Donald. Educating the Reflective Practitioner. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987. Print.

_____. “Causality and Causal Inference in the Study of Organizations.” Rethinking Knowledge: Reflections Across the Disciplines. Ed. Robert Goodman and Walter Fisher. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. 69–103. Print.

Scott, Tony. “Creating the Subject of Portfolios: Reflective Writing and the Conveyance of Institutional Prerogatives.” Written Communication 22.1 (2005): 3–35. Print.

Yancey, Kathleen. Reflection in the Writing Classroom. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1998. Print.

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