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2020 CCCC Convention Program

Program by section

2020 CCCC Annual Convention and TYCA Conference Cancelled

CCCC and TYCA 2020 Online!

Though we are disappointed that the CCCC and TYCA 2020 meetings in Milwaukee have been cancelled, we’re providing an exciting opportunity for you to access presentations online.

The 2020 CCCC Convention app is available online.

Downloading the App
Option 1) Search for “NCTE” in your app Store and download the “NCTE Events” app.
Option 2) Go to and download the app.

Accessing the App on the Web
If you don’t have a smartphone, you can access all the features of the mobile app on your computer. Go to

Logging Into the App
To log in to the app, enter the email address you used when registering for the Annual Convention and enter the default password “cccc2020.”

2020 CCCC Summer Conference at USC Cancelled

March 19, 2020

As a result of continued uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, CCCC leaders have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 CCCC Summer Conference at the University of Southern California, May 22–23. We express our sincerest thanks and appreciation for the Writing Program at USC, in particular Eric Rawson and Dave Tomkins, for their planning, leadership, and commitment in developing the program for Building Diverse Communities through Writing.

Within the next 30 days, CCCC will be issuing full registration refunds. Registrants will receive a confirmation email when the refunds are processed. We ask for your patience as next steps proceed. Questions may be sent to

Look for updates on future CCCC events on Facebook and Twitter.

College Composition and Communication Advertising Rates & Specifications

College Composition and Communication is published exclusively for professors of college composition at two- and four-year institutions.

As the publication for the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), this highly respected journal is a valuable resource for products and services surrounding the study and teaching of reading and writing at the college level. Make your presence known to this actively involved audience looking for up-to-date products and services available in today’s market.

Circulation: 5,000*

Published: September, December, February, and June

Ongoing Feature
“Review Essays” examines recent publications focusing on current issues and trends affecting two-and four-year professors of composition.

View the current issue and learn more about College Composition and Communication.

Space reservations are due the first day of the month, two months prior to publication. Copy deadline is the tenth day of the month, two months prior to publication. Space is limited. Please call early for positioning and availability!

*Circulation figures account for NCTE’s individual members and institutions who receive subscriptions. These figures do not include total readership based on pass-along rates.

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Advertising Units and Rates

Cover Pages

Cover 4
Ad Size: 5″ by 7-5/8″Two-Color

1X 4X
$1,410 $1,320

Covers 2 & 3
Ad Size: 5″ by 7-5/8″Black-and-White

1X 4X
$1,390 $1,300

Interior Pages

Ad Size: 5″ by 7-5/8″Black-and-White

1X 4X
$1,175 $1,100

Half-Page, Horizontal
Ad Size: 5″ by 3-3/4″ (H)Black-and-White

1X 4X
$900 $850

CCCC 2019 Year In Review

Published on March 5, 2020

Vibrant organizations are those that respond to the needs of their community and adapt and change to grow with the times in which they exist. In 2019 the Conference on College Composition and Communication endeavored to do both, and the accomplishments outlined in this Year In Review illustrate these efforts.

CCCC 2020 and the Coronavirus

March 20, 2020

Update for CCCC and TYCA 2020 Presenters

Though we are all disappointed about our inability to meet face-to-face in Milwaukee, CCCC and TYCA conference planning leaders are working toward developing a mechanism for presenters at both Conventions to be able to fulfill some of the key goals of the meeting: to have scholarly conversations, to engage in and document our professional work, and to continue to grow as teachers and scholars. We are optimistic that we will soon be able to share with you opportunities for sharing your work online for CCCC and TYCA. This email provides you with a bit more information about how that will work.

Within the next few weeks, you will learn more about ways that you can post documents or links from your session (e.g., slides, documents, links to audio or video pieces), which can then be accessed publicly. Similarly, because some of the most important work we do involves the conversations we have with each other, we will be asking organizers and leaders of SIGs, Standing Groups, task forces, committees, and other smaller interactive constituent groups to share information about whether or how they would like to hold their meetings and invite CCCC and TYCA members to participate, including sharing to the #4C20 hashtag.

Thank you for your patience and generosity as we have worked to adjust to this new reality, and we are hopeful that we can find ways to sustain our shared work in the coming year.

Julie Lindquist, 2020 CCCC Program Chair
Joanne Giordano, 2020 TYCA Program Chair

March 12, 2020

2020 CCCC Annual Convention and TYCA Conference Cancelled

It is with extreme sadness that the CCCC Officers, on behalf of the full CCCC Executive Committee, announce that the 2020 CCCC Annual Convention has been cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 Convention, Considering Our Commonplaces, has been planned with focus, passion, and commitment to this academic community by CCCC 2020 Program Chair Julie Lindquist and her team of collaborators. A great number of people within our CCCC community have volunteered their time and labor to contribute ideas toward a vision for CCCC 2020, and have worked to realize that vision. We know that the Convention is a place for us all to share and develop important work, and cancelling the meeting is heartbreaking.

Expect additional guidance to be forthcoming for online options for disseminating work and handling constituent group business, as well as for how participants can document their participation in professional materials. Having made the difficult decision to cancel the Convention, we are now moving into the next phase of planning for what follows.

We ask for your patience as next steps proceed.

CCCC 2021 Program Chair Holly Hassel and Julie Lindquist have started conversation to plan an experience for 2021 that integrates the visions of both events and offers much of the special programming for 2020 (e.g., Documentarians, new on- and offsite discussion spaces, experiential learning sessions). We all thank you for the positive energy, ideas, and support you’ve already sent. These expressions of support and encouragement mean a lot.

Please be assured that we are offering full refunds for registration cancellations. Even so, we encourage you—if it is possible for you to do so—to consider donating your registration fees and/or renewing your CCCC membership in an effort to continue CCCC’s momentum at this challenging time, as well as to sustain our services and programs to members with the loss of income from the Convention. Registrants will receive a separate email within the next couple of days detailing how to request refunds or make donations. Questions may be sent to

The CCCC Officers

March 10, 2020

The CCCC Officers as well as other leaders within the conference continue to watch the COVID-19 developments closely. It is clear that information and circumstances are changing and moving swiftly. The health and safety of attendees at CCCC 2020 continue to be of paramount importance.

The CCCC Officers met Monday evening and decided to call an urgent CCCC Executive Committee meeting this week to deliberate on the decision. A final decision on the 2020 CCCC Annual Convention will be issued by Friday, March 13, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

The CCCC Officers

March 3, 2020
The upcoming Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention scheduled for March 25–28 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is currently scheduled to continue as planned.

Please be assured that the health, safety, and well-being of everyone involved with the upcoming event is of utmost importance to CCCC, a conference of NCTE. While the risk of contracting the coronavirus in the US is currently reported as low, we are monitoring the situation closely. We are following the analysis of health and disease prevention professionals, such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and will continue to be in close communication with the Wisconsin Center. We have arranged for hand sanitizing stations to be placed throughout the convention center and will continue to seek precautionary measures recommended by health and disease prevention professionals.

All prospective attendees should make decisions regarding participation in the event at their own discretion. Attendees may request a registration refund up until the first day of the Convention with only a $25 processing fee.

We will issue periodic updates as necessary. Updates will be posted to this webpage.

The CCCC Officers

Your Endless Stack of Papers: Maximizing the Effectiveness and Fairness of Assessment in Composition Classes Webinar

Friday, March 13, 2020
1:00–2:00 p.m. ET

Watch the webinar recording

CCCC membership is required to access the recording of this webinar. Join now. You will need to log in to your CCCC/NCTE account and go to your Library. To view this video with closed captioning, hover over the bottom right of the video and click “CC” and “English.”

In this CCCC webinar, three faculty members—Justine Post (Ohio Northern University), Sybil Priebe (North Dakota State College of Science), and Stephanie West-Puckett (University of Rhode Island)—share their theory and strategies surrounding the most time-consuming and, arguably, important work we do with students: grading. How might we maximize the effectiveness of our labor and ensure that we are treating our students fairly at the same time? The first speaker will introduce a framework for understanding feedback as a cycle of interpretation, negotiation, and communication between instructors and students and will consider the role that students’ goals play in shaping their understanding of instructor feedback. The second speaker will explain how, after years of strict policies and a highly structured instructor-centric approach to assessment, she fell down a Twitter rabbit hole and came out the other side with a softened approach to grading. The third speaker looks at how four alternative assessment practices can help to promote a more capacious understanding of “good writing” in the writing classroom and will show participants how to integrate socially just approaches to assessment into their own contexts. An audience-driven Q&A with the speakers follows, facilitated by Salt Lake Community College professor and TYCA archivist Stephanie Maenhardt.

Share your learning on Twitter at #4Cchat.

Statement on Effective Institutional Responses to Threats of Violence and Violent Acts Against Minoritized and Marginalized Faculty and Graduate Students

Conference on College Composition and Communication
November 2019

The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) is an organization committed to inclusive, equitable, and sustaining learning environments; our classrooms, departments, and campuses should strive to be spaces that nurture our professional growth and that make it possible for students and teachers to do their best work. The CCCC continuously strives to fulfill the goals and values of our mission statement to support “the agency, power, and potential of diverse communicators inside and outside of postsecondary classrooms.”

In cases where minoritized and marginalized teacher-scholars are threatened, harassed, or adversely targeted based on their linguistic, religious, gender, and/ or racial characteristics, inhibiting the fulfillment of their professional responsibilities, CCCC affirms that academic institutions have a responsibility to protect and support minoritized and marginalized faculty.

Protection and support of minoritized and marginalized faculty may be offered in the following ways:

  • Public statements from institutional leadership on incidents of harassment, hostility, and violence. Such statements should acknowledge the incident and provide evidence-based reassurances of how the incident is being handled.
  • Plans for the safety and security of the targeted individual, including but not limited to campus police or security escort when on campus, providing on-site security for classes, and other work-related functions
  • Provisions for compensated time or alternative methods of fulfilling faculty professional responsibilities until the affected individual is able to return safely to their workplace
    • Arrangements to meet responsibilities for teaching assignments (for example, short-term or long-term online course instruction or coverage of class meetings), including distance technology options for mentoring and advising of undergraduate and graduate students, where applicable
    • Fiscal resources to ensure the individual is able to fulfill their expectations for research and publication, as appropriate, in order to meet the contractual obligations of the position, as well as desired levels of participation in professional activities
    • Options for completing or reassigning service and governance responsibilities, whether elected or appointed, including securing alternate representation
    • Documented support for either the continuation of administrative work, temporary release or reassignment of administrative work, or permanent release or reassignment of administrative work, as is appropriate to the individual case.
  • When relevant, the extension of time on the faculty member’s tenure and promotion clock
  • Fiscal and logistical resources for the targeted individual to access counseling and mental health care, including health care professionals outside of the university

Institutions also can look to and adapt their short-term and long-term leave policies for faculty who experience emergency and/or crisis situations in relation to threats of violence and violent acts against marginalized faculty. Likewise, institutions should ensure that any strategies for accommodating the affected faculty member’s workload do not disproportionately affect other potentially vulnerable faculty members.

These best practices reflect the principles outlined in the following organizational documents:

This position statement may be printed, copied, and disseminated without permission from NCTE.

CCCC Statement of Professional Guidance for Mentoring Graduate Students

Conference on College Composition and Communication
November 2019

Executive Summary: This statement establishes principles for graduate student mentorship that is inclusive, equitable, sustained, and networked. These principles are intended for graduate faculty and program administrators in masters and doctoral programs in rhetoric and composition and related fields to help sustain robust mentorship and related initiatives (including redirecting resources; creating a culture of mentorship; encouraging curricular innovation; developing extracurricular panels or workshops; and provoking discussion among graduate faculty and students, among other efforts.)

Ethical mentorship1 requires ongoing institutional and interpersonal efforts to move graduate students into, through, and beyond degree completion toward satisfactory job placement beyond or within the academy. The imperative for mentorship is especially urgent now in light of pervasive precarity within higher education including scarcity, contingency, overloads, corporatization, and labor exploitation (e.g., Bérubé, 2013; MLA Task Force, 2014). In these contexts especially, mentoring relationships can become flexible responses to students’ differentiated needs as well as a part of larger efforts to dismantle institutional biases and exploitative practices. Graduate faculty and administrators have a responsibility to engage in inclusive, differentiated, and collaborative mentorship with graduate students. We thus affirm the following principles for sustaining mentorship that is responsive to local conditions, needs, and individuals:

Make academic practice and conventions accessible: Graduate study necessitates that students take on new languages, discourses, epistemologies, and ways of being, and navigate unfamiliar and potentially hostile spaces and discourses. Each student, with their ranging prior experience and positionalities (e.g., neurodiverse, veteran, parent, working-class background, multilingual) will experience the culture(s) in their graduate program differently. To help make academic cultures explicit and accessible, mentors can:

Demystify practice: Explicitly address discourses, genres, research methods, and networking, especially with minority, first-generation, and/or historically underrepresented or marginalized students who may disproportionately labor to acclimate to and work within an institutional academic culture as a “foreign place with a different language” (Sinanan, 2016, p.156).

Demystify writing and research: Teach students to identify, acclimate to, and interrogate (with the possibility of resisting and transforming) academic discourses and practices. Graduate faculty should work to unpack and make available disciplinary ways of critically writing, researching, and publishing (Micciche with Carr, 2011; Brooks-Gillies et al., 2015).

Advocate for financial support: Advise on professional opportunities, like conference travel, mindful of students’ varying financial situations. Advocate in departments and programs for adequate or increased financial support for critical professionalization activity (e.g., conference travel, summer support, job market support).

Enact collaborative and networked mentorship: More than a one-to-one relationship alone, graduate students and mentors benefit from a networked approach. Complementing mentorship in students’ home departments, graduate mentors can encourage horizontal mentoring (VanHaitsma and Ceraso, 2017) and facilitate mentorship across their institution (and even in other institutions and the field) to help meet varying needs, intersectional positionalities, interests, and concerns. To practice networked mentoring, graduate mentors can:

Scaffold mentoring: Enact advising schemes which intentionally build mentoring relationships with multiple faculty and program stakeholders (e.g., assign students a first-year advisor, then assign a different second-year advisor before they select a dissertation or thesis director). Networked mentoring can also involve the expertise of various stakeholders, including alumni, university career centers, graduate school personnel, mental health professionals, faculty in other departments, field organizations, and so on.

Manage relationships: In co-advising situations graduate students should not be responsible for managing or resolving potential conflicts. Moreover, the labor and responsibility of mentorship should not be disproportionately placed on students themselves nor on the generosity of any individual mentor. It should not be assumed that certain students should be mentored by certain faculty, that mentoring is any single faculty member’s responsibility, or that mentoring is limited only to those sharing scholarly interests.

Practice mentoring as transformation: “Remaining wedded to outmoded systems, including a model of apprenticeship in higher education that reinforces the false assumption that professorship is the only meaningful career for humanities doctoral recipients, does a tremendous disservice to all individuals and organizations that benefit from humanistic perspectives” (Rogers, 2013, p. 21). More than apprenticeship, mentorship can take transformation as its paradigm, as new pathways to success embrace the diverse needs of contemporary graduate students and the worlds in which they live and work (see Smith, 2012; MLA Task Force, 2014). To enact mentorship as transformation, graduate mentors can:

Learn about mentees’ intentions: Those involved in the mentorship of graduate students should learn why each student has chosen to pursue graduate education and how to (re)imagine “the field” and its varied work in ways that exceed mentors’ own.

Learn about job markets: Graduate students and mentors should learn about the state of the academic job markets, including the casualization (i.e., the current climate of nontenure track and contingent labor) of the academic workforce. Mentors and graduate students should learn about resources for quality positions outside higher education, including careers in education, nonprofits, government, etc. Some resources include MLA’s Connected Academics initiative, Versatile PhD, or #Alt-Ac Academy.

Validate and help students prepare for diverse careers: Graduate students should be encouraged and validated for career aspirations, choices, and outcomes beyond (ever fewer) conventional academic tenure-track positions (MLA Task Force, 2014). Toward mentorship that imagines a rich range of postgraduation options, we recommend that mentors:

Avoid myths: Mentors should not invoke or imply damaging and unrealistic myths about what success on the (academic) job market must look like (e.g., that only R1 academic positions are desirable, that a national academic job search is the only way to secure satisfactory employment). Instead, faculty should work with graduate students to imagine myriad postdegree options and follow students’ leads on working to meet their goals (see also Miller, et al., 2015).

Share information: Mentors and students should share information about writing careers, academic job markets, and where program graduates go. Programs might consider tracking and making available information about student job placement after graduation (Rogers, 2013, p. 19) and/or build networks among recent graduates and current students for horizontal mentoring.

Embody commitments to inclusion and diversity through differentiated mentorship: Mentorship is, of course, never one-size-fits-all. Students coming from undergraduate and graduate work at minority serving institutions (for instance, a student of color entering a predominately white institution) may experience the academy as a “brave space,” a positioning which leaves them to take on additional emotional and mental labor as they give up a former condition in favor of a new way of seeing and understanding (Arao & Clemens, 2013). While all graduate students work to become socialized into their varied roles as graduate students (Golde, 1999), historically underrepresented and marginalized groups benefit from mentorship practices in and outside of the classroom (Okawa, 2002). Toward practicing inclusive and differentiated mentorship, mentors should:

Stand as an ally: To practice allyship (see Edwards; Patel) mentors can, to start, reflect on their own privileged positions and work to understand the experiences of those they’re allying themselves with; publicly identify their allyship efforts by marking their own and others’ positionalities of privilege, practice self-reflection, and “initiate the change toward personal, institutional, and societal justice and equality” (Kendall, 2003).

Rhetorically listen: Mentors should practice rhetorical listening, which “signifies a stance of openness that a person may choose to assume in relation to any person, text, or culture” and combats how whiteness may function as an invisible racial category that influences the lens through which the listener may hear certain voices (Ratcliffe, 2005).

Make and protect space: Mentors should never engage in exclusionary practices, such as using stereotypical language, engaging in microaggressions, or enacting privileged acts of socialization. Mentors should practice vigilance against and intolerance for implicit or explicit bias. In sum, mentors should make and protect spaces for all graduate student issues and concerns.

Efforts to enact a culture of equitable and accessible mentoring are in the interest of all stakeholders in higher education to realize a diverse future scholar population that will continue to enact change throughout our field and varied institutions.

1Domains of mentorship include (but are not limited to) field knowledge; research practices; academic discourses and critical writing; classroom, tutoring, administration, and other work training and experience; networking; professional development (including conferences, publication, research grants, institutes, and so on); life-work balance; time-to-degree planning; as well as securing employment post-graduation in a range of possible settings, including positions in government, higher education, nonprofits, education, etc.

References and Further Resources

“#Alt-Ac Academy: a Media Commons Project.” #Alt-Ac Academy.

Ahmed, S. (2012). On being included: Racism and diversity in institutional life.  Durham: Duke UP.

Arao, B., & Clemens, K. (2013). From safe spaces to brave spaces. The art of effective facilitation: Reflections from social justice educators, 135-150.

Bérubé, M. (2013, Feb. 18).  The humanities, unraveled. The Chronicle of Higher Education,

Brooks-Gillies, M., Garcia, E.G., Kim, S.H., Manthey, K., & Smith, T.G. (2015). Graduate reading and writing across the disciplines, introduction [Special Issue]. Across the Disciplines: A Journal of Language, Learning, and Academic Writing 12(3).

Eble, M.F., & Gallet, L. Lewis (2008). Stories of mentoring: Theory and praxis. Anderson: Parlor Press.

Edwards, K. (2006). Aspiring social justice ally development: A conceptual model. NASPA Journal 43(4), 39-60.

Golde, C. M. (1998). Beginning graduate school: Explaining first-year doctoral attrition. New Directions for Higher Education, 1998(101), 55-64. doi:10.1002/he.10105

Kendall, Frances E. (2003). How to be an ally if you are a person with privilege.

Lopez, M. (n.d.) On mentoring first generation and graduate students of color. MLA Commons.

Micciche, L.R. with A. Carr (2011). Toward graduate-level writing instruction. CCC 62(3), 477-501.

Miller, S., Pereira, M., Rummell, K., Simon, K., & Walsh, R. (2015). Myth busting the job search. ADE Bulletin, 154, 77-85.

MLA Task Force on Doctoral Study in Modern Language and Literature. (2014). Report of the MLA Task Force on Doctoral Study in Modern Language and Literature. The Modern Language Association of America..

Okawa, G. Y. (2002). Diving for pearls : Mentoring as cultural and activist practice among academics of color. College Composition and Communication, 53(3), 507–532.

Patel, V.S. (2011). Moving toward an inclusive model of allyship for racial justice. The Vermont Connection 32, 78-88.

The Ph.D. Placement Project. (2013). The Ph.D. Placement Project. The Chronicle of Higher Education,

Ratcliffe, K. (2005). Rhetorical listening: Identification, gender, whiteness. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Rogers, K. (2013). Humanities unbound: Supporting careers and scholarship beyond the tenure track. Scholarly Communication Institute,

Sinanan, A. (2016). The value and necessity of mentoring African American college students at PWIs. The Journal of Pan African Studies (Online), 9(8), 155-166.

Smith, S. (2012). At the crossroads: Transforming doctoral education in the humanities. ADE Bulletin 152, 7-16.

VanHaitsma, P., & Ceraso, S. (2017). “Making it” in the academy through horizontal mentoring.” Peitho, 19(2), 210-233.

Wright, G., ed. (2016). The mentoring continuum: From graduate school through tenure. Syracuse: Graduate School Press Syracuse University.

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CCCC Mentorship Initiative for Job Search

This year CCCC is piloting a mentorship initiative for graduate students who will be applying for jobs in the next cycle (2020-21). Volunteer mentors from among the CCCC membership will assist with the following:

  • general consultation/discussion of career planning, the state of the market, interpreting job ad language
  • feedback on letter and CV
  • practice interview with feedback (via video or phone)
  • practice interview with feedback (in person at the CCCC Convention in Milwaukee)
  • follow-up communication

Because this is a new pilot initiative, we will be limiting the number of participants to 20, prioritizing first-come-first-served, student need, and inclusivity. Participants must be members of CCCC. If you’re interested in receiving mentoring, please fill out this survey form by October 18, 2019.

Instructions for CCCC Session Chairs

Thank you for considering the role of session chair the CCCC Annual Convention! The session chair’s role is an important one to ensuring that the Convention runs smoothly. These guidelines provide an overview for serving as a session chair.

Before the Convention

Contact the presenters in your assigned session and introduce yourself. You can access contact information by logging into the unique URL to your presenter portal.

Request outlines or papers and other presentation material from panelists so you can familiarize yourself with the presentations included on your panel prior to the Convention. Use this information to help develop introductions, transitions, and possible questions to use during the session.

Remind presenters to consider accessibility as they prepare their presentations (e.g., creating materials in accessible formats, ensuring text and images are large and easy to read from a distance, captioning all audio and video materials). Encourage them to visit the Composing Access; the site has multiple resources on preparing accessible presentations.

Encourage your panelists to make their materials available online prior to the Convention.

During the Session

Arrive early and connect with all panelists: confirm speaker order, double check pronunciation of names and introduction information, and review how the session will run. Determine how time signals will be given and how time limits will be handled.

Introduce the session. Provide the overall session title and, if needed, a brief overview of the session (e.g., the presentation order or the common topic or theme connecting all presentations). Name all presenters at the beginning of the session, but wait until it’s the presenter’s turn to speak before giving a full individual introduction. Remind audience members to hold their questions until the end to ensure all presenters get the full speaking time they were allotted and prepared for.

Introduce each speaker, including affiliation/title and the title of the presentation.

Keep time: no more than 12–15 minutes per presenter to allow a full 15 minutes (and ideally more) at the end of the session for Q&A and discussion.

As needed, assist with distribution of presenters’ print materials during the session.

If relevant, provide some closing remarks that will help initiate discussion during the Q&A period. Ideally, be prepared with a question or observation about each presenter’s work to ensure all presenters have a chance to participate in the post-presentation discussion.

If someone is employing an ASL interpreter in your session, be sure the interpreter is positioned in a clear, well-lit place up front.

Moderate the discussion: repeat audience members’ questions so the whole room can hear them; direct questions to the appropriate presenter(s); try to balance participation among audience members and presenters to the extent possible; and keep the discussion flowing.

When the session time is over, stop discussion and thank presenters. Encourage presenters and audience members to continue conversations outside the session room to allow the next group of presenters ample time to set up.

If possible, help facilitate post-presentation discussion and information dissemination by posting to social media about the session, by encouraging presenters to make their materials available online, by inviting continued discussion after the session, etc.

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