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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 40, No. 3, October 1989

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Royster, Jacqueline Jones. Rev. of Lives on the Boundary: The Struggle and Achievements of America’s Underprepared by Mike Rose. CCC 40.3 (1989): 349-350.

Penticoff, Richard. Rev. of Audits of Meaning: A Festschrift in Honor of Ann E. Berthoff by Louise Z. Smith. CCC 40.3 (1989): 350-352.

Bamberg, Betty. Rev. of Composition Research/Empirical Designs by Janice M. Lauer and J. William Asher. CCC 40.3 (1989): 352-353.

Dasenbrock, Reed Way. Rev. of Shaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and the Activity of the Experimental Article in Science by Charles Bazerman. CCC 40.3 (1989): 354-355.

Nienhuis, Terry. Rev. of Focus on Collaborative Learning by Jeff Golub and NCTE Committee on Classroom Practices. CCC 40.3 (1989): 355-356.

Rankin, Elizabeth. Rev. of Student Writing Groups: Demonstrating the Process . CCC 40.3 (1989): 356-357.

Flachmann, Kim. Rev. of The Plural I. And After by William E. Coles, Jr.; Seeing through Writing by William E. Coles, Jr. CCC 40.3 (1989): 357-360.

Smith, Susan Belasco. Rev. of The I-Search Paper by Ken Macrorie. CCC 40.3 (1989): 360-361.

McLeod, Susan H. “Writing across the Curriculum: The Second Stage, and beyond.” CCC 40.3 (1989): 337-343.

Daemmrich, Ingrid. “A Bridge to Academic Discourse: Social Science Research Strategies in the Freshman Composition Course.” CCC 40.3 (1989): 343-348.

CCCC Executive Committee. “Statement of Principles and Standards for the Postsecondary Teaching of Writing.” CCC 40.3 (1989): 329-336.


This statement outlines the executive committee’s position on the professional standards that promote quality education for full-time faculty, graduate students, temporary faculty, and part-time faculty. It stresses how important it is for both students and faculty to keep writing class sizes small and for writing programs to have adequately funded writing centers and support systems, space for conferencing with students, and opportunities for professional development.


ccc40.3 Faculty Writing Composition Teaching Research PartTimeFaculty Institutions Standards Departments

No works cited.

Thomas, Trudelle. “Demystifying the Job Search: A Guide for Candidates.” CCC 40.3 (1989): 312-327.


The author suggests several guidelines for composition and rhetoric candidates entering the job market. She proposes that candidates approach the job search as a research project: they should know what kind of job they want, what kind of institution they want to teach at, and where they want to teach. She also emphasizes the importance of building professional identity by attending and presenting at conferences, submitting articles, and completing dissertations on schedule. The article also explains when and where interviews in composition and rhetoric jobs occur and how to approach both the interview and the campus visit.


ccc40.3 JobSearch Interview Writing Schools Position Jobs Questions Faculty Campus Researchers Application GraduateStudents MLA Dossier CV

Selected Bibliography

Bestor, Dorothy K. Aside from Teaching English, What in the World Can You Do? Seattle: U of Washington P, 1977.
—. Aside from Teaching, What in the World Can You Do: Career Strategies for Liberal Arts Graduates. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1982.
Bolles, Richard N. What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for job-Hunters and Career Changers. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1988.
Boyer, Richard and David Savageau, eds. Places Rated Almanac: Your Guide to Finding the Best Places to Live in America. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1988.
A Career Guide for PhDs and PhD Candidates in English and Foreign Languages. Revised by English Showalter. New York: Modern Language Association, 1985.
CCCC Committee on Professional Guidance. “Draft Statement of Professional Guidance to Junior Faculty and Department Chairs.” CCC 38 (December 1987): 493-97.
Conference on College Composition and Communication. “Statement of Principles and Standards for the Postsecondary Teaching of Writing.” CCC 40 (October 1989): 329-36.
Connolly, Paul, and Teresa Vilardi, eds. New Methods in College Writing Programs: Theories in Practice. New York: Modern Language Association, 1986.
Fiske, Edward B. The Fiske Guide to Colleges 1989. New York: Times Books, 1988.
Guide to America’s Best Colleges and Professional Schools. Washington: U.S. News and World Report, 1988.
Hartzog, Carol P. Composition in the Academy: A Study of Writing Program Administration. New York: Modern Language Association, 1986.
Insiders’ Guide to the Colleges, 1988-89: Students from Coast to Coast Tell What Their Colleges Are Really Like. 14th ed. Compiled by Yale Daily News Staff. New York: St. Martin’s, 1988.
Irish, Richard K. Go Hire Yourself an Employer. 3rd ed. New York: Doubleday, 1987.
Medley, H. Anthony. Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed. Berkeley, CA; Ten Speed Press, 1984.
Sternberg, David. How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation. New York: St. Martin’s, 1981.
Timmerman, John H. “Advice to Candidates.” College English 50 (November 1988): 748-51.
Velez, Orlando, ed. Market Guide, 1989. New York: Editor and Publisher Co., 1989.
Worldwide Chamber of Commerce Directory, 1989. Loveland, CO: Worldwide Chamber of Commerce Directory, Inc., 1989.

Flower, Linda. “Cognition, Context, and Theory Building.” CCC 40.3 (1989): 282-311.


In this article, the author tries to bridge the gap between cognition and context – whether the composing act is more influenced by either individual cognition and personal values or social forces and cultural context – by suggesting that the two are always interconnected and informing one another. The author claims that moving beyond the debate between the two camps would help scholars understand more deeply how writing happens and help teachers guide their students through the hurdles, both personal and social, they face while writing. She offers three principles that show that cognition and context not only influence each other, but construct one another: that context provides cues to the individual writer, that context is always mediated by the individual writer, and that a writer’s purpose, though constrained and bounded, is always a meaningful rhetorical act. The article goes on to discuss observational research methodology and explain why observational research is essential in creating a theory that explains the intimate relationship between cognition and context.


ccc40.3 Theory Process Data Context Research Cognition Cognitive Students Writers Writing Response Knowledge Evidence Goals Experience TheoryBuilding Observation

Works Cited

Ackerman, John. “Translating Context into Action.” Reading-to-Write: Exploring a Cognitive and Social Process. Linda Flower et al. New York: Oxford UP, in press.
Applebee, Arthur N. “Problems in Process Approaches: Toward a Reconceptualization of Process Instruction.” The Teaching of Writing. Ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education, 1985. 95-113.
—. Contexts for Learning to Write. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1984.
Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” When a Writer Can’t Write: Studies in Writer’s Block and Other Composing-Process Problems. Ed. Mike Rose. New York: Guilford Press, 1985. 134-65.
Bazerman, Charles. “Physicists Reading Physics: Schema-laden Purposes and Purpose-laden Schemas.” Written Communication 2 (January 1985): 3-23.
Bereiter, Carl, and Marlene Scardamalia. The Psychology of Written Composition. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1987.
Berlin, James. “Rhetoric and Ideology in the Writing Class.” College English 50 (September 1988): 477-94.
Berthoff, Ann. “Reading the World. . . Reading the Word: Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Knowing.” Only Connect: Uniting Reading and Writing. Ed. Thomas Newkirk. Upper Montclair: Boynton/Cook, 1986. 119-30.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Cognition, Convention, and Certainty: What We Need to Know about Writing.” Pre/Text 3 (Fall 1982): 213-44.
—. “College Composition: Initiation into the Academic Discourse Community.” Curriculum Inquiry 12.2(982): 191-207.
Brown, John Seely, Allan Collins, and Paul Duguid. “Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning.” Educational Researcher 18.1 (February 1989): 32-42.
Bruffee, Kenneth A. “Social Construction, Language, and the Authority of Knowledge: A Bibliographical Essay.” College English 48 (December 1986): 773-90.
Donmoyer, Robert. “The Rescue from Relativism: Two Failed Attempts and an Alternative Strategy.” Educational Researcher 14.10 (December 1985) 13-20.
Dyson, Anne Haas. “Individual Differences in Beginning Composing: An Orchestral Vision of Learning to Compose.” Written Communication 9 (October 1987): 411-42.
Emig, Janet. The Composing Processes of Twelfth Graders. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1971.
Enos, Richard Leo. The Composing Process of the Sophist: New Directions for Composition Research. Occasional Paper. Berkeley: Center for the Study of Writing at University of California, Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University, 1989.
Fetterman, David M. “Qualitative Approaches to Evaluating Education.” Educational Researcher 17.8 (November 1988): 17-23.
Firestone, William A. “Meaning in Method: The Rhetoric of Quantitative and Qualitative Research.” Educational Researcher 16.7 (October 1987): 16-2l.
Flower, Linda. “The Construction of Purpose in Writing and Reading.” College English 50 (September 1988): 528-50.
—. “The Role of Task Representation in Reading-to-Write.” Reading-to-Write: Exploring a Cognitive and Social Process. Linda Flower et al. New York: Oxford UP, in press.
Flower, Linda, and John R. Hayes. “Images, Plans and Prose: The Representation of Meaning in Writing. Written Communication 1 (January 1984): 120-60.
Flower, Linda, Karen A. Schriver, Linda Carey, Christina Haas, and John R. Hayes. Planning in Writing: The Cognition of a Constructive Process. Technical Report No. 34. Berkeley: Center for the Study of Writing at University of California, Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University, 1989.
Flower, Linda, Victoria Stein, John Ackerman, Margaret J. Kantz, Kathleen McCormick, and Wayne C. Peck. Reading-to-Write: Exploring a Cognitive and Social Context. New York: Oxford UP, in press.
Freedman, Sarah, with Cynthia Greenleaf and Melanie Sperling. Response to Student Writing. Ur
bana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1987. Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Trans. Myra Ramos. New York: Continuum, 1986.
Garrison, James W. “Some Principles of Postpositivistic Philosophy of Science.” Educational Researcher 15.9 (November 1986): 12-18.
Glaser, Barney, and Anselm Scrauss. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1967.
Gould, Stephen Jay. “Pretty Pebbles.” Natural History 97.4 (April 1988): 14-26.
Hayes, John R. “Empirical Research in Rhetoric.” National Council of Teachers of English Research Council Meeting. Chicago, 19 Feb. 1988.
Hayes, John R., and Linda Flower. “Identifying the Organization of Writing Processes.” Cognitive Processing in Writing: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Ed. Lee Gregg and Erwin Steinberg. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 1980. 3-30.
Heath, Shirley B. Ways with Words: Language, Life and Work in Communities. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge UP, 1983.
Herrington, Ann. “Teaching, Writing and Learning: A Naturalistic of Writing in an Undergraduate Literature Course.” Writing in Academic Disciplines. Vol. II of Advances in Writing Research. Ed. David Jolliffe. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1988. 133-66.
Howe, Kenneth R. “Against the Quantitative-Qualitative Incompatibility Thesis or Dogmask Die Hard.” Educational Researcher 17.8 (November 1988): 10-16.
Huck, Schuyler W., and Howard M. Sandler. Rival Hypotheses: Alternative Interpretations of Data Based Conclusions. New York: Harper, 1979.
Knoblauch, C. H. “Rhetorical Constructions: Dialogue and Commitment.” College English 50 (February 1988): 125-40.
Lauer, Janice M., and J. William Asher. Composition Research: Empirical Designs. New York: Oxford UP, 1988.
Lunsford, Andrea, and Lisa Ede. “Why Write. . . Together: A Research Update.” Rhetoric Review 5 (Fall 1986): 71-8l.
Mathison, Sandra. “Why Triangulate?” Educational Researcher 17.2 (March 1988): 13-17.
Miles, Matthew B., and A. Michael Huberman. “Drawing Valid Meaning from Qualitative Data: Toward a Shared Craft.” Educational Researcher 13.5 (May 1984): 20-30.
Myers, Greg. “The Social Construction of Two Biologists’ Proposals.” Written Communication 2 (July 1985): 219-45.
McCormick, Kathleen. “The Cultural Imperatives Underlying Cognitive Acts.” Reading-to-Write: Exploring A Cognitive and Social Process. Linda Flower et al. New York: Oxford UP, in press.
Nelson, Jennie, and John R. Hayes. How the Writing Context Shapes Students’ Strategies for Writing from Sources. Technical Report No. 12. Berkeley: Center for the Study of Writing at University of California, Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University, 1988.
North, Stephen M. The Making of Knowledge in Composition: Portrait of an Emerging Field. Upper Montclair: Boynton/Cook, 1987.
O’Keefe, Daniel J. “Logical Empiricism and the Study of Human Communication.” Speech Monographs 42 (August 1975): 169-83.
Perelman, Chaim, and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Trans. John Wilkinson and Purcell Weaver. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame, 1969.
Peshkin, Alan. “In Search of Subjectivity–One’s Own.” Educational Researcher 17.7 (October 1988): 17-22.
Phillips, D. “After the Wake: Postpositivistic Educational Thought.” Educational Researcher 12.5 (May 1983): 4-12.
Rose, Mike. “Complexity, Rigor, Evolving Method, and the Puzzle of Writer’s Block: Thoughts on Composing-Process Research.” When A Writer Can’t Write: Studies in Writer’s Block and Other Composing-Process Problems. Ed. Mike Rose. New York: Guilford Press, 1985. 227-60.
—. “Narrowing the Mind and Page: Remedial Writers and Cognitive Reductionism.” CCC 39 (October 1988): 267-302.
Schriver, Karen A. “What Are We Doing as a Research Community? Theory Building in Rhetoric and Composition: The Role of Empirical Scholarship.” Rhetoric Review 7 (Spring 1989): 272-88.
Shaughnessy, Mina. Errors and Expectations: A Guide for the Teacher of Basic Writing. New York: Oxford UP, 1977.
Spradley, James. Participant Observation. New York: Holt, 1980.
Stein, Victoria. “Elaboration: Using What You Know.” Reading-to-Write: Exploring a Cognitive and Social Process. Linda Flower et al. New York: Oxford UP, in press.
Toulmin, Stephen. Foresight and Understanding. New York: Harper, 1961.
Wason, Peter C., and Philip N. Johnson-Laird. Psychology of Reasoning: Structure and Content. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1972.
Witte, Stephen. ” Pre-Text and Composing .” CCC 38 (December 1987): 397-425.

Kostelnick, Charles. “Process Paradigms in Design and Composition: Affinities and Directions.” CCC 40.3 (1989): 267-281.


This article attempts to create a cross-disciplinary theory of the creative act by juxtaposing the process movement, applied in composition theory and pedagogy, and design theory, used in fields like architecture and urban planning. The article explains the history and major tenets of both process and design theory, emphasizing that both value creativity as an important problem-solving tool, are concerned with the choices writers and designers make in the process of creating, emphasize the importance of context, and borrow theories from cognitive psychology and other fields. The author warns against urges in the field of composition to create a unified process theory, as no one model can fit all students’ needs and rhetorical situations.


ccc40.3 Process Design Writing Problems Methods Invention Model Designers Analysis Students Writers Theorists Paradigm Methodology CAlexander

Works Cited

Akin, Omer. “Exploration of the Design Process.” Design Methods and Theories 13 (July-Dec. 1979): 115-19.
Alexander, Christopher. Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1964.
—. “The State of the Art in Design Methodology.” Interviewed by Max Jacobson. DMG Newsletter 5.3 (March 1971): 3-7.
Alexander, Christopher, and Barry Poyner. “The Atoms of Environmental Structure.” Emerging Methods in Environmental Design and Planning. Proc. of The Design Methods Group First International Conference. June 1968. Ed. Gary T. Moore. Cambridge: MIT P, 1970. 308-21.
Anderson, Paul V. “What Survey Research Tells Us about Writing at Work.” Odell and Goswami 3-83.
Berlin, James A. “Contemporary Composition: The Major Pedagogical Theories.” College English 44 (Dec. 1982): 765-77.
Brandt, Deborah. “Toward an Understanding of Context in Composition.” Written Communication 3 (April 1986): 139-57.
Broadbent, Geoffrey. “The Development of Design Methods-A Review.” Design Methods and Theories 13 (Jan.-March 1979): 41-45.
Broadbent, Geoffrey, Richard Bunt, and Charles Jencks. Signs, Symbols, and Architecture. New York: Wiley, 1980.
Broadhead, Glenn J, and Richard C. Freed. The Variables of Composition: Process and Product in a Business Setting. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1986.
Bruffee, Kenneth A. “Social Construction, Language, and the Authority of Knowledge: A Bibliographical Essay.” College English 48 (Dec. 1986): 773-90.
Buchanan, Richard. “Declaration by Design: Rhetoric, Argument, and Demonstration in Design Practice.” Design Issues 2.1 (Spring 1985): 4-22.
Cooper, Marilyn M. “The Ecology of Writing.” College English 48 (April 1986): 364-75.
Cross, Anita. “Design Intelligence: The Use of Codes and Language Systems in Design.” Design Studies 7 (Jan. 1986): 14-19.
Cross, Nigel. “Designerly Ways of Knowing.” Design Studies 3 (Oct. 1982): 221-27.
—, ed. Developments in Design Methodology. New York: Wiley, 1984.
—. “Understanding Design: The Lessons of Design Methodology.” Design Methods and Theories 20 (1986): 409-38.
Daley, Janet. “Design Creativity and the Understanding of Objects.” Design Studies 3 (July 1982): 133-37.
Dobrin, David N. “Protocols Once More.” College English 48 (Nov. 1986): 713-25.
Doheny-Farina, Stephen. “Writing in an Emerging Organization: An Ethnographic Study.” Written Communication 3 (April 1986): 158-85.
Emig, Janet. The Composing Processes of Twelfth Graders. NCTE Research Report No. 13. Urbana, 11: NCTE, 1971.
Faigley, Lester. “Competing Theories of Process: A Critique and a Proposal.” College English 48 (Oct. 1986): 527-42.
Faigley, Lester, Roger D. Cherry, David A. Jolliffe, and Anna M. Skinner. Assessing Writers’ Knowledge and Processes of Composing. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1985.
Faigley, Lester, and Stephen Witte. “Analyzing Revision.” CCC 32 (Dec. 1981): 400-14.
Flower, Linda. Problem-Solving Strategies for Writing. 3rd ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
Flower, Linda, and John R. Hayes. “The Cognition of Discovery: Defining a Rhetorical Problem.” CCC 31 (Feb. 1980): 21-32.
—. “A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing.” CCC 32 (Dec. 1981): 365-87.
Fowles, Robert A., ed. “Special Issue: Design Methods in U. K. Schools of Architecture.” Editorial. Design Methods and Theories 13 (Jan.-March 1979): 2-5.
—. “What Happened to Design Methods in Architectural Education?” Design Methods and Theories 11 (Jan.-March 1977): 17-31.
Foz, Adel T.K. “Observations on Designer Behavior in the Parti.” DMG-DRS Journal: Design Research and Methods 7 (Oct.-Dec. 1973): 320-23.
Grant, Donald P. “Aims and Potentials of Design Methodology.” Responding to Social Change. Ed. Basil Honikman. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 1975. 96-108.
Hagge, John. “The Process Religion and Business Communication.” The Journal of Business Communication 24.1 (Winter 1987): 89-120.
Hairston, Maxine. “Different Products, Different Processes: A Theory About Writing.” CCC 37 (Dee. 1986): 442-52.
—. “The Winds of Change: Thomas Kuhn and the Revolution in the Teaching of Writing.” CCC 33 (Feb. 1982): 76-88.
Hillier, Bill, John Musgrove, and Pat O’Sullivan. “Knowledge and Design.” Environmental Design: Research and Practice. Proc. of the EDRA Conference. January 1972. Ed. William J. Mitchell. Los Angeles: UCLA, 1972.2 vols. 29-3-1 to 14.
Jones, J. Christopher. Design Methods: Seeds of Human Futures. London: Wiley-Interscience, 1970.
—. “How My Thoughts about Design Methods Have Changed during the Years.” Design Methods and Theories 11 (Jan.-March 1977): 48-62.
—. “A Method of Systematic Design.” Conference on Design Methods. Papers Presented at the Conference on Systematic and Intuitive Methods in Engineering, Industrial Design, Architecture and Communications. Sept. 1962. Ed. J. Christopher Jones and D.G. Thornley. Oxford: Pergamon, 1963. 53-73.
Lawson, Bryan R. “Cognitive Strategies in Architectural Design.” Ergonomics 22 (Jan. 1979): 59-68.
Lera, Sebastian. “Synopses of Some Recent Published Studies of the Design Process and Designer Behaviour.” Design Studies 4 (April 1983): 133-40.
Murray, Donald M. “Teaching the Other Self: The Writer’s First Reader.” CCC 33 (May 1982): 140-47.
—. “Writing as Process: How Writing Finds Its Own Meaning.” Eight Approaches to Teaching Composition. Ed. Timothy R. Donovan and Ben W. McClelland. Urbana, 11: NCTE, 1980. 3-20.
Odell, Lee, and Dixie Goswami, eds. Writing in Nonacademic Settings. New York: Guilford, 1985.
Perl, Sondra. “Understanding Composing.” CCC 31 (Dee. 1980): 363-69.
Piazza, Carolyn L. “Identifying Context Variables in Research on Writing: A Review and Suggested Directions.” Written Communication 4 (April 1987): 107-37.
Rittel, Horst W.J. “Some Principles for the Design of an Educational System for Design-Part One.” DMG Newsletter 4. 12 (Dec. 1970): 3-10.
—. “The State of the Art in Design Methods.” Interviewed by Donald P. Grant and Jean Pierre Protzen. DGM-DRS Journal 7 (April-June 1973): 143-47.
Rittel, Horst W. J., and Melvin M. Webber. “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning.” Policy Sciences 4 (June 1973): 155- 69.
Robinson, Julia W. “Design as Exploration.” Design Studies 7 (April 1986): 67-79.
Rohman, D. Gordon. “Pre-Writing: The Stage of Discovery in the Writing Process.” CCC 16 (May 1965): 106-12.
Selzer, Jack. “The Composing Processes of an Engineer.” CCC 34 (May 1983): 178-87.
Simmonds, Roger. “Limitations in the Decision Strategies of Design Students.” Design Studies 1 (Oct. 1980): 358-64.
Sommers, Nancy. “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers.” CCC 31 (Dec. 1980): 378-88.
Ward, A. “Design Cosmologies and Brain Research.” Design Studies 5 (Oct. 1984): 229-38.

College Composition and Communication, Vol. 40, No. 1, February 1989

Click here to view the individual articles in this issue at

Raymond, James C. Rev of The Making of Knowledge in Composition: Portrait of an Emerging Field by Stephen M. North. CCC 40.1 (1989): 93-95.

Larson, Richard L. Rev of The Making of Knowledge in Composition: Portrait of an Emerging Field by Stephen M. North. CCC 40.1 (1989): 95-98.

Lloyd-Jones, Richard. Rev of The Making of Knowledge in Composition: Portrait of an Emerging Field by Stephen M. North. CCC 40.1 (1989): 98-100.

Herrington, Anne J. Rev of How Writing Shapes Thinking: A Study of Teaching and Learning by Judith A. Langer and Arthur N. Applebee. CCC 40.1 (1989): 100-102.

Meyer, Paul R. Rev of Response to Student Writing by Sarah W. Freedman. CCC 40.1 (1989): 102-103.

Lipscomb, Delores. Rev of Sharing Writing: Peer Response Groups in English Classes by Karen Spear. CCC 40.1 (1989): 103-104.

Young, Art. Rev of Improving Student Writing: A Guidebook for Faculty in All Disciplines by Andrew Moss and Carol Holder. CCC 40.1 (1989): 104-105.

Leeson, Lee Ann. “Beyond Process Pedagogy: Making Connections between Classroom Practice and Adult Literacy.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 73-79.

Tinberg, Howard B. “Ethnography in the Writing Classroom.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 79-82.

Schreffler, Peter H. “‘Where All the Children Are above Average’: Garrison Keillor as a Model for Personal Narrative Assignments.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 82-85.

Coon, Anne C. “Using Ethical Questions to Develop Autonomy in Student Researchers.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 85-89.

Seabury, Marcia Bundy. “The Abstraction Ladder in Freshman Composition.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 89-92.

CCCC Committee on Professional Standards for Quality Education. “CCCC Initiatives on the Wyoming Conference Resolution: A Draft Report.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 61-72.


No works cited.

Olson, Gary A. and Joseph M. Moxley. “Directing Freshman Composition: The Limits of Authority.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 51-60.


The two authors conducted a study about the power, position, and responsibilities of writing program administrators by interviewing English department chairs. The survey showed that chairs want WPAs to be accessible and organized, to communicate well with faculty, and to train freshman composition instructors, but that chairs do not normally expect WPAs to assist in the creation of curricular policy. The authors believe that WPAs, as experts in composition and rhetoric, should have full control of the writing programs, act as co-chairs to the English department chair, and not be expected to take on an administrative role until they secure tenure.


ccc40.1 Programs Writing Programs WPA Director FYC Authority Chairs Faculty Departments Administration Control Tenure Policy

Works Cited

Bruffee, Kenneth A. “The WPA as (Journal) Writer: What the Record Reveals.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1985): 5-10.
CCCC Committee on Professional Guidance to Departments and Faculty. “Draft Statement of Professional Guidance to Junior Faculty and Department Chairs.” CCC 38 (December 1987): 493-97.
Connolly, Paul, and Teresa Vilardi. New Methods in College Writing Programs: Theories in Practice. New York: MLA, 1986.
Hairston, Maxine. “Some Speculations about the Future of Writing Programs.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 11. 3 (Spring 1988): 9-16.
Hatzog, Carol P. Composition and the Academy: A Study of Writing Program Administration. New York: MLA, 1986.
—-. “Freshman English 1984: Politics and Administrative Process.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1984): 7-15.
Polin, Linda G., and Edward M. White. “Speaking Frankly: Writing Program Administrators Look at Instructional Goals and Faculty Retraining.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1985): 19-30.
Robertson, Linda R., Sharon Crowley, and Frank Lentricchia. “The Wyoming Conference Resolution Opposing Unfair Salaries and Working Conditions for Post-Secondary Teachers of Writing.” College English 49 (March 1987): 274-80.

Bartholomae, David. “Freshman English, Composition, and CCCC.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 38-50.


In this article, the 1988 CCCC Chair’s Address, the author uses compares the two opening talks of the first CCCC convention to show how the convention struggled to redefine English and the first-year composition course. He reflects on the terms communication, composition, and conference to get a sense of where the field is now and what it could become in the future, stating that he is wary of calls for the creation of disciplinary boundaries in the field that could limit one of the field’s strengths, its diversity of interests and willingness to accept new ideas.


ccc40.1 ChairsAddress Composition CCCC FYC English Organization Literature Students Communication Language History Field Conferences Courses NCTE RWeaver JMcCrimmon

No works cited.

Dean, Terry. “Multicultural Classrooms, Monocultural Teachers.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 23-37.


This article challenges teachers of writing to acquire a wider knowledge of the cultures and histories of their individual students, citing that instructors who are sensitive to their students’ cultural diversity are better able to equip them with the knowledge they need to succeed at the university. The author describes theoretical models for multicultural classrooms and offers several teaching exercises and strategies to use for the purpose of raising issues of cultural diversity in the college composition classroom.


ccc40.1 Culture Students Home Schools Groups Mainstream University HomeCulture Multiculturalism Classrooms Identity Campus Family Teachers RRodriguez Minority Diversity

Works Cited

Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” When a Writer Can’t Write. Ed. Mike Rose. New York: Guilford, 1985. 134-65.
Bizzell, Patricia. “What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College?” CCC 37 (October 1986): 294-301.
Bourdieu, Pierre, and Jean-Claude Passeron. The Inheritors: French Students and Their Relation to Culture. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1979.
Cummins, James. “Empowering Minority Students: A Framework for Intervention.” Harvard Educational Review 56 (February 1986): 18-36.
Fleming, Jacqueline. Blacks in College: A Comparative Study of Students’ Success in Black and in White Institutions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985.
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 1982.
—. The Politics of Education: Culture, Power, and Liberation. South Hadley, MA: Bergin & Garvey, 1985.
Geertz, Clifford. Local Knowledge. New York: Basic Books, 1983.
Groden, Suzy, Eleanor Kutz, and Vivian Zamel. “Students as Ethnographers: Investigating Language Use as a Way to Learn Language.” The Writing Instructor 6 (Spring-Summer 1987): 132-40.
Heath, Shirley Brice. Ways with Words: Language, Life, and Work in Communities and Classrooms. New York: Cambridge UP, 1983.
Holzman, Michael. “The Social Context of Literacy Education.” College English 48 (January 1986): 27-33.
Mitchell, Jacquelyn. “Reflections of a Black Social Scientist: Some Struggles, Some Doubts, Some Hopes.” Harvard Educational Review 52 (February 1982): 27-44.
Ogbu, John. The Next Generation: An Ethnography of Education in an Urban Neighborhood. New York: Academic Press, 1974.
Olson, Carol Booth, ed. Practical Ideas for Teaching Writing as a Process. Sacramento: California State Department of Education, 1986.
Petrie, Loretta. “Pulling Together the Multicultural Composition Class.” CCCC Convention. New Orleans, March 1986.
Philips, Susan Urmston. The Invisible Culture: Communication in the Classroom and Community on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. New York: Longman, 1983.
The Puente Project: Building Bridges. Berkeley: Bay Area Writing Project, 1985.
Rodriguez, Richard. Hunger of Memory. Boston: Bantam Books, 1982.
Steinberg, Stephen. The Ethnic Myth: Race, Ethnicity, and Class in America. New York: Atheneum, 1981.
Wauters, Joan. “Non-Confrontational Critiquing Pairs: An Alternative to Verbal Peer Response Groups.” The Writing Instructor 7 (Spring/Summer 1988): 156-66.

Harris, Joseph. “The Idea of Community in the Study of Writing.” CCC 40.1 (1989): 11-22.


This article argues against the idea of a coherent, unified academic discourse community and suggests that creating a binary between the language of the university and the language of students makes it difficult for scholars to talk about how or why people would move between these two communities. The author proposes that teachers of writing show students that adopting an additional discourse community does not cancel out their previous discourse community; rather, it only adds another layer of complexity to their use of language, and students should be taught to be conscious of and value the competing discourses that make up their own unique voice. The author also urges others in the field of composition to be aware of the conflicting discourses within the university community and suggests using community to refer to specific and local groups instead of broader ones.


ccc40.1 BraddockAward Community Discourse Writing Students University Language DBartholomae DiscourseCommunities Beliefs AcademicDiscourse RWilliams PublicLanguage

Works Cited

Barthes, Roland. S/Z. Trans. Richard Miller. New York: Hill, 1974.
Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” When a Writer Can’t Write. Ed. Mike Rose. New York, Guilford, 1985. 134-65.
Bartholomae, David, and Anthony Petrosky. Facts, Artifacts, and Counterfacts: Theory and Method for a Reading and Writing Course . Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook, 1986.
Bazerman, Charles. “Some Difficulties in Characterizing Social Phenomena in Writing.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, March 1987.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Foundationalism and Anti-Foundationalism in Composition Studies.” Pre/Text 7 (Spring/Summer 1986): 37-57.
—. “What is a Discourse Community?” Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University Park, July 1987.
Brodkey, Linda. Academic Writing as Social Practice. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1987.
Bruffee, Kenneth A. “Collaborative Learning and the ‘Conversation of Mankind.'” College English 46 (November 1984): 635-52.
Coles, Nicholas. “Raymond Williams: Writing Across Borders.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, March 1988.
Fish, Stanley. Is There a Text in This Class? Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1980.
—. “Change.” South Atlantic Quarterly 86 (Fall 1987): 423-44.
Herzberg, Bruce. “The Politics of Discourse Communities.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, March 1986.
Hirsch, E. D., Jr. Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. Boston: Houghton, 1987.
Hymes, Dell. Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1974.
Lu, Min-zhan. “Teaching the Conventions of Academic Discourse: Structures of Feeling.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, March 1988.
Myers, Greg. “The Social Construction of Two Biologists’ Proposals.” Written Communication 2 (July 1985): 219-45.
Porter, James. “Intertextuality and the Discourse Community.” Rhetoric Review 5 (Fall 1986): 34-47.
Pratt, Mary Louise. “Interpretive Strategies/Strategic Interpretations: On Anglo-American Reader Response Criticism.” Boundary 2 11.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1982-83): 201-31.
Robbins, Bruce. “Professionalism and Politics: Toward Productively Divided Loyalties.” Profession 85: 1-9.
Rodriguez, Richard. Hunger of Memory. Boston: Godine, 1981.
Schilb, John. “When Bricolage Becomes Theory: The Hazards of Ignoring Ideology.” Midwest Modern Language Association. Chicago, November 1986.
Swales, John. “Approaching the Concept of Discourse Community.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, March 1987.
Williams, Raymond. Second Generation. New York: Horizon, 1964.
—. The Country and the City. New York: Oxford UP, 1973.
—. Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. New York: Oxford UP, 1976.
—. Marxism and Literature. New York: Oxford UP, 1977.

College Composition and Communication, Vol. 40, No. 2, May 1989

Click here to view the individual articles in this issue at

Lunsford, Andrea A. Rev. of Quintilian on the Teaching of Speaking and Writing by James J. Murphy. CCC 40.2 (1989): 229-230.

Gage, John T. Rev. of The Literate Mode of Cicero’s Legal Rhetoric by Richard Leo Enos. CCC 40.2 (1989): 230-231.

Crusius, Timothy W. Rev. of In Defence of Rhetoric by Brian Vickers. CCC 40.2 (1989): 231-232.

Schilb, John. Rev. of The Art of Wondering: A Revisionist Return to the History of Rhetoric by William A. Covino. CCC 40.2 (1989): 233-234 .

Moran, Charles. Rev. of Plato, Derrida, and Writing by Jasper Neel. CCC 40.2 (1989): 234-236.

Woods, William F. Rev. of Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value and Action by Walter R. Fisher. CCC 40.2 (1989): 236-238.

Summerfield, Geoffrey. Rev. of The Word for Teaching Is Learning: Essays for James Britton by Martin Lightfoot and Nancy Martin. CCC 40.2 (1989): 238-239.

Clifford, John. Rev. of A Preface to Literacy: An Inquiry into Pedagogy, Practice, and Progress by Myron C. Tuman. CCC 40.2 (1989): 239-241.

Gorrell, Donna. Rev. of Joining the Literacy Club: Further Essays into Education by Frank Smith. CCC 40.2 (1989): 241-242.

Campbell, Kim Sydow. Rev. of A Linguistic Study of American Punctuation by Charles F. Meyer. CCC 40.2 (1989): 242-243.

Myers, Greg. Rev. of Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives by Ronald Carter. CCC 40.2 (1989): 243-244.

Greenberg, Karen L. Rev. of The IEA Study of Written Composition I: The International Writing Tasks and Scoring Scales by Tom P. Gorman, Alan C. Purves, and R. Elaine Degenhart. CCC 40.2 (1989): 244-245.

Hashimoto, I. Rev. of Writers on Writing by Tom Waldrep. CCC 40.2 (1989): 245-246.

Lovejoy, Kim Brian. Rev. of Research Projects for College Students: What to Write across the Curriculum by Marilyn Lutzker. CCC 40.2 (1989): 247-248.

Friedmann, Thomas. “Response to Carroll Viera, “The Grammarian as Basic Writer: An Exercise for Teachers.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 225-226.

Minot, Walter S. “Response to Richard H. Haswell, “Dark Shadows: The Fate of Writers at the Bottom.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 226-227.

Haswell, Richard H. “Reply by Richard H. Haswell.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 227.

Schwartz, Mimi. “Wearing the Shoe on the Other Foot: Teacher as Student Writer.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 203-210.

Heller, Dana A. “Silencing the Soundtrack: An Alternative to Marginal Comments.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 210-215.

Jenseth, Richard. “Understanding Hiroshima: An Assignment Sequence for Freshman English.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 215-219.

Fluitt-Dupuy, Jan. “Publishing a Newsletter: Making Composition Classes More Meaningful.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 219-223.

Stewart, Donald C. “What Is an English Major, and What Should It Be?” CCC 40.2 (1989): 188-202.


This article uses a study of 194 undergraduate English major programs at American colleges and universities to answer two questions: what do undergraduate English major students perceive the field of English to be and what knowledge from the field do they take with them into their careers. The study found that most undergraduate English major programs primarily emphasize literature and literary analysis instead of creative writing, composition and rhetoric, and linguistics. The author argues that to better prepare students for future careers in the field, which require knowledge in subjects other than literature, undergraduate English major courses should provide more opportunities for students to take courses and have tracks in writing, rhetoric, and linguistics.


ccc40.2 Composition Courses Curriculum English EnglishStudies Literature Rhetoric Programs Departments Majors EnglishMajor Linguistics History CreativeWriting

Works Cited

Aristotle. Rhetoric. Trans. Lane Cooper. Englewood Cliffs: NJ: Prentice Hall, 1932.
Austin, Penelope. “Spiralling Toward Paradise: Toward an Ideal Ph.D. Writing Program,” AWP Newsletter (September 1986): 1-4.
Berlin, James. Rhetoric and Reality: Writing in American Colleges, 1900-1985. CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
Blair, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. Ed. Harold F. Harding. 2 vols. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1965.
Burhans, Clinton. “The Teaching of Writing and the Knowledge Gap.” College English 45 (November 1983): 639-56.
Campbell, George. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Ed. Lloyd F. Bitzer. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1963.
Chapman, David, and Gary Tate. “A Survey of Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric and Composition.” Rhetoric Review 5 (Spring 1987); 124-86.
Cicero. De Oratore. Trans. J. S. Watson. Southern Illinois University Press Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address. Ed. David Potter. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1970.
Cutler, Bruce. “What Happens If We Win?” AWP Newsletter (May 1986): 5-7.
Golden, James, and Edward P. J. Corbett. The Rhetoric of Blair, Campbell, and Whately, New York: Holt, 1968.
Howell, Wilbur Samuel. Logic and Rhetoric in England: 1500-1700, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1956.
—. Eighteenth-Century British Logic and Rhetoric, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1971.
Kitzhaber, Albert R. “Death-or Transfiguration?” College English 21 (April 1960); 367-73.
—. “Rhetoric in American Colleges: 1850-1900.” Diss. U of Washington, 1953.
Murphy, James. Rhetoric in the Middle Ages, Berkeley: U of California P, 1974.
Plato. Gorgias. Trans. Walter Hamilton. New York: Penguin, 1960.
—. Phaedrus, Trans. R. Hackforth. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1952.
Quintilian. The Institutes of Oratory, Trans. John Selby Watson. London: George Bell and Sons, 1887.
Scott, Fred Newton. “The Report on College Entrance Requirements in English.” Educational Review 20 (October 1900): 289-94.
—. “Rhetoric.” The New International Encyclopedia. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1902-04.
Stewart, Donald C. “Comp. Vs. Lit.: Which Is Your Job and Which Is Your Strength?” College English 40 (September 1978): 65-69.
Whately, Richard. Elements of Rhetoric. Ed. Douglas Ehninger. Carbondale; Southern Illinois UP, 1963.

Murphy, Ann. “Transference and Resistance in the Basic Writing Classroom: Problematics and Praxis.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 175-187.


The author, using Freud’s analogy between teaching, psychoanalysis, and government, explores both the power relations in basic writing classrooms and the ways that psychoanalytic theory can enlighten composition teaching practices. This article explains how the theoretical model of Lacanian psychoanalytic pedagogy fails in the writing classroom because it does not take into account both the authoritative role a writing instructor has over students and the lack of training writing teachers have to deal with the issues that arise in exploratory personal writing.


ccc40.2 Students Psychoanalysis Teaching Writing SFreud JLacan Transference Resistance Classrooms Language Power Composition Process Theory Analysis RBrooke

Works Cited

Brooke, Robert. “Lacan, Transference, and Writing Instruction.” College English 49 (October 1987): 679-91.
Bruch, Hilde. Learning Psychotherapy: Rationale and Ground Rules. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1974.
Davis, Robert Con. “Pedagogy, Lacan, and the Freudian Subject.” College English 49 (November 1987): 749-55.
Felman, Shoshana. “Psychoanalysis and Education: Teaching Terminable and Interminable.” Yale French Studies 63 (1982): 21-44.
Freud, Sigmund. “Analysis Terminable and Interminable.” Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. 24 vols. London: Hogarth Press, 1964. 23:216-53.
—. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York: Norton, 1969.
—. “Transference.” A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Garden City: Garden City Publishing, 1943. 374-89.
Hairston, Maxine. “Different Products, Different Processes: A Theory About Writing.” CCC 37 (December 1986): 442-52.
Jay, Gregory. “The Subject of Pedagogy: Lessons in Psychoanalysis and Politics.” College English 49 (November 1987): 785-800.
Johnson, Barbara. “Teaching Deconstructively.” Writing and Reading Differently: Deconstruction and the Teaching of Composition and Literature. Ed. G. Douglas Atkins and Michael Johnson. Lawrence: U of Kansas P, 1985. 140-48.
Lacan, Jacques. “The Insistence of the Letter in the Unconscious.” The Structuralists from Marx to Levi-Strauss. Ed. Richard and Fernande De George. Garden City: Doubleday, 1972. 287-323.
McGee, Patrick. “Truth and Resistance: Teaching as a Form of Analysis.” College English 49 (October 1987): 667-78.
Malcolm, Janet. Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession. New York: Random, 1982.
Perelman, Les. “The Context of Classroom Writing.” College English 48 (September 1986): 471-79.

Ritchie, Joy S. “Beginning Writers: Diverse Voices and Individual Identity.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 152-174.


This article uses the author’s own observations of an introductory composition class to investigate the dynamics of workshops in college composition classrooms, showing that the rhetorical situation present in the workshop is always changing and must be addressed in discussions surrounding the pedagogical value of workshops. Her study shows that workshops are unpredictable because each writing class contains different students who bring different histories and needs to the table. Students develop their own voices within this polyphony and simultaneously become part of a larger classroom community. The author also argues that fruitful workshops arise when instructors are willing to relinquish some of their control of the classroom to give the class the freedom and opportunity to direct their learning.


ccc40.2 Writing Students Language Clasrooms MBakhtin Teachers Workshops Discourse Process Voices Experience Ideas Values Response BeginningWriters Identity

Works Cited

Applebee, Arthur. Contexts for Learning to Write. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1984.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. “Discourse in the Novel.” The Dialogic Imagination. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: U of Texas P, 1981. 259-422.
—. “From Notes Made in 1970-71.” Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Trans. Vern McGee. Austin: U of Texas P, 1986. 132-59.
—. “The Problem of the Text.” Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Trans. Vern McGee. Austin: U of Texas P, 1986. 101-31.
Bartholomae, David. “Writing Assignments: Where Writing Begins.” FForum. Ed. Patricia L. Stock. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook, 1983. 300-12.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Arguing about Literacy.” College English 50 (Feb. 1988): 141-53.
Brooke, Robert. “Underlife and Writing Instruction.” CCC 38 (May 1987): 141-53.
Clark, Katerina, and Michael Holquist. Mikhail Bakhtin. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984.
Elbow, Peter. Embracing Contraries. New York: Oxford UP, 1986.
—. Writing without Teachers. New York: Oxford UP, 1973.
Knoblauch, C. H., and Lil Brannon. Rhetorical Traditions and the Teaching of Writing. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton-Cook, 1984.
Murray, Donald. A Writer Teaches Writing. 2nd ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Schuster, Charles. “Mikhail Bakhtin as Rhetorical Theorist.” College English 47 (Oct. 1985): 594-607.
Trimbur, John. “Beyond Cognition: The Voices in Inner Speech.” Rhetoric Review 5 (Spring 1987): 211-21.
Volosinov, V.N. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Trans. Ladislav Matejka and LR. Titunik. New York: Seminar Press, 1973.
Vygotsky, Lev. Thought and Language. Cambridge: MIT P, 1962.

Winterowd, W. Ross. “Composition Textbooks: Publisher-Author Relationships.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 139-151.


The author, who has worked with several publishing companies, uses seven case studies of publisher-author relations to show the degree of power publishers have in the creation of textbooks. He argues that publishing houses are driven in their decisions by economics. The article recommends that authors always consult with a lawyer during contract negotiations, submit minimum proposals instead of full manuscripts, and try to work with publishers who are interested in the value of their work.


ccc40.2 Authors Publishers Contracts Work Publishing Textbooks Composition Proposal Manuscript Editors Integrity Market Royalties

Works Cited

Adelstein, Michael E., and Jean G. Pival. The Writing Commitment. 4th ed. San Diego: Harcourt, 1988.
Applebee, Arthur N. Tradition and Reform in the Teaching of English: A History. Urbana: NCTE, 1974.
Axelrod, Rise B., and Charles R. Cooper. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s, 1988.
Beaugrande, Robert de. “Composition Textbooks: Ethnography and Proposal.”‘ Written Communication 2 (October 1985): 391-413.
Berlin, James A. Rhetoric and Reality: Writing Instruction in American Colleges, 1900-1985. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
—. Writing Instruction in Nineteenth-Century American Colleges. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1984.
Coles, William E., Jr. Composing II: Writing as a Self-Creating Process. Rochelle Park, NJ: Hayden, 1981.
Connors, Robert J. “‘Textbooks and the Evolution of the Discipline.”‘ CCC 37 (May 1986): 177-94.
Hodges, John c., and Mary E. Whitten. The Harbrace College Handbook. 10th ed. San Diego: Harcourt, 1986.
Muther, Connie. “Textbook Deals: Is Your Board Putting Cost before Curriculum?” American School Board Journal 173 (January 1986): 32-34.
Ohmann, Richard. English in America: A Radical View of the Profession. New York: Oxford UP, 1976.
Stewart, Donald C. “Composition Textbooks and the Assault on Tradition.” CCC 29 (May 1978): 171-76.
—. “NCTE’s First President and the Movement for Language Reform.” College English 48 (September 1986): 444-56.
—. “Some History Lessons for Composition Teachers.” Rhetoric Review 3 (January 1985): 134-44.
—. “The Status of Composition and Rhetoric in American Colleges, 1890-1902: An MLA Perspective.” College English 47 (November 1985): 734-46.
“TAA Members vs. CBS, a Decision in Three Rounds.” TAA Report 2 (October 1988): 1-2.
Textbook Authors Association. “Some Issues and Questions an Author Might Address Before Signing A Publishing Contract for a Textbook.” 1987.
Trimmer, Joseph H., and James M. McCrimmon. Writing with a Purpose. 9th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1988.
Welch, Kathleen E. ” Ideology and Freshman Textbook Production: The Place of Theory in Writing Pedagogy .” CCC 38 (October 1987): 269-82.
Winterowd, W. Ross. “The Purification of Literature and Rhetoric.” College English 49 (October 1987): 257-73.
Young, Richard E. “Recent Developments in Rhetorical Invention.” Teaching Composition: Twelve Bibliographical Essays. Ed. Gary Tate. Rev. and enlarged ed. Fort Worth: Texas Christian UP, 1987. 1-38.
Young, Richard E., Alton L. Becker, and Kenneth L. Pike. Rhetoric: Discovery and Change. New York: Harcourt, 1970.

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The CCC Online Archive was designed by Collin Brooke, past CCC Online Archive editor, and Derek Mueller at Syracuse University primarily as a research tool, an online supplement to the journal College Composition and Communication. Among other things, the designers provided an additional point of access to the content of the journal, multiple search protocols for exploring that content, and means of surveying and generating metadata for the journal. Their guiding principles were access and visibility, in the context of making CCC both increasingly and variously available to the scholars in the field. This content was previously available through the Syracuse University website, however, in August of 2011 it was moved to this more permanent location within the CCCC/NCTE site to make it accessible to CCCC members.

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