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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 44, No. 2, May 1993

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Gillam, Alice M. Rev. of New Visions of Collaborative Writing by Janis Forman. CCC 44.2 (1993): 258-259.

Durst, Russel K. Rev. of Methods and Methodology in Composition Research by Gesa Kirsch and Patricia A. Sullivan. CCC 44.2 (1993): 260-262.

Brooke, Robert. Rev. of Gaining Ground in College Writing: Tales of Development and Interpretation by Richard Haswell. CCC 44.2 (1993): 262-264.

Coe, Richard M. Rev. of Beyond Outlining: New Approaches to Rhetorical Form by Betty Cain. CCC 44.2 (1993): 264-266.

Greenberg, Karen L. Rev. of Portfolios in the Writing Classroom: An Introduction by Kathleen Blake Yancey. CCC 44.2 (1993): 266-268.

Londow, David Z. Rev. of Reading and Writing Essays: The Imaginative Tasks by Pat C. Hoy II. CCC 44.2 (1993): 268-270.

Kendig, Diane. Rev. of To Make a Poem by Alberta Turner; Working Words: The Process of Creative Writing by Wendy Bishop. CCC 44.2 (1993): 270-272.

Capra, Lucille. Rev. of Teaching Hearts and Minds: College Students Reflect on the Vietnam War in Literature by Barry Kroll; Illumination rounds: Teaching the Literature of the Vietnam War by Larry R. Johannessen; Vietnam, We’ve All Been There by Eric James Schroeder. CCC 44.2 (1993): 272-275.

Trimbur, John et al. “Responses to Maxine Hairston, ‘Diversity, Ideology, and Teaching Writing’ and Reply.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 248-256.

Voss, Ralph F. and Laurence Behrens. “Responses to Richard Gebhardt, ‘Theme Issue Feedback and Fallout’ and Reply.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 256-257.

Rothgery, David. “‘So What Do We Do Now?’ Necessary Directionality as the Writing Teacher’s Response to Racist, Sexist, Homophobic Papers.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 241-247.



ccc44.2 Truth Students Paper Classrooms Teacher Situatedness Transcendence Cruelty Directionality Racism Sexism Homophobia SFish AntiFoundationalism Theory

Works Cited

Bauer, Dale. “The Other ‘p’ Word: The Feminist in the Classroom.” College English 52 (Apr. 1990): 385-96.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Beyond Anti-Foundationalism to Rhetorical Authority: Problems Defining Cultural Literacy.” College English 52 (Oct. 1990): 661-75.
Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey. New York: Signet, 1968.
Fish, Stanley. Doing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies. Durham: Duke UP, 1989.
Foucault, Michel. The Archaeology of Knowledge. Trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith. New York: Pantheon, 1972.
—. “Truth and Power.” Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-77. Trans. Colin Gordon, Leo Marshall, John Mepham, and Kate Soper. Ed. Colin Gordon. New York: Pantheon, 1980. 109-33.

Lent, Robin. “‘I Can Relate to That…’: Reading and Responding in the Writing Classroom.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 232-240.



ccc44.2 Response Essay Reading Poverty Students Writing Paper JKozol ResponsePapers

Works Cited

Bartholomae, David, and Anthony Petrosky. Facts, Artifacts, and Counterfacts. Upper Montclair: Boynton/Cook, 1986.
Gans, Herbert. “The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All.” Kennedy, Kennedy, and Smith 321-29.
Gibbons, Kaye. Ellen Foster. New York: Vintage, 1988.
Harrington, Michael. “A Definition of Poverty.” Kennedy, Kennedy, and Smith 300-03.
Kennedy, Mary Lynch, William J. Kennedy, and Hadley M. Smith, eds. Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader for Writers. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice, 1987.
Kozol, Jonathan. Rachel and Her Children: Homeless Families in America. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1988.
Marin, Peter. “Helping and Hating the Homeless.” Muscatine and Griffith 695-704. Muscatine, Charles, and Marlene Griffith. The Borzoi College Reader. 6th ed. New York: Knopf, 1988.
Newkirk, Thomas. “Looking for Trouble: A Way to Unmask Our Readings.” To Com pose: Teaching Writing in High School and College. Ed. Thomas Newkirk. 2nd ed. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1990. 209-21.
Parker, Jo Goodwin. “What is Poverty?” Muscatine and Griffith 692-95.
Ryan, William. “Learning to Be Poor: The Culture of Poverty Cheesecake.” Kennedy, Kennedy, and Smith 304-21.
Scholes, Robert. Textual Power: Literary Theory and the Teaching of English. New Haven: Yale UP, 1985.
Schumacher, E.F. “A Culture of Poverty.” Kennedy, Kennedy, and Smith 329-35.
Weimer, Linda. “Hoping to Make A Difference.” Boston Globe 18 Aug. 1989: 24.
—. “Stripping Down to Bare Happiness.” The Contemporary Reader from Little, Brown. Ed. Gary Goshgarian. 2d. ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1987.41-44.

Hesse, Douglas. “Teachers as Students, Reflecting Resistance.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 224-231.



ccc44.2 Students Writing GraduateStudents Texts Theory Knowledge Teaching Teachers Composition Pedagogy Community Authority DBartholomae

Works Cited

Aronowitz, Stanley, and Henry A. Giroux. Postmodern Education. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1991.
Bartholomae, David. “Writing on the Margins: The Concept of Literacy in Higher Education.” A Sourcebook for Basic Writing Teachers. Ed. Theresa Enos. New York: Random House, 1987. 66-83.
Bleich, David. “Reconceiving Literacy: Language Use and Social Relations.” Response to Writing: Theory, Practice, and Research. Ed. Chris Anson. Urbana: NCTE, 1989. 15-36.
Gebhardt, Richard C. “Unifying Diversity in the Training of Writing Teachers.” Training the New Teacher of College Composition. Ed. Charles W. Bridges. Urbana: NCTE, 1986. 1-12.
Greene, Bob. “Bar Wars.” Esquire 106.5 (Nov. 1986): 61-62. Rpt. in Our Times. Ed. Robert Atwan. New York: St. Martin’s, 1989. 230-34.
Hairston, Maxine. “Comment.” College English 52 (Oct. 1990): 694-96.
Harwood, William R. “Gods, Goddesses, and Bibles: The Canonization of Misogyny.” Humanist May/June 1985: 23-25, ff. Rpt. in Our Times. Ed. Robert Arwan. New York: St. Martin’s, 1989.403-08.
Hirsch, E. D. “Cultural Literacy.” The American Scholar 52.2 (Spring 1983): 159-69.
Lunsford, Andrea. “Cognitive Studies and Teaching Writing.” Perspectives on Research and Scholarship in Composition. Ed. Ben W. McClelland and Timothy R. Donovan. New York: MLA, 1985. 145-61.
Polanyi, Michael. Knowing and Being. Ed. Marjorie Grene. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1969.
Spellmeyer, Kurt. “Foucault and the Freshman Writer: Considering the Self in Discourse.” College English 51 (Nov. 1989): 715-29.

Connors, Robert J. and Andrea A. Lunsford. “Teachers’ Rhetorical Comments on Student Papers.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 200-223.



ccc44.2 Comments Teachers Papers Students Writing Readers Commentary Issues GlobalComments Grades Error Response Rating Scale Process

Works Cited

Anson, Chris M., ed. Writing and Response: Theory, Practice, and Research. Urbana: NCTE, 1989.
Auten, Janet Gebhart. “A Rhetoric of Teacher Commentary: The Complexity of Response to Student Writing.” Focuses 4 (1991): 3-18.
Barnes, Walter. “The Reign of Red Ink.” English Journal 2 (Mar. 1913): 158-65.
Bowman, James C. “The Marking of English Themes.” English Journal 9 (May 1920): 245-54.
Brannon, Lil. “Response.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Cincinnati, 20 Mar. 1992.
Brown, Marion D., and M. E. Hagerty. “The Measurement of Improvement in English Composition.” English Journal 6 (Oct. 1917): 515-27.
Collins, Harold R. “Conversing in the Margins.” College English 15 (May 1954): 465-66.
Connors, Robert L., and Andrea A. Lunsford. ” Frequency of Formal Errors in Current College Writing, or, Ma and Pa Kettle Do Research.CCC 39 (Dec. 1988): 395-409.
Copeland, Charles T., and H. M. Rideout. Freshman English and Theme Correcting at Harvard College. New York: Silver-Burdett, 1901.
Corbett, Edward P. J. Selected Essays of Edward P. J Corbett. Ed. Robert J. Connors. Dallas: Southern Methodist UP, 1989.
Daiker, Donald A. “Learning to Praise.” Anson 103-13.
Eble, Kenneth E. “Everyman’s Handbook of Final Comments on Freshman Themes.” College English 19 (Dec. 1957): 126-27.
Fleece, Jeffrey. “Teacher as Audience.” College English 13 (Feb. 1952): 272-75.
Gilbert, Allan H. “What Shall We Do with Freshman Themes?” English Journal 11 (Sep. 1922): 392-403.
Griffin, C.W “Theory of Responding to Student Writing: The State of the Art.” CCC 33 (Oct. 1982): 296-301.
Griswold, Louise. “Getting Results from Theme-Correction.” English Journal 18 (Mar. 1929): 245-47.
Hewitt, Charles C. “Criticism-Getting It Over.” English Journal 10 (Feb. 1921): 85-88.
Hillocks, George Jr. Research on Written Composition: New Directions for Teaching. Urbana: NCRE, 1986.
Holley, Hilda. “Correcting and Grading Themes.” English Journal 13 (Jan. 1924): 29-34.
Hudelson, Earl. “The Development and Comparative Values of Composition Scales.” English Journal 12 (Mar. 1923): 163-68.
James, H. W. “A National Survey of the Grading of College Freshman Composition.” English Journal 12 (Oct. 1926): 579-87.
Kitzhaber, Albert R. Themes, Theories, and Therapy: The Teaching of Writing in College. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.
Knoblauch, C. H., and Lil Brannon. “Teacher Commentary on Student Writing: The State of the Art.” Freshman English News 10 (Fall 1981): 1-4.
Leonard, Sterling A. “Building a Scale of Purely Composition Quality.” English Journal 14 (Dec. 1925): 760-75.
Phelps, Louise W. “Images of Student Writing: The Deep StructUre of Teacher Response.” Anson 37-67.
Rodabaugh, Delmer. “Assigning and Commenting on Themes.” College English 16 (Oct. 1954): 33-37.
Rohman, D. Gordon. “Pre-Writing: The Stage of Discovery in the Writing Process.” CCC 16 (May 1965): 106-12.
Schwegler, Robert. “The Politics of Reading Student Papers.” The Politics of Writing Instruction: Postsecondary. Ed. Richard Bullock and John Trimbur. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1991. 203-26.
Simmons, Sue Carter. “A Critique of the Stereotypes of Current-Traditional Rhetoric: Invention and Writing Instruction at Harvard, 1875-1900.” Diss. U of Texas at Austin, 1991.
Sommers, Nancy I. “Responding to Student Writing.” CCC 33 (May 1982): 148-56.
Scott, Fred Newton. “Our Problems.” English Journal 2 (Jan. 1913): 1-10.

Appleman, Deborah and Douglas E. Green. “Mapping the Elusive Boundary between High School and College Writing.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 191-199.



ccc44.2 Writing College HighSchool Students Process Papers Program Revision Requirement School

Works Cited

Anson, Chris M. “Introduction: Response to Writing and the Paradox of Uncertainty.” Writing and’ Response: Theory, Practice, and Research. Ed. Chris M. Anson. Urbana: NCTE, 1989. 1-11.
Applebee, Arthur N., Judith A. Langer, and Ina V. S. Mullis. The Writing Report Card: Writing Achievement in American Schools. Princeton: Educational Testing Service, 1986.
Flower, Linda S., and John R. Hayes. “The Cognition of Discovery: Defining a Rhetorical Problem.” CCC 31 (Feb. 1980): 21-32.
Freedman, Sarah Warshauer, with Cynthia Greenleaf and Melanie Sperling. Response to Student Writing. Urbana: NCTE, 1987.
Gere, Anne Ruggles. TEXT: Writing and Learning. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1988.
Hillocks, George, Jr. “Synthesis of Research on Teaching Writing.” Educational Leadership 44.8 (May 1987): 71-82.
Murray, Donald M. A Writer Teaches Writing. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton, 1985.

Hamp-Lyons, Liz and William Condon. “Questioning Assumptions about Portfolio-Based Assessment.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 176-190.



ccc44.2 Portfolios Readers Assessment Writing Reading Process Criteria Faculty Genre Assumptions Students Evidence Values Data Consensus

Works Cited

Anson, Chris, and Robert L. Brown. “Large-Scale Portfolio Assessment in the Research University: Stories of Problems and Success.” Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 19 (Mar. 1990): 8-9.
Belanoff, Pat, and Peter Elbow. “Using Portfolios to Increase Collaboration and Community in a Writing Program.” Journal of Writing Program Administration 9 (Spring 1986): 27-39.
Condon, William, and Liz Hamp-Lyons. “Introducing a Portfolio-Based Writing Assessment: Progress through Problems.” Portfolios: Process and Product. Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1991. 231-47.
Cooper, George, and Liz Hamp-Lyons. Looking in on Essay Readers. Ann Arbor: English Composition Board, 1988.
Daiker, Donald A., Jeffrey Sommers, Gail Stygall, and Laurel Black. The Best of Miami’s Portfolios. Oxford: Miami U, 1990.
Hamp-Lyon, Liz. “Reconstructing Academic Writing Proficiency.” Assessing Second Language Writing in Academic Settings. Ed. Liz Hamp-Lyons. Norwood: Ablex, 1991. 127-53.
Hamp-Lyons, Liz, and Rebecca Reed. Development of the New Michigan Writing Assessment: Report to the College of LS and A. Ann Arbor: English Composition Board, 1990.
Huot, Brian. “Reliability, Validity, and Holistic Scoring: What We Know and What We Need to Know.” CCC 41 (Feb. 1990): 201-13.
Keller-Cohen, Deborah, and Arthur Wolfe. Extended Writing in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Report on a Faculty Survey. Ann Arbor: English Composition Board, 1987.
Larsen, Richard L. “Using Portfolios in the Assessment of Writing in the Academic Disciplines.” Portfolios: Process and Product. Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1991. 137-150.
Roemer, Marjorie, Lucille M. Schultz, and Russel K. Durst. ” Portfolios and the Process of Change .” CCC 42 (Dec. 1991): 455-69.
Smit, David, Patricia Kolonosky, and Kathryn Seltzer. “Implementing a Portfolio System.” Portfolios: Process and Product. Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1991. 46-56.
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Wauters, Joan K. “Evaluation for Empowerment: A Portfolio Proposal for Alaska.” Portfolios: Process and Product. Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1991. 57-68.

Bernhardt, Stephen A. “The Shape of Text to Come: The Texture of Print on Screens.” CCC 44.2 (1993): 151-175.



ccc44.2 Texts Readers Screens Information Paper Print Books Cues Language Space Interaction Strategies Design Computers Technology

Works Cited

Barton, Ben F., and Marthalee S. Barton. “Simplicity in Visual Representation: A Semiotic Approach.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 1 (1987): 9-26.
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Walker, Janet H. “Authoring Tools for Complex Document Sets.” Barrett 132-47. Writing on the Edge. Special issue on hypertext. 2.2 (Spring 1991).

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