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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 40, No. 2, May 1989

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Lunsford, Andrea A. Rev. of Quintilian on the Teaching of Speaking and Writing by James J. Murphy. CCC 40.2 (1989): 229-230.

Gage, John T. Rev. of The Literate Mode of Cicero’s Legal Rhetoric by Richard Leo Enos. CCC 40.2 (1989): 230-231.

Crusius, Timothy W. Rev. of In Defence of Rhetoric by Brian Vickers. CCC 40.2 (1989): 231-232.

Schilb, John. Rev. of The Art of Wondering: A Revisionist Return to the History of Rhetoric by William A. Covino. CCC 40.2 (1989): 233-234 .

Moran, Charles. Rev. of Plato, Derrida, and Writing by Jasper Neel. CCC 40.2 (1989): 234-236.

Woods, William F. Rev. of Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value and Action by Walter R. Fisher. CCC 40.2 (1989): 236-238.

Summerfield, Geoffrey. Rev. of The Word for Teaching Is Learning: Essays for James Britton by Martin Lightfoot and Nancy Martin. CCC 40.2 (1989): 238-239.

Clifford, John. Rev. of A Preface to Literacy: An Inquiry into Pedagogy, Practice, and Progress by Myron C. Tuman. CCC 40.2 (1989): 239-241.

Gorrell, Donna. Rev. of Joining the Literacy Club: Further Essays into Education by Frank Smith. CCC 40.2 (1989): 241-242.

Campbell, Kim Sydow. Rev. of A Linguistic Study of American Punctuation by Charles F. Meyer. CCC 40.2 (1989): 242-243.

Myers, Greg. Rev. of Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives by Ronald Carter. CCC 40.2 (1989): 243-244.

Greenberg, Karen L. Rev. of The IEA Study of Written Composition I: The International Writing Tasks and Scoring Scales by Tom P. Gorman, Alan C. Purves, and R. Elaine Degenhart. CCC 40.2 (1989): 244-245.

Hashimoto, I. Rev. of Writers on Writing by Tom Waldrep. CCC 40.2 (1989): 245-246.

Lovejoy, Kim Brian. Rev. of Research Projects for College Students: What to Write across the Curriculum by Marilyn Lutzker. CCC 40.2 (1989): 247-248.

Friedmann, Thomas. “Response to Carroll Viera, “The Grammarian as Basic Writer: An Exercise for Teachers.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 225-226.

Minot, Walter S. “Response to Richard H. Haswell, “Dark Shadows: The Fate of Writers at the Bottom.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 226-227.

Haswell, Richard H. “Reply by Richard H. Haswell.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 227.

Schwartz, Mimi. “Wearing the Shoe on the Other Foot: Teacher as Student Writer.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 203-210.

Heller, Dana A. “Silencing the Soundtrack: An Alternative to Marginal Comments.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 210-215.

Jenseth, Richard. “Understanding Hiroshima: An Assignment Sequence for Freshman English.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 215-219.

Fluitt-Dupuy, Jan. “Publishing a Newsletter: Making Composition Classes More Meaningful.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 219-223.

Stewart, Donald C. “What Is an English Major, and What Should It Be?” CCC 40.2 (1989): 188-202.


This article uses a study of 194 undergraduate English major programs at American colleges and universities to answer two questions: what do undergraduate English major students perceive the field of English to be and what knowledge from the field do they take with them into their careers. The study found that most undergraduate English major programs primarily emphasize literature and literary analysis instead of creative writing, composition and rhetoric, and linguistics. The author argues that to better prepare students for future careers in the field, which require knowledge in subjects other than literature, undergraduate English major courses should provide more opportunities for students to take courses and have tracks in writing, rhetoric, and linguistics.


ccc40.2 Composition Courses Curriculum English EnglishStudies Literature Rhetoric Programs Departments Majors EnglishMajor Linguistics History CreativeWriting

Works Cited

Aristotle. Rhetoric. Trans. Lane Cooper. Englewood Cliffs: NJ: Prentice Hall, 1932.
Austin, Penelope. “Spiralling Toward Paradise: Toward an Ideal Ph.D. Writing Program,” AWP Newsletter (September 1986): 1-4.
Berlin, James. Rhetoric and Reality: Writing in American Colleges, 1900-1985. CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
Blair, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. Ed. Harold F. Harding. 2 vols. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1965.
Burhans, Clinton. “The Teaching of Writing and the Knowledge Gap.” College English 45 (November 1983): 639-56.
Campbell, George. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Ed. Lloyd F. Bitzer. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1963.
Chapman, David, and Gary Tate. “A Survey of Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric and Composition.” Rhetoric Review 5 (Spring 1987); 124-86.
Cicero. De Oratore. Trans. J. S. Watson. Southern Illinois University Press Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address. Ed. David Potter. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1970.
Cutler, Bruce. “What Happens If We Win?” AWP Newsletter (May 1986): 5-7.
Golden, James, and Edward P. J. Corbett. The Rhetoric of Blair, Campbell, and Whately, New York: Holt, 1968.
Howell, Wilbur Samuel. Logic and Rhetoric in England: 1500-1700, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1956.
—. Eighteenth-Century British Logic and Rhetoric, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1971.
Kitzhaber, Albert R. “Death-or Transfiguration?” College English 21 (April 1960); 367-73.
—. “Rhetoric in American Colleges: 1850-1900.” Diss. U of Washington, 1953.
Murphy, James. Rhetoric in the Middle Ages, Berkeley: U of California P, 1974.
Plato. Gorgias. Trans. Walter Hamilton. New York: Penguin, 1960.
—. Phaedrus, Trans. R. Hackforth. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1952.
Quintilian. The Institutes of Oratory, Trans. John Selby Watson. London: George Bell and Sons, 1887.
Scott, Fred Newton. “The Report on College Entrance Requirements in English.” Educational Review 20 (October 1900): 289-94.
—. “Rhetoric.” The New International Encyclopedia. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1902-04.
Stewart, Donald C. “Comp. Vs. Lit.: Which Is Your Job and Which Is Your Strength?” College English 40 (September 1978): 65-69.
Whately, Richard. Elements of Rhetoric. Ed. Douglas Ehninger. Carbondale; Southern Illinois UP, 1963.

Murphy, Ann. “Transference and Resistance in the Basic Writing Classroom: Problematics and Praxis.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 175-187.


The author, using Freud’s analogy between teaching, psychoanalysis, and government, explores both the power relations in basic writing classrooms and the ways that psychoanalytic theory can enlighten composition teaching practices. This article explains how the theoretical model of Lacanian psychoanalytic pedagogy fails in the writing classroom because it does not take into account both the authoritative role a writing instructor has over students and the lack of training writing teachers have to deal with the issues that arise in exploratory personal writing.


ccc40.2 Students Psychoanalysis Teaching Writing SFreud JLacan Transference Resistance Classrooms Language Power Composition Process Theory Analysis RBrooke

Works Cited

Brooke, Robert. “Lacan, Transference, and Writing Instruction.” College English 49 (October 1987): 679-91.
Bruch, Hilde. Learning Psychotherapy: Rationale and Ground Rules. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1974.
Davis, Robert Con. “Pedagogy, Lacan, and the Freudian Subject.” College English 49 (November 1987): 749-55.
Felman, Shoshana. “Psychoanalysis and Education: Teaching Terminable and Interminable.” Yale French Studies 63 (1982): 21-44.
Freud, Sigmund. “Analysis Terminable and Interminable.” Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. 24 vols. London: Hogarth Press, 1964. 23:216-53.
—. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York: Norton, 1969.
—. “Transference.” A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Garden City: Garden City Publishing, 1943. 374-89.
Hairston, Maxine. “Different Products, Different Processes: A Theory About Writing.” CCC 37 (December 1986): 442-52.
Jay, Gregory. “The Subject of Pedagogy: Lessons in Psychoanalysis and Politics.” College English 49 (November 1987): 785-800.
Johnson, Barbara. “Teaching Deconstructively.” Writing and Reading Differently: Deconstruction and the Teaching of Composition and Literature. Ed. G. Douglas Atkins and Michael Johnson. Lawrence: U of Kansas P, 1985. 140-48.
Lacan, Jacques. “The Insistence of the Letter in the Unconscious.” The Structuralists from Marx to Levi-Strauss. Ed. Richard and Fernande De George. Garden City: Doubleday, 1972. 287-323.
McGee, Patrick. “Truth and Resistance: Teaching as a Form of Analysis.” College English 49 (October 1987): 667-78.
Malcolm, Janet. Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession. New York: Random, 1982.
Perelman, Les. “The Context of Classroom Writing.” College English 48 (September 1986): 471-79.

Ritchie, Joy S. “Beginning Writers: Diverse Voices and Individual Identity.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 152-174.


This article uses the author’s own observations of an introductory composition class to investigate the dynamics of workshops in college composition classrooms, showing that the rhetorical situation present in the workshop is always changing and must be addressed in discussions surrounding the pedagogical value of workshops. Her study shows that workshops are unpredictable because each writing class contains different students who bring different histories and needs to the table. Students develop their own voices within this polyphony and simultaneously become part of a larger classroom community. The author also argues that fruitful workshops arise when instructors are willing to relinquish some of their control of the classroom to give the class the freedom and opportunity to direct their learning.


ccc40.2 Writing Students Language Clasrooms MBakhtin Teachers Workshops Discourse Process Voices Experience Ideas Values Response BeginningWriters Identity

Works Cited

Applebee, Arthur. Contexts for Learning to Write. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1984.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. “Discourse in the Novel.” The Dialogic Imagination. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: U of Texas P, 1981. 259-422.
—. “From Notes Made in 1970-71.” Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Trans. Vern McGee. Austin: U of Texas P, 1986. 132-59.
—. “The Problem of the Text.” Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Trans. Vern McGee. Austin: U of Texas P, 1986. 101-31.
Bartholomae, David. “Writing Assignments: Where Writing Begins.” FForum. Ed. Patricia L. Stock. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook, 1983. 300-12.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Arguing about Literacy.” College English 50 (Feb. 1988): 141-53.
Brooke, Robert. “Underlife and Writing Instruction.” CCC 38 (May 1987): 141-53.
Clark, Katerina, and Michael Holquist. Mikhail Bakhtin. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984.
Elbow, Peter. Embracing Contraries. New York: Oxford UP, 1986.
—. Writing without Teachers. New York: Oxford UP, 1973.
Knoblauch, C. H., and Lil Brannon. Rhetorical Traditions and the Teaching of Writing. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton-Cook, 1984.
Murray, Donald. A Writer Teaches Writing. 2nd ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Schuster, Charles. “Mikhail Bakhtin as Rhetorical Theorist.” College English 47 (Oct. 1985): 594-607.
Trimbur, John. “Beyond Cognition: The Voices in Inner Speech.” Rhetoric Review 5 (Spring 1987): 211-21.
Volosinov, V.N. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Trans. Ladislav Matejka and LR. Titunik. New York: Seminar Press, 1973.
Vygotsky, Lev. Thought and Language. Cambridge: MIT P, 1962.

Winterowd, W. Ross. “Composition Textbooks: Publisher-Author Relationships.” CCC 40.2 (1989): 139-151.


The author, who has worked with several publishing companies, uses seven case studies of publisher-author relations to show the degree of power publishers have in the creation of textbooks. He argues that publishing houses are driven in their decisions by economics. The article recommends that authors always consult with a lawyer during contract negotiations, submit minimum proposals instead of full manuscripts, and try to work with publishers who are interested in the value of their work.


ccc40.2 Authors Publishers Contracts Work Publishing Textbooks Composition Proposal Manuscript Editors Integrity Market Royalties

Works Cited

Adelstein, Michael E., and Jean G. Pival. The Writing Commitment. 4th ed. San Diego: Harcourt, 1988.
Applebee, Arthur N. Tradition and Reform in the Teaching of English: A History. Urbana: NCTE, 1974.
Axelrod, Rise B., and Charles R. Cooper. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s, 1988.
Beaugrande, Robert de. “Composition Textbooks: Ethnography and Proposal.”‘ Written Communication 2 (October 1985): 391-413.
Berlin, James A. Rhetoric and Reality: Writing Instruction in American Colleges, 1900-1985. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
—. Writing Instruction in Nineteenth-Century American Colleges. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1984.
Coles, William E., Jr. Composing II: Writing as a Self-Creating Process. Rochelle Park, NJ: Hayden, 1981.
Connors, Robert J. “‘Textbooks and the Evolution of the Discipline.”‘ CCC 37 (May 1986): 177-94.
Hodges, John c., and Mary E. Whitten. The Harbrace College Handbook. 10th ed. San Diego: Harcourt, 1986.
Muther, Connie. “Textbook Deals: Is Your Board Putting Cost before Curriculum?” American School Board Journal 173 (January 1986): 32-34.
Ohmann, Richard. English in America: A Radical View of the Profession. New York: Oxford UP, 1976.
Stewart, Donald C. “Composition Textbooks and the Assault on Tradition.” CCC 29 (May 1978): 171-76.
—. “NCTE’s First President and the Movement for Language Reform.” College English 48 (September 1986): 444-56.
—. “Some History Lessons for Composition Teachers.” Rhetoric Review 3 (January 1985): 134-44.
—. “The Status of Composition and Rhetoric in American Colleges, 1890-1902: An MLA Perspective.” College English 47 (November 1985): 734-46.
“TAA Members vs. CBS, a Decision in Three Rounds.” TAA Report 2 (October 1988): 1-2.
Textbook Authors Association. “Some Issues and Questions an Author Might Address Before Signing A Publishing Contract for a Textbook.” 1987.
Trimmer, Joseph H., and James M. McCrimmon. Writing with a Purpose. 9th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1988.
Welch, Kathleen E. ” Ideology and Freshman Textbook Production: The Place of Theory in Writing Pedagogy .” CCC 38 (October 1987): 269-82.
Winterowd, W. Ross. “The Purification of Literature and Rhetoric.” College English 49 (October 1987): 257-73.
Young, Richard E. “Recent Developments in Rhetorical Invention.” Teaching Composition: Twelve Bibliographical Essays. Ed. Gary Tate. Rev. and enlarged ed. Fort Worth: Texas Christian UP, 1987. 1-38.
Young, Richard E., Alton L. Becker, and Kenneth L. Pike. Rhetoric: Discovery and Change. New York: Harcourt, 1970.

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