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Workshop Strategy Modeling

To hear stories about how colleagues have used the strategies for action that will be discussed in the workshops, view one of the illustrations below (with more coming soon!).


Steve Parks – Building Writing Beyond the Curriculum


Sheila Carter-Tod – Getting to Know a Writing Program


Dominic Delli Carpini – Building an Identity for Writing



Taking Action Workshops

CCCC 2016’s Taking Action Workshops will provide opportunities to develop specific strategies for action. These workshops, facilitated by professional organizers and activists, will be offered

  • to all convention registrants;
  • free of additional charge;
  • during regularly scheduled conference times on Thursday and Friday.

Each of the five Taking Action Workshops will be offered twice daily on Thursday and Friday. CCCC attendees are free to visit the workshops in any order they would like and as many times as they would like to.

On Saturday, during the last session of the conference, we’ll hold a plenary session where workshop facilitators will discuss what they learned offering the workshops and attendees will think together about next steps – for themselves, as well as for CCCC.

Learn More

Workshop Descriptions Workshop Facilitators Workshop Strategy Modeling


Tell us about your concerns!

Share concerns you might bring to the Taking Action workshops by completing the Taking Action Workshop survey.  Please note that you don’t need to complete the survey to attend the workshops, and completing the survey does not obligate you to attend the workshops.


Workshop Descriptions

Each Taking Action workshop at CCCC 2016 will focus on a specific aspect of action-taking.

Taking Action Workshops 

Naming and Narrowing

Our concerns are many and broad – but to take effective action, we need to narrow to a definable problem. What is your concern? What’s the “so what” of your concern – to whom does it matter? And how can you narrow it to a workable, solvable problem? This Taking Action workshop will help you focus the issues so that you can take action on them. (Sessions A, D, F, I)

Building Alliances

We all do better working together. Who else is interested in your concern, and how can you build alliances with them? This Taking Action workshop will help you to identify possible allies and build connections so that you can approach your concern with others. (Sessions A, C, G, J)

Framing Messages

Exploring how stakeholder groups currently understand our issues (writing, students, learning, schooling, and more) is the first step in figuring out how to create change. The frames through which people perceive problems impact their willingness to be part of the solution. This workshop will help you learn how to use strategic framing to craft effective messages as part of your overall taking action campaign. (Sessions B, E, H, J)

Influencing Policy

Often, we want to change policies related to writing, material conditions for writing education, and writers. But “policy” often seems large and confusing and it’s hard to keep track of policy changes and to know where to begin. How can we make effective contributions to policy and policy discussions? This Taking Action workshop will help you learn more about where you can be most effective and how to contribute to ongoing policy and discussions. (Sessions B, D, H, K)

Making Action Plans

Once we’ve named and narrowed to a problem, built alliances, and thought about messages and possible results, it’s time to make an action plan. This Taking Action workshop will help you to put your thinking into practice and equip you with concrete strategies and tactics for next steps. (Sessions C, E, I, K)




CCCC Conventions and Meetings

2025 CCCC Annual Convention

April 9–12, 2025
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD

Program Chair: Kofi J. Adisa

Theme: “Computer Love”: Extended Play, B-sides, Remix, Collaboration, and Creativity


Registration and housing for CCCC 2025 will open in fall 2024

Visit the registration and housing page for registration rates and housing details.

2025 CCCC Annual Convention Call for Proposals

“Computer Love”: Extended Play, B-sides, Remix, Collaboration, and Creativity
April 9–12, 2025 | Baltimore, MD
All proposers received a proposal notification on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

Questions? Email

Additional Resources

Tips for Poster Presentations

Event Policies

Funding Opportunities for the CCCC Annual Convention

Future CCCC Conventions and Siting Policies

Past Convention Programs

CCCC Member Groups

About the CCCC Annual Convention

Not Finding what you are looking for?

Send us an email with your questions!


CCCC 2018 Statement on NAACP Missouri Travel Advisory

The Conference on College Composition and Communication takes seriously the concerns that are included in the NAACP Missouri Travel Advisory. CCCC’s Convention Siting and Hostile Legislation: Guiding Principles state that we “will work to change state or local policies in host convention cities that diverge from established CCCC positions or otherwise threaten the safety or well-being of our membership.” To do so, we will consult with local groups and “arrang[e] activities and opportunities for members to support those who are disadvantaged by offensive policies . . . as a vehicle for nonviolent protest.”

We cannot move our national convention, which will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, on March 14-17, 2018. As our Guiding Principles explain, moving a national convention can incur hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties. At this late date it is not possible to find an alternative location. We will work with the Visitor’s Bureau and other local organizations to make our expectations for member safety clear. We will also reach out to the local NAACP branch in Kansas City to find out ways we might work together on this and other issues that agree with both organizations’ missions and values.

Additionally, over the next few months and in preparation for our convention in Kansas City, we will work with CCCC members to create a forum for discussion and potential action on this and other related issues in which we might potentially partner with the local chapter of the NAACP and other local groups. The main goal will be finding ways to keep our members safe while travelling to and attending the conference and providing the support we can to anyone affected by the state policies of Missouri.

As part of CCCC’s efforts to create such forums for members, we invite you to provide input via this form: It will also allow you to review all responses made on it. The form will close on Sept 01, 2017. The program chair and local site committee will review all responses and share them with the CCCC Executive Committee.

If you wish to offer personal feedback to the 2018 CCCC Program Chair, Asao B. Inoue, you may email him at

Web Resources for the CCCC Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession

Family Leave/ Work Life Balance
General Professional Issues
Job Security and/or Tenure
Work/Life Balance
Domestic Partnerships
Transgender Issues
LGBT Issues

Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies/Gender Studies journals

American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law

Australian Feminist Studies 

Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice 

European Journal of Women’s Studies 

Feminist Economics 

Feminist Studies 

Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies 

Gender & History 

A Journal of Feminist Geography 

Journal of Gender Studies 

Journal of International Women’s Studies 

A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues

Journal of Lesbian Studies 

Journal of Women’s History 

Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 

National Women’s Studies Association Journal NWSA Journal 

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society 

Southern California Review of Law and Women’s Studies 

Studies in Gender and Sexuality 

Texas Journal of Women and the Law 

Women and Language 

Women’s Studies International Forum

Women’s Writing 

Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society

Yale Journal of Law and Feminism

Bibliography in Feminist Research and Gender Issues in Rhetoric and Composition

Abbott, S. “”In the end you will carry me in your car”: Sexual Politics in the Field.” Women’s Studies 10 (1983): 161-78.

Other Resources

See also Becky Howard’s bibliography “Feminist Pedagogies:  Some Sources for Composition and Rhetoric” at

Acker, J. “Objectivity and Truth: Problems in Doing Feminist Research.” Women’s Studies International Forum 6 (1983): 423-35.

Anderson, K., S. Armitage, D. Jack, and J. Wittner. “Beginning Where We Were: Feminist Methodology in Oral HIstory.” Oral History Review 15 (1987): 103-27.

Ballif, Michelle, Diane Davis, and Roxanne Mountford. Women’s Ways of Making it in Rhetoric and Composition. New York: Routledge, 2008.

Barry, K. “Biography and the Search for Women’s Subjectivity.” Women’s Studies International Forum 12 (1989): 561-77.

Bazerman, Charles, and James G. Paradis. Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities. Madison: University of Wisconsin P, 1991.

Berg, B. L. Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.

Blau, F. D. “On the Role of Values in Feminist Scholarship.” Sign 6 (1981): 538-40.

Bowles, G., and R. D. Klein, eds. Theories of Women’s Studies. London: Routledge and Kegan, 1983.

Bowles, G. “The Uses of Hermeneutics for Feminist Scholarship.” Women’s Studies International Forum 7 (1984): 185-88.

Bowles, G. “The Uses of Hermeneutics for Feminist Scholarship.” Women’s Studies International Forum 7 (1984): 185-88.

Brinton Lykes, M. “Discrimination ad Coping in the Lives of Black Women: Analyses of Oral HIstory Data.” Journal of Social Issues 39 (1983): 79-100.

Bunkers, Suzanne. “”Faithful Friend”: Nineteenth-Century Midwestern American Women’s Unpublished Diaries.” Women’s Studies International Forum 10 (1987): 7-17.

Burt, Sandra, and Lorraine Code, eds. Changing Methods: Feminists Transforming Practice. Ontario: Broadview P, 1995.

Clegg, S. “Feminist Methodology: Fact or Fiction.” Quality and Quantity 19 (1985): 83-97.

Cook, J. A., and M. M. Fonow. “Knowledge and Women’s Interests: Issues of Epistemology and Methodology in Sociological Research.” Sociological Inquiry 56 (1986): 2-29.

Cooper, J. “Shaping Meaning: Women’s Diaries, Journals, and Letters–The Old and New.” Women’s Studies International Forum 10 (1987): 95-99.

Currie, Dawn, ed. From the Margins to the Centre: Selected Essays in Women’s Studies Research. Saskatchewan: The Women’s Studies Research Unit, 1988.

DeVault, M. “Talking and Listening from Women’s Standpoint: Feminist Strategies for Interviewing and Analysis.” Social Problems 37 (1990): 96-116.

Edwards, R. “Connecting Method and Epistemology: A White Woman Interviewing Black Women.” Women’s Studies International Forum 13 (1990): 477-90.

Eichler, M. Nonsexist Research Methods: A Practical Guide. St. Leonards, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1988.

Enos, Theresa. Gender Roles and Faculty Lives In Rhetoric and Composition. Carbondale: Illinois UP, 1996.

Ervin, Elizabeth. “Rhetorical Situations and the Straits of Inappropriateness: Teaching Feminist Activism.” Rhetoric Review 25 (2006): 316-33.

Finch, J. “”It’s great to have someone to talk to”: The Ethics and Politics of Interviewing Women.” Social Researching: Politics, Problems, Practice. Ed. C. Bell and H. Roberts. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984. 70-87.

Fine, Michelle, ed. Disruptive Voices: The Possibilities of Feminist Research. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan P, 1992.

Fonow, M. M., and J. A. Cook, eds. Beyond Methodology: Feminist Scholarship as Lived Research. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1991.

Foss, Karen, Sonja Foss, and Cindy Griffin. Feminist Rhetorical Theories. New York: Sage Publications, 1999.

Geiger, S. N. “Women’s Life Histories: Method and Content.” Signs 11 (1986): 334-51.

Gerald, Amy S. “Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender and Whiteness.” Composition Studies 35 (2007): 142-45.

Gerrard, Lisa. “Beyond “Scribbling Women”: Women Writing (on) the Web.” Computers and Composition 19 (2002): 297.

Gorelick, S. “The Changer and the Changed: Methodological Reflections on Studying Jewish Feminists.” Gender/Body/Knowledge. Ed. A. M. Jaggar and S. R. Bordo. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1989. 336-58.

Graham, H. “Do Her Answers Fit His Questions?: Women and the Survey Method.” The Public and the Private. Ed. E. Gamarnikow. London: Heinemann, 1983. 132-46.

Hall, M. A. “Knowledge and Gender: Epistemological Questions in the Social Analysis of Sport.” Women and Men: Interdisciplinary Readings on Gender. Ed. G. H. Nemiroff. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1987. 80-102.

Harding, S., ed. Feminism & Methodology. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1987.

Hawkesworth, M. “Knowers, Knowing, Known: Feminist Theory and Claims of Truth.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14 (1989): 533-57.

Hill Collins, P. Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990.

Hobbs, Catherine. “Revisionary Rhetoric, Feminist Pedagogy, and Multigenre Texts.” Rhetoric Review 26 (2007): 90-93.

Jarratt, Susan, and Lynn Worsham. Feminism and Composition: In Other Words. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1998.

Jayaratne, T. “The Value of Quantitative Methodology for Feminist Research.” Theories of Women’s Studies. Ed. Gloria Bowles and Renate Duelli Klein. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983. 140-61.

Jung, Julie. “Textual Mainstreaming and Rhetorics of Accommodation.” Rhetoric Review 26 (2007): 160-78.

Kirby, S., and K. McKenna, eds. Experience, Research and Social Change: Methods from the Margins. New York: Garamond, 1989.

Kirsch, Gesa, Faye Spencer Maor, Lance Massey, Lee Nickoson-Massey, and Mary Sheridan-Rabideau. Feminism and Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003.

Lather, P. Feminist Research in Education: Within/Against. Melbourne: Deakin University, 1991.

Lather, P. Getting Smart: Feminist Research and Pedagogy Within/in the Postmodern. London: Routledge, 1991.

Lather, P. “Research as Praxis.” Harvard Educational Review 56 (1986): 257-77.

Letherby, G., and D. Zdrodowski. “”Dear Researcher”: The Use of Correspondence as a Method within Feminist Qualitative Research.” Gender & Society 9 (1987): 576-93.

Linton, R. “Towards a Feminist Research Method.” Gender/Body/Knowledge. Ed. A. M. Jaggar and S. R. Bordo. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1989. 273-92.

Lugones, M. C., and E. V. Spelman. “Have We Got a Theory for You!: Feminist Theory, Cultural Imperialism, and the Demand for “The Woman’s Voice”” Hypathia Reborn: Essays in Feminist Philosophy. Ed. Azizah Y. AL-Hibri and Margaret A. Simons. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990. 18-33.

Maguire, P. Doing Participatory Research: A Feminist Approach. Boston: University of Massachusetts, 1987.

Malseed, J. “Straw Men: A Note on Ann Oakley’s Treatment of Textbook Prescriptions for Interviewing.” Sociology 21 (1987): 629-31.

Mancini Billson, J. “Towards a Feminist Methodology for Studying Women Cross-Culturally.” Women’s Studies International Forum 14 (1991): 201-15.

Maynard, Mary, and June Purvis, eds. Researching Women’s Lives from a Feminist Perspective. London: Taylor and Francis, 1994.

McCormack, T. “Feminism and the New Crisis in Methodology.” The Effects of Feminist Approaches on Research Methodologies. Ed. W. Tomm. Calgary: The Calgary Institute for the Humanities, 1989. 13-30.

McRobbie, A. “The Politics of Feminist Research: Between Talk, Text, and Action.” Feminist Review 12 (1982): 46-58.

Meyer, Michaela D.E. “Women Speak(ing): Forty Years of Feminist Contributions to Rhetoric and an Agenda for Feminist Rhetorical Studies.” Communication Quarterly 55 (2007): 1-17.

Miller, Connie. Feminist Research Methods: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Greenwood P, 1991.

Nebraska Sociological Feminist Collective, comp. A Feminist Ethic for Social Science Research. New York: Edwin Mellen P, 1988.

Nielsen, J. M. Feminist Research Methods: Exemplary Readings in the Social Sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview P, 1990.

Oakley, Ann. “Interviewing Women: A Contradiction in Terms.” Doing Feminist Research. Ed. H. Roberts. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. 30-61.

Patai, D. “Beyond Defensiveness: Feminist Research and Strategies.” Women’s Studies International Forum 6 (1983): 177-89.

Ribbens, J. “Interviewing–An “Unnatural Situation”?” Women’s Studies International Forum 12 (1989): 579-92.

Roberts, H., ed. Doing Feminist Research. London: Routledge and Kegan, 1981.

Rubin, D. Gender Influences: Reading Student Texts. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1993.

Ryan, Kathleen. “ENEX 495: Women, Writing, and Rhetoric.” Composition Studies 34 (2006): 85-106.

Ryan, Kathleen. “Recasting Recovery and Gender Critique as Inventive Arts: Constructing Edited Collections in Feminist Rhetorical Studies.” Rhetoric Review 25 (2006): 22-40.

Scott, S. “Feminist Research and Qualitative Methods.” Issues in Educational Research: Qualitative Methods. Ed. R. Burgess. London: Falmer P, 1985. 67-85.

Spender, Dale. “Journal on a Journal.” Women’s Studies International Forum 10 (1987): 1-5.

Stacey, J. “Can There be a Feminist Ethnography.” Women’s Studies International Forum 11 (1988): 21-27.

Stanley, L., and S. Wise. Breaking Out: Feminist Consciousness and Feminist Research. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983.

Stanley, L., ed. Feminist Praxis: Research, Theory and Epistemology in Feminist Sociology. London: Routledge, 1990.

Stanley, L. “Sisters Under the Skin?” Oral Histories and Auto/Biographies.” Oral History 22 (1994): 88-89.

Stuart, M. “You’re a Big Girl Now: Subjectivities, Feminism and Oral HIstory.” Oral History 22 (1994): 54-63.

Tasker, Elizabeth, and Frances Holt-Underwood. “Feminist Research Methodologies in Historic Rhetoric and Composition: An Overview of Scholarship from 1970s to the Present.” Rhetoric Review 27 (2008): 54-71.

Teitelbaum, P. “Feminist Theory and Standardized Testing.” Gender/Body/Knowledge. Ed. A. M. Jaggar and S. R. Bordo. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1989. 324-35.
Wolf, Diane L., ed. Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork. Colorado: Westview P, 1996.

Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession (March 2016)

November 2015 Update

The committee is currently working on multiple projects that will support CCCC members with caregiving responsibilities; we have assisted with developing award criteria and an application form for childcare grants for the conference as well as a family-friendly space and mother’s room for conference attendees with children. We are also developing documents to provide more structure and transparency to the committee’s work, including bylaws and guidelines for the feminist workshop held annually during the pre-conference session.

Mission and Charges of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession

The CSWP advocates for issues of concern to women in the profession–contingency in the labor force, examining the specificity of the material conditions that impact the working lives of women teaching in rhetoric and composition, and promotion of feminist scholarship. To those ends, we have sponsored panels at the Annual Convention, co-sponsored the All-day Wednesday Feminist Workshop, and organized SIG sessions to discuss topics of concern and to mentor other women in the field. Our efforts have focused primarily on providing a feminist presence and clearinghouse of ideas of concern to women’s lives in the profession at the Annual Meeting.

Charge 1: Identify feminist questions, concerns, and points of inquiry within the field of rhetoric and composition in areas of relevance to CCCC members and the profession at large
Charge 2: Lead appropriate forms of inquiry into feminist concerns in the field of rhetoric and composition with the goal of proposing solutions, taking a position, or generating action items
Charge 3: Make recommendations to CCCC Officers and Executive Committee based on inquiry, examination, or CSWP actions.


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