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Cultivating Ideas for CCCC 2017

Submit an Idea!

Submission Deadline:

September 15, 2016


Submit by email:

Include “Cultivate Session” or “Think-Tank Session” in your subject line.

As you may recall from the original convention CFP, my goal for the Portland convention is to provide space within the program to engage as a “conference,” a meeting of minds—to come together to discuss and work on shared interests in an informal, democratic way.

To this end, the chair’s portion of the convention program will largely be dedicated to two new types of highly interactive sessions:

  1. “cultivate” sessions—workshop-style sessions, which provide space for members to “cultivate capacity” in various ways
  2. “think-tank” sessions—facilitated discussions around organizational, professional, or disciplinary issues or concerns, intended to generate concrete recommendations for how to “create change.”

In both cases, these sessions will draw upon member interests and expertise and will be designed to be collaborative, working exchanges rather than “presentations” with featured speakers.

While some “cultivate” sessions have already been solicited from members or groups or have been selected out of proposals submitted in the blind review process, I am also calling on the general membership to help me shape the program in order to create featured sessions that are member-driven and member-supportive.

A few possible topic areas include:

  • cultivating new voices/new lines of inquiry in research and scholarship
  • preparing future and early-career professionals (including majors/graduate programs)
  • improving literacy teaching and learning
  • sustaining ourselves as professionals throughout career
  • engaging and retaining members in the organization
  • cultivating future CCCC leaders
    developing our public voice (teacher/scholar/advocate)
  • cultivating connections (cross-generational, across interest groups, between institution types, interdisciplinary, etc.)
  • advocating for social justice and equity inside and outside the organization

I invite you to email me ( by September 15, 2016, with your session ideas related to the topics above or with other themes or issues you would like me to consider for “cultivate” or “think-tank” sessions.

I welcome your recommendations for potential facilitators and/or plans for engaging members around these or other themes. (Please include “cultivate session” or “think-tank” in the subject line of your email.) There is no need to send full “proposals,” as your suggestions will not go through a formal review process. I will read your ideas and follow up with those I may want to feature in the limited space I have available on the program.

Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt
CCCC 2017 Program Chair


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