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A Directory of Rhetoric and Writing Research Centers, 1962-1966

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The following center directory assembles information collected from center articles, reports, newsletters, and websites, as well as from interviews with various center personnel. The list has been verified as of 2010; however, it is not comprehensive. Please contact CCCC to add to this list, share center strategies, and develop connections that will perpetuate the associative work of research centers in rhetoric and writing.  You can also engage in conversations about this work in the CCCC Connected Community.


The Nebraska Curriculum Development Center  |  1962

Location:  University of Nebraska 

Served as Directors:  Paul A. Olson, Frank Rice

Affiliated Names:  Dudley Bailey, Mary Mielenz, Millicent Savery, Eldonna Evertts, Ned Hedges, Leslie Whipp, Sam Sebesta, Nell C. Thompson, Milton Ploghoff, Barbara Grothe, Douglas Sjorgen, Kenneth Orton, Donald Nemanich, Elizabeth Carpenter, Margaret E. Ashida

Consultants:  Edward P.J. Corbett, Kenneth Pike, George Hillocks, Jr., Donald King, Priscilla Tyler, Ella DeMers, Donald Rasmussen, Daniel Bernd, P. Albert Duhamel, Frances Christensen, Andrew Schiller, Albert Marckwardt, Orrington Ramsay, Falk Johnson, Mauree Applegate, Martin Parry, Barbara Gordon, Sue Brett, Fred Brengelmann, G. Thomas Fairclough

Northwestern Curriculum Study Center in English  |  1962

Location:  Northwestern University

Administrators:  Wallace W. Douglas, Jean H. Hagstrum, Stephen Dunning, Eldrige McSwain

Research Associates:  Carl A. Barth, Michael Flanigan, Gearld Gaughan, Rita Hansen, Stephen N. Judy, Daniel Murtaugh, Osanna Nesper, Mitchell Schrow

Teacher Associates:  Sister Ann Carol, O.P., Katherine Andrews, Odile Beasdale, Kathy Kilday Daniels, Ann C. Davis, John Dowell, Elinore Jordan, Thelma Miller, Doris Muir, Richard Pace, Josephine Roane, Marjorie Skoglund, Carroll Stein, Elinor Turbov, Helen S. Wolf

Editorial and Secretarial Associates:  Judith Beavins, Edna Polakoff, Dorothy Poletsek, Margaret E. Potts

Production Typists:  Eileen Baumann, Ann McLaren, Marilyn Moats, Linda Darnell, Carolyn Dessent, Deborah deSchweinitz, Carol Helmstetter, Sherry Narens, Helen Perce, Leslie Phillips, Mary Shanley, Flora Strohm

Consultants:  James Barry, Robert Francis, Wilbur Gilman, Donal J. Henahan, Gerald Kusler, Oliver McKracken, Jr., Jay Robinson, Marcia Masters Schmidt, Karl Wallace


The Curriculum Study Center at Carnegie Institute of Technology  |  1962

Location:  Carnegie Institute of Technology

Served as Directors:  Erwin R. Steinberg, Robert C. Slack

Affiliated Names:  Beekman W. Cottrell, Lois S. Josephs

Teacher Associates:  Maxine N. Brandenburg, Patricia P. Sellars, Marjorie W. Weinhold, Lillian Ryave, Philiane Katz, Richard S. Wells


The Minnesota Project English Curriculum Development Center  |  1962

Location:  University of Minnesota

Served as Directors:  Stanley B. Kegler, Harold B. Allen, Donald K. Smith

Affiliated Names:  Lee Pederson, Donn Parsons, Thomas E. Melchior, Rodger L. Kemp, George M. Robb, Gene l. Piche, John T. Caddy, Thomas D. Bacig, JoAnne M. Sheldon


The Hunter College Curriculum Development Center in English  |  1962

Location:  Hunter College of the City University of New York

Served as Directors:  Marjorie B. Smiley, Maria Finocchiaro, Paul King

Affiliated Staff:  Robert F. Beauchamp, Frank E. Brown, Margaret L. Clark, Richard Corbin, Florence B. Freedman, Evelyn Gott, Carolyn D. Jones, John J. Marcatante, John G. McMeekin, Sandra E. Motz, Domenica Paterno, Charles G. Spiegler, Jacqueline Tilles, Gordon Fifer, Robert E. Shafer, Nancy Van Dyke, Marguerite M. Wilke, E. Alice Beard, Geraldine Clark, Doris K. Coburn, Max Francke, Robert R. Potter, Edith Stull  


The Oregon Curriculum Study Center  |  1962

Location:  University of Oregon

Served as Directors:  Albert R. Kitzhaber

Affiliated Names:  Annabel Kitzhaber, Glen Love, Clarence Sloat, Lucile Aly, Ellen Kolba, Jacqueline Snyder, Sheila Juba, Arthur Lorentzen, Grant Mortenson, June Robb, Oliver Willard, James Barchek, James Britain, Peggy Covey, Barbara Drake, Jean Hundley, Janice LaFollette, Lois McKenna, Michael Payne, Harriet Wilson, Arthur Mittman, Frederick G. Burton

School Administrators:  Millard Z. Pond, Lloyd F. Millhollen, Erwin Juilfs, Walter A. Commons, George M. Zellick, Tom Powers, Glen M. Hankins, Tom Woods, George Russell, Russell Esvelt, Kent Myers, Marion Winslow, Forbes Bottomley, Lyle Stewart, Helen Olson, Robert Mahan

Publishing Consultants:  Howard Battles, Walter Bemak, Paula Hartz, Margaret Landis


The Euclid English Demonstration Center  |  1963

Location:  Western Reserve University

Served as Directors:  George Hillocks, Jr., John C. Ingersoll, Joseph H. Friend, James F. McCampbell

Affiliated Names:  Susan Bailey, Michael C. Flanigan, Jack L. Granfield, Betty Lou Miller, Lynn Reppa, Janice Rack, Caroline Baird, Barbara Brode, Jack L. Granfield, Tina Tinkman, Paula Winski


The Wisconsin English-Language-Arts Curriculum Project  |  1963

Location:  University of Wisconsin at Madison

Served as Directors:  Robert C. Pooley, Leonard V. Kosinski

Literature Program Affiliated Names

At-Large:  Mary Elizabeth Smith

Elementary:  Harriet Angelich, Ann Dubbe, Violet Littlefield, Myrtle Nyberg, Margaret Moss, Sister John Mary, Ella Stedman, Clarence Sylla, Esther Utoft, Alice Wittkopf, Bernice Wirth, Marian Zaborek

Secondary:  Frederic B. Baxter, Mary Beranek, Edythe Daniel, George Kanselberger, John Karis, Robert Pickering, Irna Rideout, Lela B. Stephens, Joyce Steward, Hazel Thomas, Gladys Veidmanis, Edna Weed, Margaret E. Zielsdorf

Speaking and Writing Program Affiliated Names

At-Large:  Nicholas J. Karolides, Walter Engler, Ruth E. Falk

Elementary:  Iris D. Brown, Martha Kellogg, Grace Feller, Helen E. Hansen, Ruth B. Ostrander, Jean Russert, Gertrude Urquhart, Thelma Vanasse, Peg Wells 

Secondary:  Robert P. Ademino, Roy V. Boyer, Lillie Carlson, Judith Davies, Geraldine Droegkamp, Elda Reddeman, Lond Rodman, Sister Mary Hester, Marylou Patterson

Language and Grammar Program Affiliated Names

At-Large:  Verna Newsome, Chester Pingry, Susan Wood, Alison H. Dawson, Kirkland C. Jones

Planning Committee: Clarence A. Brown, Jarvis E. Bush, Lura B. Carrithers, Edythe Daniel, Sister M. Francele, Nicholas Karolides, Corrine Forster  

Curriculum Committee—Elementary Level:  Margaret Johnson, Janice Lehnherr, Constance Nerlinger, Sister M. Jean Raymond

Curriculum Committee—Secondary Level:  Beatrice Antholz, Marie Cahill, Margaret Hanson, Ben Hawkinson, Al Jacobson, Forrest Johnson, Jane Reed, Fern Stefonik, Tom Swenson, Emily Timmons, Lois Wagner


Curriculum Center in English at Florida State University  |  1963

Location:  Florida State University

Served as Directors:  Dwight L. Burton

Affiliated Names:  John S. Simmons, Lois V. Arnold


The English Curriculum Study Center at the University of Georgia  |  1963

Location:  University of Georgia

Served as Directors:  J. W. Richard Lindemann, Rachel Sutton, Mary J. Tingle

Coordinating Staff:  Sue Cromartie, Emeliza Swain, William J. Free, Jane Appleby, Wilfrid C. Bailey, Raymond Payne, John M. Smith, Jr.,  G. Findley

Graduate Research Assistants:  Alice Christmas, Carmie T. Cochrane, Marya DuBose, Cornelia C. Eldridge, June Ewing, Joanne Fudge, Jessie Post Gough, Emily B. Gregory, Ethel Harris, Emmaline Hendricksen, Rose Nell Horne, Virginia Howard, Nellie Maze, James Monday, Rhoda Newman, Pamela Roffman, Nan Tomlinson, Audrey Walker, Lavinia Wood

Consultants:  Dorothea McCarthy, Walter Loban, Margaret Early, Ruth Strickland, Alvina Burrows, Helda Grobman, Kellogg Hunt, Ralph Tyler, J. N. Hook      


TESL Materials Development Project  |  1963

Location:  Teachers College, Columbia University

Served as Directors:  Gerald Dykstra, Charlotte Kuenstler


The Syracuse University-Jamesville-DeWitt Demonstration Center  |  1963

Location:  Syracuse University

Served as Directors:  Margaret J. Early, William D. Sheldon

Associate Researchers:  Harold L. Herber, Joan Nelson, Donald R. Lashinger, Donald L. Meyer, Margaret Brown

Assistants:  Mary Duncan, Betty Sterzer, Eleanor Weir   

Affiliated Teachers:  Genevieve Andrek, Cleona Bassett, Barbara Becker, Janice Bedell, Anne Croucher, Mary Curran, Marie Elwood, Elizabeth Fancher, Betty Foppes, Marilyn Geraty, Frances Kemp, Janice Lathi, Martha Leon, Diana Mautino, Mary Jane McCarthy, Olga McGee, Honey Molis, Alice Moth, Bettie Raugh, Ann Reagan, Marilyn Schonfeld  

Affiliated Principals:  Frank Araniti, Theodore Calver, Pauline Clair, Wilhelmina Clarke, Mary Farley, James Kendrick, Veronica Lynch, Fred Maziarz, Andre Pinkes, Elsie Platto, Evelyn Schramm, Helen Sheridan, Charles Sutton, Dorothy Ward, Joseph Zappala, Doug Zoller

Affiliated Superintendents:  LaVerne H. Boss, Lee Rising, William Klubko, Harold J. Rankin, Franklyn S. Barry, Gerald A. Cleveland, Margaret A. Perry, David Sine

Publishing Consultants:  Clarence L. Barnhart, Richard Drdek, Carolyn Mullin, William Carney



The Indiana University English Curriculum Study Center  |  1963

Location:  Indiana University

Served as Directors:  Edward Jenkinson

Affiliated Names:  James S. Ackerman, Jane Stouder Hawley, Marshall L. Brown, Phillip B. Daghlin, Elmer G. White, Donald A. Seybold


 “English in Every Classroom” Program  |  1963

Location:  Univeristy of Michigan

Served as Directors:  Daniel Fader

Affiliated Names:  Elton B. McNeil, Evelyn E. George, Laborah Bolden, Brittania Capers, Anna Hill 


The New York University Linguistics Demonstration Center  |  1963

Location:  New York Univeristy

Served as Directors:  Neil M. Postman


Illinois State-Wide Curriculum Study Center in the

Preparation of Secondary School English Teachers  |  1964

Location:  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Served as Directors:  J. N. Hook, William H. Evans, Paul H. Jacobs, Raymond D. Crisp

Affiliated Names:  Janet Emig, James F. McCampbell, Justus R. Pearson, John S. Gerrietts, Margaret M. Neville, A. L. Davis, Michael G. Crowell, Carl Eisemann, Thomas L. Fernandez, Ellen A. Frogner, Joan Harris, John M. Heissler, Stephen Judy, Alfred J. Lindsey, Thomas Filson, George K. McGuire, Alan L. Madsen, William O. Makely, Sister Mary Constantine, Alfred L. Papillon, James R. Reese, Donald R. Pennington, Erling W. Peterson, Lottie Phillips, June Snider, Donald A. Fuller, Ethel W. Tapper, Joseph Wolff, Frances L. McCurdy, Allen Bales, William J. Friederich, Elizabth Worrell, Clarence W. Hach, Vernell G. Doyle, Dorothy Matthews, Roy L. Crews, W. F. Elwood, William L. Gillis, I. D. Baker, Henry Knepler, Victor E. Gimmestad, Clifford Pfeltz, James Barry, Grace Boswell, Ben T. Shawver, Richard M. Eastman, Sidney Berquist, Wallace Douglas, Fordyce Bennett, Vernon T. Groves, William D. Baker, Ronald Podeschi, William Leppert, Sister Mary Mark, Roy Weshinskey, Sherman Rush   


The Gallaudet College English Curriculum Development Center  |  1964

Location:  Gallaudet College

Served as Directors:  Harry Bornstein

Affiliated Names:  William C. Stokoe, Jr., Virginia C. Covington, J. Phillip Goldberg, Mary S. LaRue, Anne Womeldorf


The Northern Illinois University Curriculum Center  |  1964

Location:  Northern Illinois University

Served as Directors:  Andrew MacLeish, William Seat

Teacher Associates:  Ralph Blackman, David Bloomstrand, William Cantrall, Sister Mary Celsa, Frank Church, Mary Endres, Sister John Eudes, Margaret Miller, Marion Olson, Sister Mary Placide, Lotitia Saunders, Evelyn D. Smith, Richard Tryba, Elmer Waldschmidt, William Wilson


The OEO-SEAW Basic Adult Education Program  |  1964

Location:  Tuskegee Institute

Served as Directors:  G. T. Dowdy

Affiliated Names:  Theodore James Pinnock, A. P. Torrence, G. W. Taylor, Herman Franklin, Janie Piland


The English Curriculum Study Center at Ohio State University  |  1965

Location:  The Ohio State University

Served as Directors:  Donald R. Bateman, Frank J. Zidonis

Consultants:  Jane Stewart, Charles J. Fillmore

Research Associates:  William E. Craig, Thomas G. Shroyer, Bruce Gansneder, Elizabeth Stockover

Teacher Associates:  Sister Barbara Geary, Sister Mary Harrigan, Carol Ellen Hazard, Sister Ann Mary Jurka, Sister Mary Seraphine Kuntz, Sister Helen Marks, Sister Mary Norbert McLaughlin, Patrick J. Mooney, Sister Mildred Uhl, Virginia Van Camp, Sister Barbara Wallace

Secretary:  Ferne Caekey


Purdue Center  |  1965

Location:  Purdue University

Served as Directors:  Arnold Lazarus

Affiliated Names:  Thomas Pietras, Adrian Van Mondfrans


TESL to Elementary School Pupils  |  1965

Location:  University of California at Los Angeles

Served as Directors:  Helen Heffernan, Clifford H. Prator, Afton Dill Nance

Affiliated Names:  Robert Wilson, Evelyn Bauer, Eddie Hanson, Jr., Donald Meyer, Lois Michael  


The English Teacher Preparation Study |  1966

Location:  Western Michigan University

Served as Directors:  William P. Viall

Affiliated Names:  Eldonna L. Evertts, Michael F. Shugrue

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