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2007 CCCC Resolutions & Sense of the House Motions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 24, 2007, in New York City.

Resolution 1

Whereas, in 1990, the U.S. Census Bureau began categorizing individuals and families as “linguistically isolated” if their household is one in which no member l4 years old and over (1) speaks only English or (2) speaks a non-English language and speaks English “very well” [Source; U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P19, P20, PCT13, and PCT14]; and

Whereas there is no threat to the primacy of English, since 82% of the U.S. population speaks only English at home and more than two-thirds of those who do speak a language other than English at home, primarily Spanish speakers, also speak English “well” or “very well” (2000 Census); and

Whereas the Census does not ask about proficiency in any language except English, even though multilingualism is a valued norm in most communities worldwide, and even though every national study of education in the U.S. decries the failure of most of the U.S. population to speak a second language, including the failure of immigrants’ children to keep their heritage language; and

Whereas a widespread and growing English-only ideology, fostered by misinformation about the desire and ability of immigrants to speak English, has led numerous states to declare English their official language, thus denying bilingual services and/or making it illegal to teach children in their heritage language even when they are also taught in English; and

Whereas increasing linguistic intolerance and linguistic profiling in housing, employment, education, health, and child custody cases have been documented throughout the U.S.; and

Whereas the term “linguistically isolated” conveys the false and damaging view that people who do not speak English “very well” have no contact with English speakers and/or are outside the pale of U.S. society; and

Whereas the Census Bureau’s application of the term “linguistically isolated” to all members of a family, in which no one over the age of l4 speaks English “very well,” incorrectly categorizes the children in those families under the age of l4 who do speak English very well; and

Whereas the Census Bureau categorizes as “isolated” only the small percentage of households in the U.S. where adults have some difficulty with English, rather than the majority of households in which only English is spoken;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Conference on College Composition and Communication join the American Anthropological Association and other professional organizations in urging the Census Bureau to include on the long-form questionnaire a question about proficiency in languages other than English.  Further, we urge that the Census Bureau discontinue classifying those who speak English less than “very well”–and all members of their household–as “linguistically isolated” because the term is inaccurate and discriminatory, and the classification promotes an ideology of linguistic superiority that foments linguistic intolerance and conflict.

Resolution 2

Where as Cheryl Glenn’s identities as Program Chair, grandmother, sister, rhetorician and scholar, and Jon’s girlfriend has helped us understand what matters; and

Whereas we are well acquainted with Cheryl’s kindness, gentleness, collegial generosity, great good humor, and willingness to share her cake; and

Whereas her scholarship on women, on rhetoric, and on the power of silence has inspired us; and

Whereas this conference in the heart of New York City has paid special attention to newcomers, graduate students, and international scholars and has allowed so many CCCC colleagues to represent their identities through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and silence;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2007 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Cheryl Glenn for her many gifts to us and to the profession.

Resolution 3

Whereas Paul Puccio and the Local Arrangements Committee have assembled a rich list of New York’s historical, cultural, and entertainment attractions; and

Whereas Paul Puccio and the Local Arrangements Committee have provided an intellectually rewarding, professionally valuable, and socially pleasurable conference; and

Whereas Paul has revealed to us in his own gentle and polite way his vision of the New York skyline from the vantage point of his own New Jersey terrace and delivered it to us in song; and

Whereas Paul Puccio thus has developed commendable expertise for the career he will assume upon retirement;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2007 Conference on College Composition and Communication applaud Paul Puccio and the Local Arrangements Committee for their hard work and generous hospitality.

Resolution 4

Whereas we appreciate Akua Duku Anokye’s steady attention to issues of representation, community, and honesty within our organization and the profession; and

Whereas she has taught us to pay attention to the voices we hear and to appreciate the company we keep; and

Whereas she takes a little bit of New York with her everywhere she goes; and

Whereas she has the rare ability to be sincere and gracious and smart all at once; and

Where as she will soon be a grandmother and will pass along the gift of stories and the strength of women;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2007 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Akua Duku Anokye for her leadership and service to the profession.

Sense of the House Motions

S1. Even though the Committee on the Status of Women originally did not ask to be reconstituted, it now supports our motion urging the CCCC Executive Committee to reconstitute the Committee on the Status of Women with a streamlined charge.  This committee provides an essential component of the governance structure promoting strategic conversations about the social, political and economic conditions for women.

S2. CCCC should:

  1. Support consideration of and strategic use of open source software whenever possible;
  2. Explore use of open source software within its own organization;
  3. Encourage and support CCCC members pursuing open source alternatives; and
  4. Educate CCCC’s members about the results of these initiatives, including associated costs.

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