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2005 CCCC Convention Reviews

Please follow the links below to browse reviews from the 2005 Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Convention in San Francisco.


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2008 Convention Program "Writing Realities, Changing Realities"

Entire Convention Program

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Program by section

2012 Resolutions & Sense of the House Motions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 24, 2012 in St. Louis.

Resolution 1

Whereas Chris Anson has worked as program chair to ensure the varied voices of the profession are provided a platform to share their stories, including innovative opportunities for international scholars to participate at a distance, a renewed focus on basic writing, a celebration of undergraduate research, and a focus on improving the accessibility of the conference for all attendees;

Whereas he has organized our time together not only to foster dialogue among ourselves, but also with individuals and organizations whose work and insights can inform our classroom and disciplinary practices;

Whereas his extensive scholarship on composition theory and research, teaching and learning, writing across the curriculum, and faculty development has been an invaluable service to scholars and teachers in our profession and his international work has contributed to a global understanding of composition theory and research; and

Whereas he has done all this work in a spirit of generosity, good will, and collaboration;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2012 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Chris Anson for his many contributions to us and to the profession. (MOTION CARRIED)

Resolution 2

Whereas Vincent Casaregola and the Local Arrangements Committee have assembled a rich list of St. Louis’s historical, cultural, and entertainment attractions and has worked with the Committee on Disability Issues to provide extensive and detailed accessibility information for conference attendees;

Whereas Vincent Casaregola and the Local Arrangements Committee have helped to foster a collegial environment in which to engage in discussions of the professional, disciplinary, and social aspects of our work; and

Whereas Vincent Casaregola and the Local Arrangements Committee have demonstrated a personal commitment to ensuring every conference attendee leaves St. Louis with a rich cultural and intellectual experience;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2012 Conference on College Composition and Communication applaud Vincent Casaregola and the Local Arrangements Committee for their hard work and generous hospitality. (MOTION CARRIED)

Resolution 3

Whereas the NCTE and CCCC have historically advocated for contingent faculty (that is, faculty on one-year or shorter contracts);

Whereas the NCTE and CCCC strive to be inclusive to as broad a constituency of writing/composition/literacy teachers and scholars as possible;

Whereas participation in the yearly CCCC conference is an important dimension of the professional development and sense of community among those constituencies; and

Whereas the CCCC Professional Equity Project recognizes the financial difficulties of contingent faculty regarding conference attendance but cannot fully address it;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that CCCC establish and administer a Contingent Faculty Travel Fund, funded by voluntary member contributions, and that they do so in consultation with the Labor Caucus and the Committee on Part-Time, Adjunct, or Contingent Labor. (MOTION CARRIED)

Resolution 4

Whereas the use of American Indian representations in sports perpetuates stereotypes that are harmful to Native people, and, according to a recent study by psychologist Chu Kim-Prieto, also encourages stereotyping of other minority groups by the dominant culture;

Whereas the National Collegiate Athletic Association has deemed the use of American Indian sports team names, mascots, and symbols as “hostile” and “abusive,” and has forbidden schools whose teams use American Indian names or imagery from hosting championship games;

Whereas numerous American Indian intellectuals, including Devon Mihesuah, Dennis Banks, Russell Means, C. Richard King, and the late Vine Deloria, Jr. oppose the use of American Indian team names and mascots;

Whereas the American Psychological Association, the American Sociological Association, the National Education Association, the American Anthropological Association, the National Indian Education Association, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Association of American Indian Affairs, the National Congress of American Indians, the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, the United States Commission on Civil Rights, and the Modem Language Association have all passed resolutions condemning the use of images of American Indian peoples or traditions as mascots and other sports symbols; and

Whereas the National Council of Teachers of English and the Conference on College Composition and Communication advocate for the valuing of diversity and cross-cultural understanding;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Conference on College Composition and Communication join the Modern Language Association and other professional organizations in condemning the use of representations of American Indians and other racial and ethnic groups or their names, cultures, and traditions as sports symbols, mascots, and team names. (MOTION CARRIED)

Resolution 5

Whereas CCCC is committed to the production of new knowledge in college composition and communication;

Whereas CCCC publishes several important journals in the field;

Whereas most of the larger publishers (i.e. Taylor and Francis, Sage, Oxford, Cambridge, Elsevier) of scholarly articles now allow authors to do the following to some degree without additional permission:

1) make copies of their own articles for their students;
2) provide electronic copies to colleagues for personal use only;
3) post the pre-print (un-refereed) version of an article to their university’s online repository or one of the government mandated repositories (PMC or BioMed Central) with proper acknowledgment;
4) post the official final version of the article (post-print) in an online repository (upon publication or up to twelve months later) as long it is not part of a commercial venture and has proper acknowledgment; and
5) publish the work in an edited volume or book written by the original author with proper acknowledgment;

Whereas SPARC, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Harvard, and others have developed author addenda to standard publishing contracts that enable authors to retain commensurate versions of the five rights identified above;

Whereas consortiums of universities including Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Kansas State University and many others are now requiring faculty to post their scholarly articles in university repositories unless exceptions are requested; and

Whereas humanities publishers lag substantially behind publishers in the sciences that have implemented the majority of these open access options;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that CCCC-sponsored journals will provide authors a non-exclusive right to place pre- and/or post-publication drafts of their published scholarly articles on the Internet; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the CCCC will advocate for open-access publishing opportunities for other publishing venues–including other NCTE-sponsored journals–and educate scholars in the discipline to understand their rights, incentives, and responsibilities to their scholarly works. (MOTION: To refer discussion of the motion to Executive Committee for further discussion. CARRIED)

Sense of the House Motions

S1. The Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession, supporting women’s right to participate in public policy and policy discourse about their reproductive self-determination.

S2. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that CCCC, the Council on Basic Writing, and the entire Basic Writing community recognize and laud Chris Anson’s and Howard Tinberg’s vision, leadership, and pursuit of social justice in higher Education.

2013 Resolutions & Sense of the House Motions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 16, 2013 in Las Vegas.

Resolution 1

Whereas Howard Tinberg has tirelessly and consistently worked as an advocate for students and teachers in the “border” spaces of two-year colleges; explored and promoted practices of classroom research, and encouraged the scholarship of teaching;

Whereas his scholarship that systematically examines what we mean by college writing and the role of the teacher/scholar has been an invaluable resource to teachers and scholars in the profession;

Whereas he has organized this conference to create space for a true interchange of ideas and collaboration among the membership; and

Whereas he has performed with a spirit of good will, with energy and dedication;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2013 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Howard Tinberg for his many contributions to our teaching and to our profession.

Resolution 2

Whereas Robyn Rohde and the Local Arrangements Committee have provided an inclusive, comprehensive Hospitality Guide to inform participants of the cultural and entertainment opportunities in Las Vegas and have served as ready resources for travel to and around the city and the conference;

Whereas Robyn Rohde and the Local Arrangements Committee have helped create a climate of hospitality and collegiality for conference participants to engage in the professional and social aspects of our work; and

Whereas Robyn Rohde and the Local Arrangements Committee have demonstrated energy and commitment to achieving for every participant a satisfying, lively experience at the conference and with the city of Las Vegas;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2013 Conference on College Composition and Communication applaud Robyn Rohde and the Local Arrangements Committee for their generosity and their hard work.

Resolution 3

Whereas CCCC does not endorse PDSs;

Whereas plagiarism detection services can compromise academic integrity by potentially undermining students’ agency as writers, treating all students as always already plagiarists, creating a hostile learning environment, shifting the responsibility of identifying and interpreting source misuse from teachers to technology, and compelling students to agree to licensing agreements that threaten their privacy and rights to their own intellectual property;

Whereas plagiarism detection services potentially negatively change the role of the writing teacher; construct ill-conceived notions of originality and writing; disavow the complexities of writing in and with networked, digital technologies; and treat students as non-writers; and

Whereas composition teacher-scholars can intervene and combat the potential negative influences of PDSs by educating colleagues about the realities of plagiarism and the troubling outcomes of using PDSs; advocating actively against the adoption of such services; modeling and sharing ideas for productive writing pedagogy; and conducting research into alternative pedagogical strategies to address plagiarism, including honor codes and process pedagogy;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Conference on College Composition and Communication commends institutions who offer sound pedagogical alternatives to the use of PDSs and encourages institutions who use PDSs to implement practices that are in the best interest of their students, including notifying students at the beginning of the term that the service will be used; providing students a non-coercive and convenient opt-out process; and inviting students to submit drafts to the service before turning in final text.

Sense of the House Motions

S1. Given documented problems and limitations with automated essay scoring in high-stakes testing, BE IT RESOLVED that CCCC appoint a task force to develop a position statement strongly opposing the practice and a white paper to educate the public on the consequences of automated essay scoring in testing.

Ebonics Training and Research

This statement was written in response to a controversy regarding Ebonics and the incomplete, uninformed, and in some cases, purposefully distorted commentaries. Urging that teachers, administrators, counselors, supervisors, and curriculum developers undergo training to provide them with adequate knowledge about Ebonics, the authors also call for additional research on how educators can best build on existing knowledge about Ebonics to help students to expand their command of the Language of Wider Communication (“standard English”) and master the essential skills of reading and writing.

Read the full statement, CCCC Statement on Ebonics (May 1998, revised May 2016, revised June 2021)

2009 CCCC Resolutions & Sense of the House Motions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 14, 2009, in San Francisco.

Resolution 1

Whereas Michael Larkin and the Local Arrangements Committee encouraged us all to come to San Francisco with our hearts wide open; and

Whereas from Union Square to China Town to North Beach, the City by the Bay offers us multiple opportunities to glimpse heaven and leave our hearts, thanks to the hard work of this committee; and

Whereas we were drum-matically escorted by lion dancers to the opening session; and

Whereas we realize that providing local arrangements and guidance to thousands of rhetoricians, teachers, and other such creatures at this, the 60th anniversary of the CCCC;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2009 Conference on College Composition and Communication raise a glass to the pedagogies, the hard work, and the generous hospitality of Michael Larkin and the Local Arrangements Committee.

Resolution 2

Whereas Marilyn Valentino has impressed us all with her good nature, generosity, administrative skills, and willingness to take on the challenge of being Program Chair, in spite of the effects that this work no doubt had on her sleep patterns and usual diplomatic nature; and

Whereas Marilyn Valentino has made substantial contributions to our scholarship through her work on Magical Realism, Toni Morrison, innovative learning, and teaching excellence; and

Whereas our community owes her a nearly inexpressible debt of gratitude for her work as a CCCC officer, as Chair of TYCA, and President of the Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges; and

Whereas this conference on the shores of San Francisco has reminded us that our roles as educators, scholars, citizens, and individuals demand that we “Make Waves” in our personal and professional lives, never allowing ourselves to linger on the convenient shoals of ambivalent complacency; and

Whereas our organization’s respect for Marilyn Valentino is reflected in Toni Morrison’s words, “Beloved, you are my sister, you are my daughter, you are my face; you are me”;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2009 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Marilyn Valentino for her leadership, guidance, and contributions to the profession.

Sense of the House Motions

S1. Given the increasing rhetoric related to the politics of sexuality, especially concerning the civil rights and liberties of the LGBTQ Community, the CCCC should compose and release a position statement, strongly recommending that educational institutions across the nation should provide domestic partner benefits and institute non-discrimination clauses regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

S2. Given the political climate surrounding LGBTQ concerns, the CCCC should appoint a Task Force to identify and address Queer issues within the organization and the profession.

S3. To ensure that CCCC actions parallel its policies on diversity, the CCCC Executive Committee should re-examine the Scholars for the Dream policies to include LGBTQ people as an under-represented class of individuals within our organization (e.g., LGBTQ people, first-generation academics, people with disabilities).

S4. CCCC should contract with an outside provider to offer professional childcare for the 2010 convention. To provide needed funding for this service, the officers of CCCC should work to secure outside sponsorship for contracted childcare.

2010 CCCC Resolutions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 20, 2010, in Louisville.

Resolution 1

Whereas Michelle Bachelor Robinson and the Local Arrangements Committee invited us to enjoy the “biggest small town” with treasures galore;

Whereas we are now aware of fantastic opportunities to enjoy performing arts, visit multiple museums dedicated to history and horses, view stunning well-preserved architecture, and stroll down the “Urban” Bourbon Trail” due to the diligence and hard work of this committee;

Whereas we watched in awe as Ed White and the River City Drum Corps, featuring students from  Louisville Central High School, kicked off the convention with dazzling dancing and drumming;

Whereas we realize the enormous task it was to coordinate everything from beds to entertainment for educators, speakers, writers, and the generally curious folk who partake in this annual CCCC event; and

Whereas we recently discovered that Michelle Bachelor Robinson made all of this happen at the same time that she was successfully defending her Ph.D. dissertation and securing a tenure-track job;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2010 Conference on College Composition and Communication show our appreciation for the dedication and goodwill shown by this native Louisvillian, Dr. Michelle Bachelor Robinson, and the Local Arrangements Committee.

Resolution 2

Whereas Gwendolyn Pough has amazed us all with her hard work and bright attitude;

Whereas Gwen slugged one out of the park with her excellent choice of invited speakers and guests;

Whereas from Churchill Downs to the Slugger Museum to the Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon tour to the Victorian homes of the historic district, Gwen gave us multiple opportunities to get a taste of southern charm and urban offerings by welcoming compositionists from around the country and abroad; and

Whereas this conference in Louisville, KY, has reminded us that we must “revisit, rethink, revise, and renew” our vision for our future as writing instructors and researchers;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that we tip our Kentucky Derby hats to Gwen for her graceful work as the 2010 CCCC Program Chair; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2010 Conference on College Composition and Communication raise our mint juleps with Kentucky bourbon and thank Gwendolyn Pough for her thoughtfulness, time, and energetic service to the profession.

2001 CCCC Resolutions

The following resolutions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 17, 2001, in Denver, CO:

Resolution 1: Honoring John Lovas

WHEREAS John Lovas has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to teaching in a two-year college, has assumed prominent leadership roles in TYCA, and has fostered stronger ties between two-year and four-year faculty to form a more extensive yet inclusive vision of the profession;

WHEREAS he has proven himself to be a great innovator by making creative and informative revisions to the CCCC’s convention proposal form and program format, by welcoming newcomers with a special breakfast, and by encouraging conversation clusters among the convention participants;

WHEREAS he has had the good fortune of selecting an able assistant, Krista Hiser, who persisted in shouldering her responsibilities in the face of personal challenges;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2001 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank John Lovas for creating a program that invites each of us to compose our own professional sense of community and take that renewed professionalism back to the communities in which we work and live.

Resolution 2: Honoring Margaret Whitt and the Local Arrangements Committee

WHEREAS Margaret Whitt has organized a dedicated and energetic committee to welcome us to the Mile High City and ensure that we enjoy its extensive cultural riches;

WHEREAS she has demonstrated an extraordinary talent for showcasing local authors and local sites;

WHEREAS she has supported writing instruction in Denver Public Schools by encouraging us to provide pencils and notebooks for the young composers of the new millennium;

WHEREAS she has warmed our stay with her graciousness and humor;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED  that the 2001 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Margaret Whitt and the entire Local Arrangements Committee for their generous hospitality.

Resolution 3: Endorsing U.S.-Canada Equity Week

WHEREAS the exploitive working conditions–including inadequate salaries, contracts, benefits, and professional development opportunities–of part-time and non-tenure-track writing faculty remain a major concern of our membership;

WHEREAS U.S.-Canada Equity Week (October 2001) will entail a series of locally, regionally, and nationally organized events that will call attention to the exploitive working conditions of part-time and non-tenure-track faculty;

WHEREAS U.S.-Canada Equity Week will draw attention to the link between part-time and non-tenure-track-faculty’s working conditions and the provision of quality instruction;

WHEREAS concerned part-time and full-time faculty, students, labor activists and labor unions, professional associations, and community activists will band together to organize campus events and activities (teach-ins, rallies, lectures, street theater performances, petition drives, letter and editorial writing campaigns) that call attention to the academy’s increasing use of part-time and non-tenure-track faculty and to the issues of salary equity, contractual stability, and professional working conditions;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Conference on College Composition and Communication join with the Coalition on Contingent Academic Labor, the California Part-Time Faculty Association, the American Association of University Professors, and other professional and labor organizations to endorse U.S.-Canada Equity Week.

2002 CCCC Resolutions

The following resolutions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 23, 2002, in Chicago, IL:

Resolution 1: Honoring Shirley Wilson Logan

WHEREAS Shirley Wilson Logan has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to diversity, equity, and opportunity in the profession;

WHEREAS she has emphasized the urgency of addressing the needs of the various publics we serve by connecting the text and the street;

WHEREAS she has had the practical wisdom to choose the capable and calm Maurice Champagne as her program assistant;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2002 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Shirley Wilson Logan for creating a program that challenges us to see our work in the context of community.

Resolution 2: Acknowledging and Applauding Deborah Holdstein and the Local Arrangements Committee

WHEREAS Deborah Holdstein and the Local Arrangements Committee have not once but twice welcomed us to the streets of Chicago;

WHEREAS this visit has allowed us to further explore the extraordinary jazz and blues, wonderful food, and eclectic neighborhoods of the Windy City;

WHEREAS Deborah’s tremendous energy, sense of humor, and imagination have kept her young;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2002 Conference on College Composition and Communication acknowledge and applaud Deborah Holdstein and the Local Arrangements Committee for their warm and generous hospitality.

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