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Call for Applications: CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series Editor

CCCC invites applications for a five-year appointment as Editor of Studies in Writing and Rhetoric (SWR). SWR supports the mission of CCCC in its publication of monograph-length works from a variety of theoretical and research perspectives on current topics or concerns within composition studies. Working with an editorial board appointed by the CCCC Officers, the SWR Editor solicits and reviews manuscripts, then works with authors to develop and prepare accepted projects into production-ready form for the publication staff. The current CCCC budget permits publishing two to three monographs a year. CCCC provides partial support for the office of editor; the amount of support will be negotiated with the finalist. In addition, the Editor is a member of the CCCC editor’s team, which meets face-to-face at the CCCC conference and, on occasion, virtually throughout the year.

The CCCC Officers request that a detailed application dossier be submitted by March 15, 2011 to Kristen Suchor, CCCC Liaison, at, including

  1. a CV;
  2. a statement of interest and qualifications;
  3. a statement of vision for the series; and
  4. a preliminary description of possible support from the nominee’s home institution (for example, reassigned time, space, clerical or assistantship support, travel funding, or so on), to complement the support available from CCCC.

Applicants must be CCCC members.

Based on those materials, the Officers will interview a group of finalists at CCCC in Atlanta. The term of the current editor (Joseph Harris of Duke University) will expire in June, 2012. We anticipate that the new editor will be announced in the summer of 2011. This allows for a transitional year for the new editor to work with the current editor. The position formally begins July 1, 2012.

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