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Labor Liaison Position Description

The following position description was drafted and finalized in Summer 2017:

Position Description: The CCCC labor liaison is a contact point and resource for questions associated with the labor of composition instruction. The liaison communicates with CCCC members who have questions about labor practices associated with writing instruction, providing guidance on strategies, resources, and activities. The liaison is also charged with developing and maintaining resources that can be useful for members, using the NCTE/CCCC domain as a source for these resources. The liaison should aggregate existing NCTE/CCCC resources, draw together resources from other organizations or sources that might be useful, and to create resources that can help members use these resources to their best advantages.

In addition to providing resources and disseminating information, the liaison will, as able, collect and communicate trends in feedback from CCCC members on labor and writing instruction to CCCC leadership (the officers and Executive Committee), seek to collaborate with other CCCC Standing Groups and caucuses (particularly but not exclusively the Labor Caucus) and constituent task forces and committees of the CCCC.

The labor liaison will also participate in the Action Hub or other public spaces at CCCC, staffing a table or booth for members to communicate with them.  

The liaison(s) will provide a report on their activities to the CCCC Executive Committee twice each year: once for the November meeting and once for the spring meeting. The liaison(
s) will be appointed for a three-year term. New liaisons will be selected by the CCCC officers and ratified by the Executive Committee. The officers and EC will look to the existing liaisons for recommendations and to develop a process for this selection.

In the event of the formation of an interorganizational labor board, the CCCC labor liaison will serve as CCCC representative to the board.

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