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2009 CCCC Resolutions & Sense of the House Motions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 14, 2009, in San Francisco.

Resolution 1

Whereas Michael Larkin and the Local Arrangements Committee encouraged us all to come to San Francisco with our hearts wide open; and

Whereas from Union Square to China Town to North Beach, the City by the Bay offers us multiple opportunities to glimpse heaven and leave our hearts, thanks to the hard work of this committee; and

Whereas we were drum-matically escorted by lion dancers to the opening session; and

Whereas we realize that providing local arrangements and guidance to thousands of rhetoricians, teachers, and other such creatures at this, the 60th anniversary of the CCCC;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2009 Conference on College Composition and Communication raise a glass to the pedagogies, the hard work, and the generous hospitality of Michael Larkin and the Local Arrangements Committee.

Resolution 2

Whereas Marilyn Valentino has impressed us all with her good nature, generosity, administrative skills, and willingness to take on the challenge of being Program Chair, in spite of the effects that this work no doubt had on her sleep patterns and usual diplomatic nature; and

Whereas Marilyn Valentino has made substantial contributions to our scholarship through her work on Magical Realism, Toni Morrison, innovative learning, and teaching excellence; and

Whereas our community owes her a nearly inexpressible debt of gratitude for her work as a CCCC officer, as Chair of TYCA, and President of the Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges; and

Whereas this conference on the shores of San Francisco has reminded us that our roles as educators, scholars, citizens, and individuals demand that we “Make Waves” in our personal and professional lives, never allowing ourselves to linger on the convenient shoals of ambivalent complacency; and

Whereas our organization’s respect for Marilyn Valentino is reflected in Toni Morrison’s words, “Beloved, you are my sister, you are my daughter, you are my face; you are me”;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2009 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Marilyn Valentino for her leadership, guidance, and contributions to the profession.

Sense of the House Motions

S1. Given the increasing rhetoric related to the politics of sexuality, especially concerning the civil rights and liberties of the LGBTQ Community, the CCCC should compose and release a position statement, strongly recommending that educational institutions across the nation should provide domestic partner benefits and institute non-discrimination clauses regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

S2. Given the political climate surrounding LGBTQ concerns, the CCCC should appoint a Task Force to identify and address Queer issues within the organization and the profession.

S3. To ensure that CCCC actions parallel its policies on diversity, the CCCC Executive Committee should re-examine the Scholars for the Dream policies to include LGBTQ people as an under-represented class of individuals within our organization (e.g., LGBTQ people, first-generation academics, people with disabilities).

S4. CCCC should contract with an outside provider to offer professional childcare for the 2010 convention. To provide needed funding for this service, the officers of CCCC should work to secure outside sponsorship for contracted childcare.

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