The following resolutions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 23, 2002, in Chicago, IL:
Resolution 1: Honoring Shirley Wilson Logan
WHEREAS Shirley Wilson Logan has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to diversity, equity, and opportunity in the profession;
WHEREAS she has emphasized the urgency of addressing the needs of the various publics we serve by connecting the text and the street;
WHEREAS she has had the practical wisdom to choose the capable and calm Maurice Champagne as her program assistant;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2002 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Shirley Wilson Logan for creating a program that challenges us to see our work in the context of community.
Resolution 2: Acknowledging and Applauding Deborah Holdstein and the Local Arrangements Committee
WHEREAS Deborah Holdstein and the Local Arrangements Committee have not once but twice welcomed us to the streets of Chicago;
WHEREAS this visit has allowed us to further explore the extraordinary jazz and blues, wonderful food, and eclectic neighborhoods of the Windy City;
WHEREAS Deborah’s tremendous energy, sense of humor, and imagination have kept her young;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2002 Conference on College Composition and Communication acknowledge and applaud Deborah Holdstein and the Local Arrangements Committee for their warm and generous hospitality.