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2005 CCCC Resolutions & Sense of the House Motions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 19, 2005, in San Francisco.

Resolution 1: Honoring Judith (Jay) Wootten

Whereas Judith (Jay) Wootten has raised the visibility of two-year institutions and the teaching, research, and scholarship of two-year college teachers; and

Whereas she has demonstrated a commitment to first-year – especially first-generation – college students, and to encouraging under-represented and diverse populations to become active in the profession on both the regional and national levels; and

Whereas, in keeping with CCCC’s history of progressive action, she successfully enabled the relocation of the convention in light of an ongoing labor dispute involving hotel workers; and

Whereas her love for animals, especially dogs, has increased our awareness for causes beyond ourselves;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2005 Conference on College Composition and Communication honor Judith (Jay) Wootten for her leadership and tireless efforts on our behalf.

Resolution 2: Thanking Sallyanne Fitzgerald and the Local Arrangements Committee

Whereas Sallyanne Fitzgerald and the entire Local Arrangements Committee have opened the gates of San Francisco to the members of the 56th CCCC Annual Convention, from Haight Ashbury to Alcatraz, from Union Square to Fisherman’s Wharf, from Chinatown to Nob Hill; and

Whereas Sallyanne Fitzgerald – cordial, hardworking, hands-on, and dedicated to the scholarship of teaching within the two-year college – generously volunteered her time and energy to conference goers; and

Whereas her inadvertent omission from the program is no indication of our gratitude for her efforts;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2005 gathering of the CCCC acknowledge and applaud Sallyanne Fitzgerald and the entire Local Arrangements Committee for so successfully realizing the theme of the conference in our experience of this beautiful city.

Resolution 3: Thanking Doug Hesse

Whereas Doug Hesse has demonstrated leadership, scholarship, and singing skills that we can all aspire to; and

Whereas he was especially steadfast during the hotel labor dispute;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2005 CCCC thank Doug Hesse for his excellent Chair’s address, “Who Owns Writing?” and his unwavering dedication to the conference and to composition studies.

Resolution 4: Thanking Kent Williamson, Jacqui Joseph-Biddle, Eileen Maley, Judith (Jay) Wootten, Doug Hesse, and Kathleen Blake Yancey

BE IT RESOLVED that we thank Kent Williamson, Jacqui Joseph-Biddle, Eileen Maley of the NCTE Staff as well as Program Chair Judith (Jay) Wootten, Chair Doug Hesse, and Past Chair Kathleen Blake Yancey for successfully negotiating the relocation of the 2005 CCCC Annual Convention in ways that minimized problems for the membership and that are consistent with the values of the organization.

Resolution 5: Composing with Nonprint Media

BE IT RESOLVED that the Conference on College Composition and Communication

  • encourage general education and professional development programs to focus on a broadened concept of composition and literacy, including multimedia composition;
  • encourage research and develop models of higher education classroom policies that promote multimedia composition;
  • encourage integrating multimedia composition in English studies curricula and its assessment at the local, state, and national levels; and
  • renew the commitment expressed in the NCTE 1983 Resolution of Computers in English and Language Arts to achieve equity of access to the full range of composing technologies.
Sense of the House Motions

S1. Open debate in classrooms, universities, and the public sphere is an essential function of a democratic society.  CCCC therefore supports students’ and instructors’ right to express ideas which may be objectionable to certain constituencies, and to work in an atmosphere that fosters vigorous inquiry, argument, and critique, free from censorship.

S2. We move that CCCC work with MLA, activist groups, unions and professional and scholarly organizations to advocate reversal of the 2004 NLRB ruling in the case of Brown University, and that CCCC fund a representative to attend the 2006 COCAL conference.

S3. As the war in Iraq is sustained by deceptive rhetoric and a high cost in human lives and suffering, CCCC calls for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of US troops and military support from Iraq.

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