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2017 Resolutions & Sense of the House Motions

The following resolutions and sense of the house motions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 18, 2017, in Portland, Oregon.

Resolution 1

Whereas Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt fostered a highly interactive, participatory Convention that not only involved CCCC members in peer-reviewed presentations, posters, and workshops but also introduced new conference features such as Think Tanks and Cultivate Sessions for conference attendees to get involved in thinking together, making their concerns known, and creating change;
Whereas she has been a teacher of writing and literacy at many levels, including the community college, middle school, and high school, and has committed herself and the 2017 Convention to broadening participation in strategic ways that highlight the relevance of teaching writing across various constituencies, including two-year colleges, high schools, colleges, and libraries, and in democratic ways that create broader access to events such as free post convention workshops;  
Whereas her approach to convention design, from the Call for Proposals to the inventive Saturday programming, has promoted not only active engagement but also thoughtful reflective practices that will enrich and sustain us as individuals and as a collective beyond the convention days;   

Whereas even at the very last minute, in her late-night epiphanic moments, Carolyn displayed her positive, improvisational attitude, tirelessly working to ensure that every opportunity was made available to conference participants, including teaching-centric sessions and action hub festivities;
Whereas she has committed numerous years in active service to CCCC, TYCA, and other professional organizations and has actively participated in and led the development of several position statements related to academic preparation for teaching English in the two-year college, qualities of an effective two-year college instructor, and qualities of effective concurrent enrollment programs;
Whereas she is not only a passionate advocate for students but also a student herself, frequently taking classes on her campus and regularly learning from the students she teaches and the writers she tutors in the Writing Center; and
Whereas even her and her spouse’s wine label, Dos Maestros, celebrates teaching and teachers;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2017 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt for her many contributions to us and to the profession.

Resolution 2

Whereas Hildy Miller, Chris Nelson, and the Local Arrangements Committee have provided a beautiful Local Arrangements Website highlighting an array of ways to enjoy the cultural, edible, and drinkable elements of this fine city, as well as a wealth of other information about the conference venue and surroundings;

Whereas Hildy Miller, Chris Nelson, and the Local Arrangements Committee members have made themselves readily available to attendees as resources for getting around the city, including providing tickets for public transportation and a guide to the literary features of this bookended city;

Whereas Hildy Miller, Chris Nelson, and the Local Arrangements Committee have continued to support the CCCC tradition of collaborating with the Committee on Disability Issues to develop a detailed and useful Accessibility Guide, provided in multiple formats, with pertinent details and relevant images; and

Whereas Hildy Miller, Chris Nelson, and the Local Arrangements Committee have helped conference attendees feel a little more like Portlanders with their detailed descriptions of the area’s sites and cultural hubs, their notes about special events, and their advice about appropriate weather-related attire;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2017 Conference on College Composition and Communication express our heartfelt appreciation to Hildy Miller, Chris Nelson, and the Local Arrangements Committee by applauding their energy and efforts.

Sense of the House Motions

S1. In light of attacks on journalism and the rise of fake news, teachers face new challenges when helping students use sources. I move that CCCC encourages writing programs to collaborate with librarians and colleagues in mass communication to share expertise and provide teachers with professional development to address this problem.

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