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Cs the Day Gamification Event

Join us for some Cs the Day Gamification fun!  While you are attending the 2022 CCCC Annual Convention you will be able to earn points throughout the platform and compete for great prizes!

Please use this form to log your participation in this year’s event.

Cs the Day Event Quests:
  1. Justice for All—Tweet or post about what you have learned about diversity, equity, and linguistic justice (this year’s CCCC theme) at the Convention. Alternatively, how can CCCC or your institution improve their diversity, equity, and linguistic justice initiatives? (25 points)
  2. Memes & Multimodality—Create a meme about virtual conferencing or remote/hybrid learning. (Free meme generator: (25 points)
  3. The Good Times—Share your favorite story about a previous CCCC Annual Convention. (25 points)
  4. This Could Be an Article—Identify a potential research project that could integrate what you learned at the Convention. (25 points + 25 points for plans to collaborate with other attendees)
  5. Self-Care Selfie—Document yourself taking action to establish emotional/physical/spiritual balance and prevent feelings of isolation while conferencing virtually. (50 points)
  6. Think-Pair-Share—Create a plan to share what you have learned from the Convention at your home institution/communities. (25 points)
  7. Co-Op Mode—Document yourself playing a game (co-op or competitive) with another Convention attendee. (25 points + 25 points if they’re someone you met in the last year)
  8. Your Favorite Chair—Read or watch any CCCC Chair’s Address and share a few lines that stood out to you. (50 points)
  9. Swagger On—Use your favorite social media platform to share a photo of CCCC Convention swag you’ve held on to from years past. (Brownie points if it’s Cs the Day swag) (25 points)
  10. Going Up?—Practice your elevator speech. Give a comprehensive,15-second description of the entirety of your research, thesis, diss, or 4C’s presentation, and post a video or written version on Twitter with the #4C22 hashtag. (50 points)
  11. How I Met Your . . .—As versatile citizens of a networked world, we can find meaningful friendships across institutions. Tell us about a new connection that you created with a colleague while conferencing remotely. (25 points up to three times)
  12. Feed the Birds—Use the #4C22 hashtag to share a note about why CCCC matters to you. (25 points)
  13. Replay Value—Suggest a quest that absolutely must be included in the next version of Cs the Day. (50 points up to two times)
  14. There Is Always Something to Be Thankful For—Use a social media platform of your choice to express your gratitude for someone who had a positive impact on your academic and/or professional development. You can tag them in it or not. However, use this as an opportunity to let that person/the world know that their work and influence mattered. (25 points up to three times)
  15. Have You Met . . . ?—Write a third-person biography of your favorite composition theorist. Tell us about their work, their background, and why we should be reading/using their work in the classroom. (25 points up to three times)
  16. Sharing the Knowledge—Tweet about what you learned at a session. (25 points up to five times)
  17. Staying Connected—Join the CPGS Discord server or Facebook page or follow on Twitter. (25 points each)
  18. Gaining XP—Attend a session about game-based pedagogy and/or research. (50 points up to three times)
Cs the Day Event Prizes:

The three top-scoring winners will receive a physical Sparkle Pony (ask us if you are not yet familiar with this CtD tradition), and the grand prize winner will receive a paid registration for CCCC 2023 in Chicago, courtesy of the CCCC Executive Committee!

Gamification begins Wednesday, March 9, at 11:00 a.m. ET and ends on Saturday, March 12, at 7:30 p.m. ET.

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