We welcome all 2025 CCCC Annual Convention attendees to join us for these special events during the Convention! Please note that all events will be held in person only except for the CCCC Annual Business Meeting and Sober Academics Virtual Meet-Up.
In addition to the events noted below, we hope you will also spend some time in the #4C25 Exhibit Hall and Action Hub visiting the various organizations, events, and activities throughout the Convention, including works of local Indigenous Artists and Baltimore-Based Artists of Color in the vendor space. See the Convention Schedule for hours of the hall.
Find information about Baltimore on the #4C25 Hospitality Site.
Wednesday, April 9
Newcomers’ Orientation, 5:15–6:15 p.m.
Meeting Room 307 (Level 300)
Sponsored by the Newcomers’ Welcoming Committee
Join members of the Newcomers’ Welcoming Committee for an orientation session. The committee will discuss how to navigate the Convention and share tips to get the most out of the Convention activities.
Sober Academics Virtual Meet-Up, 8:30 p.m. ET
Sober Academics is a peer-led recovery group for folks who are seeking sober community in academia. We affirm the sharing of diversities in pathways, philosophies, methodologies, and practices and approaches of recovery. Anyone who identifies as “sober academic” can attend. Whether you are staff, admin, students (undergrad, grad, or PhD), part-time or full-time faculty, this meeting is for you!
Meeting ID: 869 2148 2581
Passcode: 027882
2025 IWCA Collaborative, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the International Writing Centers Association
Writing Centers as Harbors or Ports: Spaces of Remix, Conflict, Collaboration, Resistance, and Play
Southern Management Corporation (SMC) Center at the University of Maryland, Baltimore
Learn more at https://writingcenters.org/events/2025-iwca-collaborative/
Thursday, April 10
Newcomers’ Coffee Hour, 7:30–8:15 a.m.
Otterbein Lobby (Level 200)
The CCCC Newcomers’ Welcoming Committee looks forward to meeting you at the Newcomers’ Coffee Hour, a congenial start to the first full day of activities, where you can begin the kinds of professional conversations that have made this conference one of the high points of the year for each of us.
Opening General Session featuring the 2025 CCCC Chair’s Address with Jennifer Sano-Franchini, 8:30 a.m.–10:15 a.m.
Hall G (Level 100)
A.27 Social Justice for Classroom Instructors: Contingent Labor Organizing Roundtable, 10:30–11:45 a.m.
Meeting Room 310 (Level 300)
Sponsored by the Social Justice at the Convention Committee
This roundtable will celebrate the social justice work of local Baltimore-area contingent instructors. Roundtable participants will share their experiences working to form unions in Baltimore-area institutions and reflect on its impact on their work in classrooms; they will invite attendees to share. Attendees and participants will engage in an informal table discussion about the experiences shared, approaches to organizing in Baltimore, and ideas for how to approach consolidating strength to address the local issues that impact our own communities and institutions. Overall, this roundtable is designed to celebrate the important organizing work contingent instructors are doing in the Baltimore area to elevate their voices in their workplaces.
Think-Tank for Newcomers—Developing Papers and Sessions for CCCC 2026, 3:15–4:30 p.m.
Meeting Room 337 (Level 300)
Sponsored by the Newcomers’ Welcoming Committee
Newcomers will develop ideas for sessions for CCCC 2026 with help from established scholar/teachers. The 2026 CCCC Annual Convention Program Chair, Melissa Ianetta, will be present.
Report on 4C Virtual Institute, 3:15–4:30 p.m.
Meeting Room 334 (Level 300)
All members of CCCC are invited to attend this structured conversation on our report following the 4C Virtual Institute. Our aim in this conversation is to refine our report and consider recommendations before circulating the document to members in its final form.
Scholars for the Dream Reception, 6:00–7:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 317 (Level 300)
Come celebrate and network with the 2025 CCCC Scholars for the Dream recipients!
Sober Academics Meet-Up, 6:00–7:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 321 (Level 300)
Sober Academics is a peer-led recovery group for folks who are seeking sober community in academia. We affirm the sharing of diversities in pathways, philosophies, methodologies, and practices and approaches of recovery. Anyone who identifies as “sober academic” can attend. Whether you are staff, admin, students (undergrad, grad, or PhD), part-time or full-time faculty, this meeting is for you!
Anzaldúa Award Reception, 7:00–8:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 317 (Level 300)
Come celebrate and network with the 2025 CCCC Gloria Anzaldúa Award recipients!
Reception for Late Career and Retired Teacher-Scholars, 7:30–8:30 p.m.
Meeting Room 316 (Level 300)
This event is in celebration of the careers and contributions to the field by late career and retired CCCC members. We hope through this event to show our gratitude for the lifetime achievements of teacher-scholars whose work has so profoundly shaped research and teaching in the profession.
Friday, April 11
All-Attendee Keynote—To Be Announced, 11:00–12:15 p.m.
Hall G (Level 100)
CCCC Annual Business Meeting, 4:45–6:00 p.m. (Hybrid Meeting)
In-Person Attendees: Hall G (Level 100)
Register to Attend Virtually (registrants must be members of CCCC)
CCCC Awards Presentation, 6:00–7:15 p.m.
Hall G (Level 100)
During this presentation we announce the recipients of the 2025 CCCC and TYCA Awards. Past CCCC Chairs, distinguished guests, and international participants will be recognized. Please take the time to come celebrate with your colleagues.
All-Attendee Event—Stitch & Spin: A Craft Slam/Record Nite Extravaganza, 7:30–9:30 p.m.
Rooms 309–310 (Level 300)
The Social Justice at the Convention Committee, Local Arrangements Committee, and Handcrafted Rhetorics SIG invite you to share your favorite tunes, get crafty, and make zines! Drop by to listen to music and flex your creative muscles over crafts. No experience necessary. Craft supplies will be on hand, including the Feminist Caucus’s quilt project, though you can also bring your own. We encourage you to bring a record so we can play a few tracks and make a collaborative 4Cs mixtape! Heavy appetizers will be provided with drinks for purchase. Visit https://handcraftedrhetorics.org/ for more information about the music formats that we can accommodate.
Saturday, April 12
Teacher 2 Teacher, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 310 (Level 300)
Teacher 2 Teacher (T2T) offers CCCC Convention participants a dynamic professional development and networking opportunity. All CCCC 2025 attendees are welcome to join.
From Draft to Publication: A Hands-on, How-to Workshop on Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Journals, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 315 (Level 300)
The editors of Teaching English in the Two-Year College, College English, and College Composition and Communication will lead a Saturday afternoon writers’ workshop that includes an overview of citation justice, five mini-lessons on writing for publication interleaved with workshops for writers to apply those lessons to their scholarly projects, and guidance on forming writing groups for long-term success.
Registration for this free workshop is available through the 2025 CCCC Annual Convention registration process.