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Postconvention Workshops

Postconvention workshops at CCCC 2017 take place from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and are open to all CCCC registrants.


SW.01 “A Bridge across Our Fears:” Teaching Aspiring Teachers and Tutors through Story

As educators tasked with preparing aspiring teachers and tutors for working effectively—and justly—with student writers, we understand the power of stories to shape how teachers and tutors think about who students are, what they need, and why they make the choices they do as they compose. In this half-day workshop, we will lead participants in an exploration of the role progressive and alternative young adult literature might play in teacher/tutor education and will help participants create exercises and assignments designed to help aspiring teachers and tutors develop nuanced and compassionate storytelling practices about and for their students.

SW.02 Hey Teacher, Lead Them Kids in Song: A Workshop on Music and Performance for Compositionists

In its fourth consecutive year at the CCCC Convention, this half-day workshop infuses music and performance powerfully into composition pedagogy and professional development to enhance writing instruction and build community connections. This workshop introduces and explores a variety of performative exercises and embodied rhetorics derived from participants’ own interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, and musical intelligences, culminating in a reflective discussion and planning of performative strategies.

SW.03 Cultivating Strategic Action in Teaching against Plagiarism: Using Plagiarism as an Educational Opportunity

Too often, teachers seek to address plagiarism through policing tactics. However, plagiarism can be a learning and writing strategy, a feature of the transition from outsider to insider in the development of a writer. This interactive workshop is intended to help writing instructors develop a repertoire of practical teaching strategies to help students learn how to engage in conversation with previous texts effectively and appropriately.

SW.04 Bridging Expectations: A Workshop on the Alignment of High School English and First-Year Composition

Sponsored by the Oregon Writing and English Advisory Committee

This collegial workshop will center on the intersection, as well as the divergences, of the Common Core State Standards with the OWEAC outcomes. We will refine our understanding of terminology and explore productive curricular design for our revised writing outcomes, which have an increased focus on students’ facility with rhetorical concepts and vocabulary, as well as our expectation that students will  develop metacognitive awareness.

SW.05 Writing Studio Pedagogy: Cultivating Student Voice and Capacity for Change

Writing Studio describes an alternative approach to teaching, supporting, and conducting inquiry into writing alongside student writers in a variety of higher education sites. This year’s half-day workshop focuses on Writing Studio curriculum and pedagogy. Workshop facilitators will provide insight into how to design studio activities for different student populations or courses and will share a wealth of curricular approaches for scaffolding student growth and transfer of learning.

SW.06 Writing and Publishing Op-Eds: Cultivating Public Voices

This interactive workshop is part of what Paula Mathieu calls a “public turn” in composition studies, particularly how teaching writing connects with our lives outside the classroom. Writing op-eds is one way that faculty, students, and other writers can advocate for social change. With a goal of cultivating voices of diversity in mainstream print, online, and mobile newspapers, workshop participants will learn how to write op-eds, publish them, and integrate op-ed writing into writing courses.



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