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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 55, No. 3, February 2004

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Holmes, David G. Rev. of African American Literacies by Elaine Richardson. CCC. 55.3 (2004): 575-577.

Kameen, Paul. Rev. of (Re)Articulating Assessment: Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning by Brian Huot. CCC. 55.3 (2004): 578-580.

Clark, Anna H. Rev. of Misunderstanding the Assignment: Teenage Students, College Writing, and the Pains of Growth by Doug Hunt. CCC. 55.3 (2004): 580-582.

Fox, Tom. Rev. of A Geopolitics of Academic Writing by A. Suresh Canagarajah. CCC. 55.3 (2004): 582-585.

Schiff, Peter. Rev. of Intertexts: Reading Pedagogy in College Writing Classrooms. Marguerite Helmers, ed. CCC. 55.3 (2004): 585-587.

Dawkins, John and Nancy Mann. “Interchanges.” CCC. 55.3 (2004): 568-574.

Juzwik, Mary. “Towards an Ethics of Answerability: Reconsidering Dialogism in Sociocultural Literacy Research.” CCC. 55.3 (2004): 536-567.


This essay responds to the problem that sociocultural literacy research has failed to adequately theorize individual literacy learners as moral agents with the capacity to produce harm or good to themselves and others. Building from the rhetorical construct of dialogism, this inquiry explores how the early ethical thought of Mikhail Bakhtin can contribute an “ethics of answerability” to sociocultural literacy studies. Explicating and extending a more established perspective in classroom literacy study: what I call an “ethics of difference”: my reading of Bakhtin’s early work offers a shift in focus from linguistic difference to the self who responds, or answers, to difference. An ethics of answerability highlights the unique and heavy responsibilities that individuals face as they respond to others in everyday interaction and in textual production. Proposed in light of this theoretical orientation are questions to guide inquiry in classroom-based sociocultural literacy research.


ccc55.3 Literacy Answerability MBakhtin Students Classroom Ethics Others Difference Research Literacy Dialogism Perspective

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Barber-Fendley, Kimber and Chris Hamel. ” A New Visibility: An Argument for Alternative Assistance Writing Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities.” CCC. 55.3 (2004): 504-535.


We argue against the metaphor of the “level playing field” and its natural coercive power; in so doing, we call for an end to the invisibility that the debate over accommodations has imposed on learning disabilities in the past decade. A literature review of LD in composition shows how this invisibility has manifested itself in our field through limited professional discussion of LD. In response, we propose not a level playing field but a new playing field altogether, a visible one that actively promotes alternative assistance for student writers with LD in first-year composition programs. We seek to show how the LD and composition fields could create a powerful partnership by serving students with LD through the principle of the liberal theory of distributive justice.


ccc55.3 Students Writing Field Accommodation Fairness Composition AlternativeAssistance LearningDisabilities Visibility LevelPlayingField

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Although computer literacy amounts to a complex set of interconnected capacities, teachers of writing and communication have tended to ignore functional issues, which are crucial to many aspects of online work. This essay reimagines the functional side of computer literacy, arguing for an approach that is both effective and professionally responsible.


ccc55.3 Students Computers FunctionalLiteracy Communication Online Writing Users Discourses Technology Software DigitalLiteracy

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Sullivan, Patricia. “Technology, Education, and Workplaces of the Future: A Parent’s View.” Expanding Literacies: English Teaching and the New Workplace. Ed. Mary Sue Garay and Stephen A. Bernhardt. Albany: SUNY P, 1998. 81-96.
Vernon, Alex. “Computerized Grammar Checkers 2000: Capabilities, Limitations, and Pedagogical Possibilities.” Computers and Composition 17 (2000): 329-49.
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Powell, Pegeen Reichert. ” Critical Discourse Analysis and Composition Studies: A Study of Presidential Discourse and Campus Discord.” CCC. 55.3 (2004): 439-469.


In this article, I argue that critical discourse analysis (CDA) can complement and extend existing critical and radical writing pedagogies; CDA provides the theoretical and methodological context that can articulate explicitly the relationship between language practices and politics. I use CDA to analyze texts that circulated on the campus of Miami University, Ohio, surrounding a conflict that exacerbated ongoing disputes about diversity, access, and standards, and I discuss how CDA might inform composition pedagogy.


ccc55.3 Students Standards Discourse Access Diversity Community Writing President CDA HigherEducation MinorityStudents

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ccc55.3 ServiceLearning Community Students Stranger SAhmed Class Others Writing Ethnography Research Feminism

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