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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 55, No. 2, December 2003

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Daniell, Beth. Rev. of Literacy in American Lives by Deborah Brandt. CCC. 55.2 (2003): 356-359.

Gillam, Alice M. Rev. of Imagining Rhetoric: Composing Women of the Early United States by Janet Carey Eldred and Peter Mortensen. CCC. 55.2 (2003): 359-363.

Kirsch, Gesa E. Rev. of I Writing: The Politics and Practice of Teaching First-Person Writing by Karen Surman Paley. CCC. 55.2 (2003): 363-366.

Helmers, Marguerite. Rev. of Writing Together/Writing Apart: Collaboration in Western American Literature by Linda K. Karell. CCC. 55.2 (2003): 366-369.

Schneider, Barbara. Rev. of Emancipatory Movements in Composition: The Rhetoric of Possibility by Andrea Greenbaum. CCC. 55.2 (2003): 369-371.

Bloome, David, Diana George, Nancy Welch, and Charles Bazerman. “Interchanges: CCCC 2003: Reflections on Rhetoric and War.” CCC. 55.2 (2003): 343-355.

Logan, Shirley Wilson. “Changing Missions, Shifting Positions, and Breaking Silences.” CCC. 55.2 (2003): 330-342.


An earlier version of this article was delivered as the Chair’s Address at the Opening General Session of the CCCC Convention in New York, March 2003. I review the current mission and position statements of the organization by calling attention to the ways in which our current social and political climate challenges our ability to meet our goals and support our positions. I weave into my text the “voices” of historical black women who called for response in their own time and even in ours.


ccc55.2 PositionStatements Students Composition Language Writing CCCC Teaching Conditions ChairsAddress

Works Cited

Berger, John. Introduction [“Where Are We?”]. Between the Eyes: Essays on Photography. By David Levi Straus. Rpt. in Harper’s Magazine (March 2003): 13-17.
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“Summary of Data from Surveys by the Coalition on the Academic Workforce.” March 2001. American Historical Association <>.
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Wonder, Stevie. “Living for the City.” Innervisions. Motown Record Corporation. T3261, 1973.
Woodson, Robert L. “Beyond the Edmund Pettus Bridge.” Editorial. Washington Post 4 Jan. 2003: A17.

Ross, Christine. “Education Reform and the Limits of Discourse: Rereading Collaborative Revision of a Composition Program’s Textbook.” CCC. 55.2 (2003): 302-329.


This article links failed reform to failed education through a case study of an annual collaborative revision of a program textbook in the Composition Program at the University of California at Irvine. Review of successive editions of the program’s Student Guide to Writing at UCI reveals a progressive retreat from the program’s pedagogical commitments and the reappearance of product-oriented instruction.


ccc55.2 Students Texts Process StudentGuide Writing Assignment Program Discourse Theory Collaboration Revision

Works Cited

Althusser, Louis. “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses.” Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays . Trans. Ben Brewster. New York: Monthly Rev. P, 1971. 121-73.
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Berlin, James A. Rhetoric and Reality: Writing Instruction in American Colleges, 1900-1985. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987.
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Connors, Robert J. Composition-Rhetoric: Backgrounds, Theory, and Pedagogy. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1997.
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Faigley, Lester. Fragments of Rationality: Postmodernity and the Subject of Composition . Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1997.
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Lu, Min-Zhan. “Conflict and Struggle: The Enemies or Preconditions of Basic Writing?” Representing the “Other”: Basic Writing and the Teaching of Basic Writing . Ed. Bruce Horner and Min-Zhan Lu. Urbana: NCTE, 1999, 30-55.
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Miller, Richard E. As If Learning Mattered: Reforming Higher Education. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1998.
Miller, Susan. Textual Carnivals: The Politics of Composition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1991.
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Rohman, Gordon D., and Albert O. Wlecke. Pre-Writing: The Construction of Models for Concept Formation in Writing . Project No. 2174. Cooperative Research Program of the Office of Educ. [Washington, DC]: U.S. Dept. of Health, Educ., and Welfare, 1964.
Student Guide to Writing at UCI. Ed. John Hollowell. Edina: Burgess International, 1993. [Asst. ed. Christina Nemec; assoc. ed. Janet Stevens; contrib. eds.: Gretchen Bohach, Jami Josifek, Robert E. Land, Lori Miller, John Peterson, Vicki Russell.]
—. Ed. John Hollowell and Vicki Russell. 2nd. ed. Edina: Burgess International, 1994. [Assoc. ed. Janet Stevens; contrib. eds.: Catherine Boeckmann, Gretchen Bohach, Susan Bouse, Anne Callard, Heather Huddleston, Robert E. Land, Kimberly Moekle, Paul Morsink, Christina Nemec, John Peterson, Michael Powers, Ellen Strenski.]
—. Ed. John Hollowell and Vicki Russell. 3rd. ed. Edina: Burgess International, 1995. [Assoc. ed. Janet Stevens; contrib. eds.: Kitt Allen, Susan Bouse, Eric D. Friedman, Peter Goldman, Karen Holmberg, Eileen Jankowski, Paul Morsink, Mark Mullen, John Peterson, Michael Powers, Jane Osick, John Schwetman, Jacqueline Scoones, Ellen Strenski, James Tarter, Krista Twu.]
—. Ed. John Hollowell and Vicki Russell. 4th. ed. Edina: Burgess International, 1996. [Assoc. ed. Janet Stevens; contrib. eds.: Eric D. Friedman, Heather Huddleston, Eileen Jankowski, Lee Kress, Scott McClintock, Mark Mullen, Erika Nanes, John Peterson, David Plotkin, Tiffany Richardson, John Schwetman, Ellen Strenski, Krista Twu, Jason Wohlstadter, Priscilla Wollf, Ray Zimmerman.]
Trimbur, John. “Consensus and Difference in Collaborative Learning.” Cross-Talk in Comp Theory . Ed. Victor Villaneuva. Urbana: NCTE, 1997. 439-56.
Walvoord, Barbara E., and Lucille Parkinson McCarthy. Thinking and Writing in College . Urbana: NCTE, 1990.

Green, Ann E. “Difficult Stories: Service-Learning, Race, Class, and Whiteness.” CCC. 55.2 (2003): 276-301.


By addressing race and class through the stories we tell about service-learning in the classroom and in our scholarship, I argue that we can more effectively negotiate the divide between the university and the community and work toward social change.


ccc55.2 Students Class Race ServiceLearning Stories Racism Whiteness Privilege Experience Work

Works Cited

Alcoff, Linda Martin. “What Should White People Do?” Hypatia 13 (1998): 6-25.
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Rosenberger, Cynthia. “Beyond Empathy: Developing Critical Consciousness through Service Learning.” Integrating Service Learning and Multicultural Education in Colleges and Universities . Ed. Carolyn R. O’Grady. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000. 23-43.
Roskelly, Hephzibah. “Rising and Converging: Race and Class in the South.” Coming to Class: Pedagogy and the Social Class of Teachers . Ed. Alan Shepard, John McMillan, and Gary Tate. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1998. 198-208.
—. “Telling Tales in School: A Redneck Daughter in the Academy.” Working Class Women in the Academy: Laborers in the Knowledge Factory. Ed. Michelle M. Tokarczyk and Elizabeth Fay. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1993. 292-307.
Royster, Jacqueline Jones. “When the First Voice You Hear Is Not Your Own.” College Composition and Communication 47.1 (1996): 29-40.
Segrest, Mab. Memoir of a Race Traitor. Boston: South End P, 1994. Sleeter, Christine. “White Racism.” Multicultural Education 1 (1994): 5-8.
Wade, Rahima C. “From a Distance: Service- Learning and Social Justice.” Integrating Service Learning and Multicultural Education in Colleges and Universities . Ed. Carolyn R. O’Grady. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000. 93-111.

Crick, Nathan. “Composition As Experience: John Dewey on Creative Expression and the Origins of ‘Mind.'” CCC. 55.2 (2003): 254-275.


Although the Bartholomae/Elbow debate is often framed as a modern conflict between the advocates of “academic” and “personal” writing, it is more appropriately viewed as the most recent manifestation of the historical clash between expressivism and constructivism. However, both sides of this conflict, which split over whether to see writing as a product of the mind or of an external discourse, rest upon a dualist assumption that the primary task of language is to provide linguistic representations of a transcendental ego. This essay first draws from the work of Richard Rorty and John Dewey in order to critique the dualist legacy of the expressivist/constructivist debate and then explicates Dewey’s views on mind, language, and experience in order to reconstruct a pragmatic philosophy of communication and a progressive composition pedagogy.


ccc55.2 JDewey Mind Experience Discourse Language PElbow Communication Students Philosophy Writing DBartholomae Art Expressivism Composition Constructivism

Works Cited

Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” Literacy: A Critical Sourcebook. New York: Bedford, St. Martin’s, 2001. 511-524.
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Gold, David. “‘Nothing Educates Us Like a Shock’: The Integrated Rhetoric of Melvin B. Tolson.” CCC. 55.2 (2003): 226-253.


This essay examines the pedagogical practices of the poet, civil rights activist, and teacher Melvin B. Tolson who taught at Wiley College from 1923 to 1947. Tolson’s complex classroom style, which mixed elements of classical, African American, and current-traditional rhetoric, produced a pedagogy that was at once conservative, progressive, and radical, inspiring his students to academic achievement and social action. Tolson demonstrates that it is possible to instruct students in the norms of the academy without sacrificing their home voices or identities.


ccc55.2 MTolson Students Rhetoric AfricanAmerican Classroom College Teaching WileyCollege Language

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