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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 49, No. 2, May 1998

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Patrick Bizzaro. “Review Essay: Should I Write This Essay or Finish a Poem? Teaching Writing Creatively.” Rev. of Poetic Designs: An Introduction to Meters, Verse Forms, and Figures of Speech by Stephen Adams; Created Writing: Poetry from New Angles by Paul Agostino; Elements of Alternate Style: Essays on Writing and Revision by Wendy Bishop; The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing since 1880 by D. G. Myers; The Grammar of Fantasy: An Introduction to the Art of Inventing Stories by Gianni Rodari; On the Teaching of Creative Writing by Wallace Stegner. CCC 49.2 (1998): 285-297.

Greenberg, Karen L. “Review Essay: Grading, Evaluating, Assessing: Power and Politics in College Composition.” Rev. of Alternatives to Grading Student Writing by Stephen Tchudi; Situating Portfolios: Four Perspectives by Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser; Assessment of Writing: Politics, Policies, Practices by Edward M. White, William D. Lutz, and Sandra Kamusikiri. CCC 49.2 (1998): 275-284.

Soles, Derek and Virginia Anderson. “Interchanges: Values and Teaching.” CCC 49.2 (1998): 267-274.

Tom Fox; Kristine Hansen; Francis J. Sullivan, Arabella Lyon, Dennis Lebofsky, Susan Wells, and Eli Goldblatt. “Interchanges: Reforming Writing Programs.” CCC 49.2 (1998): 256-266.

Spigelman, Candace. “Habits of Mind: Historical Configurations of Textual Ownership in Peer Writing Groups.” CCC 49.2 (1998): 234-255.


Spigelman argues that cultural ideas about intellectual property rights shape students’ response to collaborative group work and peer review. She examines Western historical tensions between individuality and collectivity in issues of authorship and intellectual property, and applies these insights to one writing group in a first-year composition course at Penn State.


ccc49.2 Groups Writing Students Copyright Ownership PeerGroups Property Labor Authorship IntellectualProperty

Works Cited

Brennan, Patricia. “Timeline: A History of Copyright in the U.S.” Association of Research Libraries. Available on-line: arl.cnLorg/info/frn/copy/timeline.
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Feather, John. “From Rights in Copies to Copyright: The Recognition of Authors’ Rights in English Law and Practice in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” Cardozo Arts and Entertainment 10 (1992): 455-73.
Ford, Marjorie, Jon Ford, and Ann Watters, eds. Coming from Home: Readings for Writers. New York: McGraw, 1993.
Howard, Rebecca Moore. “Plagiarisms, Authorships, and the Academic Death Penalty.” College English 57 (1995): 788-806.
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Lunsford, Andrea A., and Susan West. ” Intellectual Property and Composition Studies .” CCC47 (1996): 383-41l.
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—. “On the Author Effect: Recovering Collectivity.” Woodmansee and Jaszi, Construction 15-28.
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—, eds. The Construction of Authorship: Textual Appropriation in Law and Literature. Durham: Duke UP, 1994.

Adler-Kassner, Linda. “Ownership Revisited: An Exploration in Progressive Era and Expressivist Composition Scholarship.” CCC 49.2 (1998): 208-233.


Adler-Kassner looks at the historical tenets of student ownership of their writing in progressivist pedagogy of the early 1900s and expressivist pedagogy of the 1960s and 1970s. Her concern is that these advocacy approaches are more a reflection of the theorists’ cultural contexts than the students’, and suggests a “new, more useable concept of [student] ownership is emerging” (209) in composition’s work on portfolio assessment and service-learning pedagogies.


ccc49.2 Students Writing Ownership Community Composition Values Experience Language Work Culture Process Expressivism Scholarship Voice

Works Cited

Adler-Kassner, Linda, et. al. Writing the Community: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Composition. Washington, DC: AAHE, 1997.
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May, Elaine T. Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era. New York: Basic, 1988.
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Rohmann, Gordon D. “Pre-Writing: The Stage of Discovery in the Writing Process.” CCC 46 (1965): 106-12.
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—. “A Substitute for the Classics.” The Standard of American Speech: 84-97.
—. “Two Ideals of Composition Teaching.” The Standard of American Speech: 35-47.
Sommers, Nancy. “Responding to Student Writing.” CCC 33 (J 982): 148-156.
Spigelman, Candace. ” Habits of Mind: Historical Configurations of Textual Ownership in Peer Writing Groups .” CCC 49 (1998): 234-255.
Stewart, Donald. “Prose With Integrity: A Primary Objective.” CCC 20 (1969): 223­27.
Straub, Richard. ” The Concept of Control in Teacher Response: Defining the Varieties of ‘Directive’ and ‘Facilitative’ Commentary .” CCC 47 (1996): 223-51.
Tipton, Stephen M. Getting Saved from the Sixties: Moral Meaning in Conversion and Cultural Change. Berkeley: U of California P, 1982.
Volosinov, V. N. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Trans. Ladislav Matejka and I. R. Titunik. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard UP, 1983.
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Wiebe, Robert. The Search For Order. Westport: Greenwood, 1980.
Zlotkowski, Edward. “Service-Learning: Laying the Foundations for a Successful Course.” CCCC, Phoenix, March 1997.

Farmer, Frank. “Dialogue and Critique: Bakhtin and the Cultural Studies Writing Classroom.” CCC 49.2 (1998): 186-207.


Farmer contends that Cultural Studies can resist becoming an elitist enterprise by the incorporation of Bakhtinian dialogic theory into the pedagogy. The instructor can then best serve as provocateur and moderator of classroom dialogue and critique for “the project of uncovering the hidden truths of the day” (196) found in popular culture, as well as bring students to voice and authority through engagement with the culture within which they live.


ccc49.2 MBakhtin Students Dialogue Critique Superaddressee CulturalStudies Classroom Critic Writing Culture Dialogic

Works Cited

Bakhtin, M. M. “Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity.” Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays by M. M. Bakhtin. Ed. Michael Holquist and Vadim Liapunov. Austin: U of Texas P, 1990. 4-256.
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Grover, Jan Zita. “AIDS, Keywords, and Cultural Work.” Cultural Studies. Ed. Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, and Paula Treichler. New York: Routledge, 1992.227-39.
Grossberg, Lawrence. “Pedagogy in the Present: Politics, Postmodernity, and the Present.” Popular Culture. Schooling. and Everyday Life. Ed. Henry Giroux and Roger Simon. New York: Bergin and Garvey, 1989.91-115.
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Holquist, Michael. Dialogism: Bakhtin and His World. New York: Routledge, 1990.
—. Introduction. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays by M. M. Bakhtin. Austin: U of Texas P, 1986. ix-xxiii.
Kent, Thomas. “Hermeneutics and Genre: Bakhtin and the Problem of Communicative Action.” The Interpretive Turn. Ed. Davis Hiley, et al. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1991. 282-303.
Lazere, Donald. “Teaching the Political Conflicts: A Rhetorical Schema.” CCC 43 (1992): 194-213.
McComiskey, Bruce. “Social-Process Rhetorical Inquiry: Cultural Studies Methodologies for Critical Writing about Advertisements.” Journal of Advanced Composition 17 (1997): 381-400.
Miller, Mark Crispin. “Getting Dirty” and “Cosby Knows Best.” Bartholomae and Petrosky 358-76.
Welch, Nancy. “One Student’s Many Voices: Reading, Writing, and Responding with Bakhtin.” Journal of Advanced Composition 13 (1993): 493-502.
Williams, Bernard. Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1985.
Zappen, James P. “Bakhtin’s Socrates.” Rhetoric Review 15 (1996): 66-83.

Brandt, Deborah. “Sponsors of Literacy.” CCC 49.2 (1998): 165-185.


Brandt lays out her theory that literacy learning as an individual development as well as and economic development. By telling the narratives of two women working in the clerical field between 1940 and 1970, she illustrates how literacy learning opportunities exist in fragile and contingent contexts dependant on specific economic moments, and are sponsored, or withheld, by agents who stand to gain some economic advantage by supporting or suppressing such opportunities.


ccc49.2 Literacy Sponsors Writing Learning Reading History Skills Work DLowery University Access

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