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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 47, No. 3, October 1996

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Spellmeyer, Kurt. “Review Essay: Out of the Fashion Industry: From Cultural Studies to the Anthropology of Knowledge.” Rev. of Left Margins: Cultural Studies and Composition Pedagogy by Karen Fitts and Alan W. France; The Emperor’s New Clothes: Literature, Literacy, and the Ideology of Style by Kathryn T. Flannery; The Culture of Reading and the Teaching of English by Kathleen McCormick; Possible Lives: The Promise of Public Education in America by Mike Rose; Fencing with Words: A History of Writing Instruction at Amherst College during the Era of Theodore Baird, 1938-1966 by Robin Varnum. CCC 47.3 (1996): 424-436.

Bell, John, Kenneth Bruffee, Keith Hjortshoj, Michael Hassett and John Dawkins. “Interchanges.” CCC 47.3 (1996): 412-423.

Lunsford, Andrea A. and Susan West. “Intellectual Property and Composition Studies.” CCC 47.3 (1996): 383-411.


Lunsford and West alert writing teachers to changes in intellectual property rights, especially as related to the Internet that could radically affect the work of writing teachers and students do together. Lunsford and West argue that an embrace of notions of individual authorship has led many writing teachers and theorists into an unwitting complicity with views of intellectual ownership that could limit the free exchange of texts and ideas, both online and off. Compositionists should have a “compelling interest in how laws governing ownership of language should be adjusted” in light of new technologies and postmodern challenges to ideas about authorship.


ccc47.3 IntellectualProperty IP Copyright Information Knowledge Teachers Law Writing Composition Rights Ownership Students Author Access

Works Cited

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McAndrew, Donald A. “Ecofeminism and the Teaching of Literacy.” CCC 47.3 (1996): 367-382.


McAndrew suggests that ecology invites the connection between the practices and aims of feminists and writing teachers because both necessitate a critique society that suggests a restructuring of it in harmony with the natural environment. From the knowledge of class, gender and race oppression emerges a “love for nature”, a “praxis of hope” that can inform feminists, writing teachers and students toward a care for one’s ecocommunity: a cooperative fight against all forms of social oppression, and a “creative enhancement of nature.” McAndrew defines six major claims of ecofeminism and concludes with reflections about how ecofeminism could affect thinking about literacy and writing pedagogy.


ccc47.3 Nature Ecofeminism Literacy World Writing Science Women Classrooms Language Research Teaching Spiritual Culture

Works Cited

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Salleh, Ariel Kay. “Deeper than Deep Ecology: The Eco-Feminist Connection.” Environmental Ethics 6 (1984): 339-345.
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Shepherd, Linda Jean. Lifting the Veil: The Feminine Face of Science. Boston: Shambhala, 1993.
Spretnak, Charlene. “Diversity in Ecofeminism.” The Nation. 2 April 1988: 446, 476.
—.”Ecofeminism: Our Roots and Flowering.” Diamond and Orenstein 3-14.
Swimme, Brian. “How to Heal Lobotomy.” Diamond and Orenstein 15-22.
Ulmer, Gregory. Teletheory. New York: Routledge, 1989.
Wajcman, Judy. Feminism Confronts Technology. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1991.
Warren, Karen. “Feminism and Ecology: Making Connections.” Environmental Ethics 9 (1987): 3-20.
Young, Iris Marion. Rev. of “Feminism and Ecology Issue” of Heresies: Feminist Journal of Art and Politics (1981). Environmental Ethics 5 (1983): 173-79.
Zimmerman, Michael E. “Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism: The Emerging Dialogue.” Diamond and Orenstein 138-54.

Fishman, Stephen M. and Lucille Parkinson McCarthy. “Teaching for Student Change: A Deweyan Alternative to Radical Pedagogy.” CCC 47.3 (1996): 342-366.


The authors defend a Deweyan model of student-teacher interaction against radical pedagogy that upsets through “dispute and diversity” rather than establish “politeness and common ground.” They claim Deweyan pedagogy emphasizes cooperation and still encourages students to take up divergent ideas. School learning emulates problem-solution learning that takes place in natural settings. The teacher replaces lectures with student activities and educates students indirectly by presenting them with dilemmas “they find interesting and relevant to their own lives” but not politically predetermined. To illustrate, the authors share details of interactions in Fishman’s Intro to Philosophy Class.


ccc47.3 SFishman Students Class JDewey Change Americans Confrontation Position NativeAmerican Classroom Experience

Works Cited

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Fishman, Stephen M. “Explicating Our Tacit Tradition: John Dewey and Composition Studies.” CCC 44 (1993): 315-30.
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Jones, Donald. “Beyond the Postmodern Impasse of Agency: The Resounding Relevance of John Dewey’s Tacit Tradition.” Journal of Advanced Composition 16 (1996): 81-102.
Kymlicka, Will. Liberalism, Community, and Culture. Oxford: Clarendon, 1989.
Lewis, Magda. Without a Word: Teaching Beyond Women’s Silence. New York: Teachers College P, 1993.
Luke, Carmen, and Jennifer Gore, eds. Feminisms and Critical Pedagogy. New York: Routledge, 1992.
McCarthy, Lucille P., and Stephen M. Fishman. “Boundary Conversations: Conflicting Ways of Knowing in Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research.” Research in the Teaching of English 25 (1991): 419-68.
Miller, Richard E. “Fault Lines in the Contact Zone.” College English 56 (1994): 389-408.
Murray, Donald. Learning by Teaching: Selected Articles on Writing and Teaching. Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook, 1982.
Newkirk, Thomas. More than Stories. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1989.
Noddings, Nel. Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984.
Orner, Mimi. “Interrupting the Calls for Student Voice in ‘Liberatory’ Education: A Feminist Poststructuralist Perspective.” Feminisms and Critical Pedagogy. Ed. Carmen Luke and Jennifer Gore. New York: Routledge, 1992.74-89.
Phelps, Louise W. Composition as a Human Science. New York; Oxford UP, 1988.
Pratt, Mary Louise. “Arts of the Contact Zone.” Profession 91. New York: MLA, (1991): 33-40.
Russell, David R. “Vygotsky, Dewey, and Externalism: Beyond the Student/ Discipline Dichotomy.” JAC 13 (1993): 173-97.
Shklar, Judith N. “The Liberalism of Fear.” Liberalism and the Moral Life. Ed. Nancy L. Rosenblum. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989. 21-38.
Sciachitano, Marian. “Introduction: Feminist Sophistics Pedagogy Group.” CCC 43 (1992): 297-300.
Shor, Ira. Empowering Education: Critical Teaching for Social Change. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992.
Trimbur, John. “Consensus and Difference in Collaborative Learning.” College English 51 (1989): 602-16.
Weiler, Kathleen. Women Teaching for Change: Gender, Class and Power. South Hadley: Bergen, 1988.

Wells, Susan. “Rogue Cops and Health Care: What Do We Want from Public Writing?” CCC 47.3 (1996): 325-341.


Attempts at public writing in the college composition classroom suffer from radical decontextualization, claims Wells. Fro example, a student letter to the editor on gun control inscribes a “position in a vacuum” since the public sphere does not value a student’s position on such an issue in such a forum. Citing Habermas’ notion of a public sphere and Weg and Kluge’s complication of that sphere as contradictory and needing reconstruction, Wells argues that students must forge a rhetoric that links discourse and action, optimally by addressing national issues from the perspective of how their academic disciplines engage those issues.


ccc47.3 Public PublicSphere Writing Students BClinton HealthCare Discourse JHabermas Citizen Debate PublicWriting

Works Cited

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