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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 43, No. 1, February 1992

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Winterowd, W. Ross. Rev. of Richards on Rhetoric by Ann E. Berthoff. CCC 43.1 (1992): 88-92.

Watson, Sam. Rev. of Balancing Acts: Essays on the Teaching of Writing in Honor of William F. Irmscher by Virginia A. Chappell, Mary Louise Buley-Meissner, and Chris Anderson. CCC 43.1 (1992): 92-93.

Anson, Chris M. Rev. of A Sense of Audience in Written Communication by Gesa Kirsch and Duane H. Roen. CCC 43.1 (1992): 93-95.

Stotsky, Sandra. Rev. of Beyond Communication: Reading Comprehension and Criticism by Deanne Bogdan and Stanley B. Straw. CCC 43.1 (1992): 95-98.

Harris, Muriel. The Writing Center: New Directions by Ray Wallace and Jeanne Simpson. CCC 43.1 (1992): 98-101.

Bishop, Wendy. Writer’s Craft, Teacher’s Art: Teaching What We Know by Mimi Schwartz. CCC 43.1 (1992): 101-103.

Jenseth, Richard. Teaching Advanced Composition: Why and How by Katherine H. Adams and John L. Adams. CCC 43.1 (1992): 103-105.

Guilford, Chuck. “Textbooks in Focus: Creative Writing.” Rev. of Creative Writing in America: Theory and Pedagogy by Joseph M. Moxley; Released into Language by Wendy Bishop; Writing Poems by Robert Wallace; What If?: Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers by Anne Bernays and Pamela Painter; The College Handbook of Creative Writing by Robert DeMaria. CCC 43.1 (1992): 105-111.

Carolyn R. Miller. “Textbooks in Focus: Technical Writing.” Rev. of Technical Writing: A Reader-Centered Approach by Paul V. Anderson; Designing Technical Reports: Writing for Audiences in Organizations by J. C. Mathes and Dwight W. Stevenson; Technical Writing and Professional Communication by Leslie A. Olsen and Thomas N. Huckin; Technical Writing: A Practical Approach by William S. Pfeiffer; Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings by Diana C. Reep; Design of Business Communications: The Process and the Product by Elizabeth Tebeaux. CCC 43.1 (1992): 111-117.

Fleckenstein, Kristie S. “An Appetite for Coherence: Arousing and Fulfilling Desires.” CCC 43.1 (1992): 81-87.



ccc43.1 Students Class Sentence Readers Paragraph Coherence Diet Strategy CrabGrass

No works cited.

Hilbert, Betsy S. “It Was a Dark and Nasty Night It Was a Dark and You Would Not Believe How Dark It Was a Hard Beginning.” CCC 43.1 (1992): 75-80.



ccc43.1 Opening Beginning Writing Students Work Essays Progress Composition Sentence JDunne Novel

Works Cited

Dunne, John Gregory. “On Writing a Novel.” The Best American Essays 1987 Ed. Gay Talese. New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1987. 52-57.
James, P. D. A Taste for Death. New York: Knopf, 1986.
Said, Edward W. Beginnings: Intention and Method. New York: Columbia UP: 1985.
Shaughnessy, Mina P. Errors and Expectations. New York: Oxford UP: 1977.

Clark, Beverly Lyon and Sonja Wiedenhaupt. “On Blocking and Unblocking Sonja: A Case Study in Two Voices.” CCC 43.1 (1992): 55-74.



ccc43.1 Writing Thesis Music Essays Work Time Advisor Family Women Study Community WritersBlock Psychology CaseStudy

Works Cited

Alcoff, Linda. “Cultural Feminism versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory.” Signs 13 (Spring 1988): 405-36.
Anderson, Worth, Cynthia Best, Alycia Black, John Hurst, Brandt Miller, and Susan Miller. “Cross-Curricular Underlife: A Collaborative Report on Ways with Academic Words.” CCC 41 (Feb. 1990): 11-36.
Annas, Pamela J. “Silences: Feminist Language Research and the Teaching of Writing.” Teaching Writing: Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity. Ed. Cynthia 1. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987.3-17.
Annas, Pamela J. “Style as Politics: A Feminist Approach to the Teaching of Writing.” College English 47 (April 1985): 360-71.
Bach, Richard. The Bridge Across Forever: A Love Story. New York: Morrow, 1984.
Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” Rose, When 134-65.
Belenky, Mary Field, Blythe McVicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Jill Mattuck Tarule. Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. New York: Basic, 1986.
Berkenkotter, Carol. “Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer.” CCC 34 (May 1983): 156-69.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Beyond Anti-Foundationalism to Rhetorical Authority: Problems Defining ‘Cultural Literacy.'” College English 52 (Oct. 1990): 661-75.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Cognition, Convention, and Certainty: What We Need to Know about Writing.” PRE/TEXT 3 (Fall 1982): 2 13-43.
Bloom, Lynn Z. “Anxious Writers in Context: Graduate School and Beyond.” Rose, When 119-33.
Bios, Peter. “The Second Individuation Process of Adolescence.” Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 22 (1967): 162-86.
Boice, Robert. “Psychotherapies for Writing Blocks.” Rose, When 182-218.
Brodkey, Linda. “Modernism and the Scene(s) of Writing.” College English 49 (April 1987): 396-418.
Brodkey, Linda. “On the Subjects of Class and Gender in ‘The Literacy Letters.”’ College English 51 (Feb. 1989): 125-41.
Bruffee, Kenneth A. “Collaborative Learning and the ‘Conversation of Mankind.'” College English 46 (Nov. 1984): 635-52.
Chase, Geoffrey. “Accommodation, Resistance and the Politics of Student Writing.” CCC 39 (Feb. 1988): 13-22.
Chodorow, Nancy. The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender. Berkeley: U of California P, 1978.
Clifford, James, and George E. Marcus, eds. Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986.
Crapanzano, Vincent. “Hermes’ Dilemma: The Masking of Subversion in Ethnographic Description.” Clifford and Marcus 51-76.
Crew, Louie, a.k.a, Li Min Hua. “A Comment on ‘Contrastive Rhetoric: An American Writing Teacher in China.”’ College English 49 (Nov. 1987): 827-.30.
Daly, John A. “Writing Apprehension.” Rose, When 43-82.
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, “For the Etruscans.” 1981. Rpt. in The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Literature, and Theory. Ed. Elaine Showalter. New York: Pantheon, 1985. 271-91.
Ede, Lisa, and Andrea Lunsford. “Why Write. . . Together?” Rhetoric Review 1 (Jan. 1983): 150-57.
Flax, Jane. “Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory.” Signs 12 (Summer 1987): 621–43.
Flynn, Elizabeth A. “Composing as a Woman.” CCC 39 (Dec. 1988): 423-35.
Frey, Olivia. “Beyond Literary Darwinism: Women’s Voices and Critical Discourse.” College English 52 (Sept. 1990): 507-26.
Harris, Joseph. “The Idea of Community in the Study of Writing.” CCC 40 (Feb. 1989): 11-22.
Jensen, George H., and John K. DiTiberio. “Personality and Individual Writing Processes.” CCC 35 (Oct. 1984): 285-300.
Kaplan, Robert B. “Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education.” Language Learning 16 (1966): 1-20.
Kleine, Michael. “Beyond Triangulation: Ethnography, Writing, and Rhetoric.” Journal of Advanced Composition 10 (Feb. 1990): 117-25.
Lanham, Richard A. Style: An Anti-Textbook. New Haven: Yale UP, 1974.
Lu, Min-zhan. “From Silence to Words: Writing as Struggle.” College English 49 (April 1987): 437-48.
Lunsford, Andrea A., and Lisa Ede. “Rhetoric in a New Key: Women and Collaboration.” Rhetoric Review 8 (Spring 1990): 234-41.
Maher, Frances, and Mary Kay Thompson Tetreault. “Doing Feminist Ethnography: Lessons from Feminist Classrooms.” Unpublished manuscript. 1990.
Marcin, Jane Roland. “Becoming Educated: A Journey of Alienation or Integration?” Journal of Education 167.3 (Fall 1985): 71-84.
Matalene, Carolyn. “Contrastive Rhetoric: An American Writing Teacher in China.” College English 47 (Dec. 1985): 789-808.
Murray, Donald M. “Response of a Laboratory Rat-Or, Being Protocoled.” CCC 34 (May 1983): 169-72.
Murray, Donald M. “The Essential Delay: When Writer’s Block Isn’t.” Rose, When 219-26.
Murray, Donald M. “The Feel of Writing-and Teaching Writing.” Reinventing the Rhetorical Tradition. Ed. Aviva Freedman and Ian Pringle. Conway, Ark.: L & S Books, 1980. 67-73.
North, Stephen M. “Writing in a Philosophy Class: Three Case Studies.” Research in the Teaching of English 20 (Oct. 1986): 225-62.
Ohmann, Richard. With Wallace Douglas. English in America: A Radical View of the Profession. New York: Oxford UP, 1976.
Olsen, Tillie. Silences. New York: Delta/Seymour Lawrence, 1978.
Rose, Mike. “Complexity, Rigor, Evolving Method, and the Puzzle of Writer’s Block: Thoughts on Composing-Process Research.” Rose, When 227-60.
Rose, Mike, ed. When a Writer Can’t Write: Studies in Writer’s Block and Other Composing-Process Problems. New York: Guilford, 1985.
Rubin, Lillian B. Intimate Strangers: Men and Women Together. New York: Harper, 1983.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism.” Critical Inquiry 12 (Autumn 1985). Rev. and rpt. in The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary Criticism. Ed. Catherine Belsey and Jane Moore. New York: Blackwell, 1989. 175-95, 237-40.
Tompkins, Jane. “Fighting Words: Unlearning co Write the Critical Essay.” Georgia Review 42 (Fall 1988): 585-90.
Tyler, Stephen A. “Post-Modern Ethnography: From Document of the Occult to Occult Document.” Clifford and Marcus 122-40.
Valian, Virginia. “Learning to Work.” Working It Out: Twenty-three Women Writers, Artists, Scientists, and Scholars Talk About Their Lives and Work. Ed. Sara Ruddick and Pamela Daniels. Forewd. Adrienne Rich. New York: Pantheon, 1977. 162-78.
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. “Pride and Prejudice: Feminist Scholars Reclaim the First Person.” Lingua franca Feb. 1991: 15-18.

Geisler, Cheryl. “Exploring Academic Literacy: An Experiment in Composing.” CCC 43.1 (1992): 39-54.



ccc43.1 Research Literacy Discourse Expertise AcademicLiteracy Data Work Academy World Composition Time Analysis Conventions

Works Cited

Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” When a Writer Can’t Write: Studies in Writer’s Block and Other Composing Process Problems. Ed. Mike Rose. New York: Guilford, 1985. 134-65 .
Bazerman, Charles. “A Relationship between Reading and Writing: The Conversational Model.” College English 41 (Feb. 1980): 656-61.
Bazerman, Charles, Patricia Bizzell, Robert J. Connors, Lester Faigley, George Hillocks, Jr., Karen A. Schriver, Cheryl Geisler, and Susan C. Jarratt. “What Are We Doing as a Research Community?” Rhetoric Review 7 (Spring 1989): 223-93.
Bereiter, Carl, and Marlene Scardamalia. The Psychology of Written Composition. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 1987.
Berkenkotter, Carol. “Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer.” CCC 34 (May 1983): 156-72.
—. “Paradigm Debates, Turf Wars, and the Conduct of Sociocognitive Inquiry in Composition.” CCC 42 (May 1991): 151-69.
Bernstein, Richard J. Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxis. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1983.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Cognition, Convention, and Certainty: What We Need to Know about Writing.” Pre/Text 3 (Fall 1982): 213-43.
—. “College Composition: Initiation into the Academic Discourse Community.” Curriculum Inquiry 12 (Summer 1982): 190-207.
Bruffee, Kenneth A. “Collaborative Learning and the ‘Conversation of Mankind.'” College English 46 (Nov. 1984): 635-52.
Chi, Michelle T. H., Robert Glaser, and Marcia Farr. The Nature of Expertise. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 1988.
Clifford, John. Rev. of Cognitive Processes in Writing, Ed. Lee W. Gregg and Erwin R. Steinberg. CCC 34 (Feb. 1983): 99-10 I.
Connors, Robert J. “Composition Studies and Science.” College English 45 (Jan. 1983): 1-20.
Cooper, Marilyn M., and Michael Holzman. “Talking about Protocols.” CCC 34 (Oct. 1983): 284-93.
Dyson, Anne Haas. “Negotiating among Multiple Worlds: The Space/Time Dimensions of Young Children’s Composing.” Research in the Teaching of English 22 (Dee. 1988): 355-90.
Elbow, Peter. “Reflections on Academic Discourse: How It Relates to Freshmen and Colleagues.” College English 53 (Feb. 1991): 135-55.
Emig, Janet. “Inquiry Paradigms and Writing.” CCC 33 (Feb. 1982): 64-75.
Flower, Linda, and John R. Hayes. “A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing.” CCC 32 (Dec. 1981): 365-87.
Garfinkel, Harold, and Harvey Sacks. “On Formal Structures of Practical Actions.” Theoretical Sociology. Ed. J. C. McKinney and E. A. Tiryakian. New York: Appleton Century Crofts, 1970. 338-66.
Geisler, Cheryl. “The Artful Conversation: Characterizing the Development of Advanced Literacy.” Developing Discourse Processes in Adolescence and Adulthood. Ed. Richard Beach and Susan Hynds. Norwood: Ablex, 1990. 93-109.
—. “The Thread of Narrative in Domain Knowledge: Exploring the Professionalization ofAcademic Literacy through Expert-Novice Contrasts.” Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, 3 Apr. 1991.
—. “Toward a Sociocognitive Model of Literacy: Constructing Mental Models in a Philosophical Conversation.” Textual Dynamics of the Professions. Ed. Charles Bazerman and James Paradis. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1990. 171-90.
Geisler, Cheryl, and David S. Kaufer. “Making Meaning in Literate Conversations: A Teachable Sequence for Reflective Writing.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 19 (Summer 1989): 229-43.
Gilbert, G. Nigel, and Michael Mulkey. Opening Pandora’s Box: A Sociological Analysis of Scientific Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.
Glaser, Robert. “Education and Thinking: The Role of Knowledge.” American Psychologist 39 (Feb. 1984): 93-104.
Goetz, Judith P., and Margaret D. LeCompte. Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research. New York: Academic, 1984.
Heritage, John. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity, 1984.
Johnson-Laird, Phillip N. “Mental Models in Cognitive Science.” Cognitive Science 4 (Jan.-Mar. 1980): 71-115.
Kaufer, David S., and Cheryl Geisler. “Novelty in Academic Writing.” Written Communication 8 (Jul. 1989): 286-311.
—. “A Scheme for Representing Written Argument.” The Journal of Advanced Composition 11 (Winter 1991): 107-22.
Kaufer, David S., Cheryl Geisler, and Christine M. Neuwirth. Arguing from Sources: Exploring Issues Through Reading and Writing. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace, Javanovich, 1989. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1962.
Langer, Judith A. Children Reading and Writing: Structures and Strategies. Norwood: Ab1ex, 1986.
Mehan, Hugh. Learning Lessons: Social Organization in the Classroom. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1979.
Newell, Alan, and Herbert A. Simon. Human Problem Solving. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
Petrosky, Anthony R. Rev. of Problem-Solving Strategies for Writing, by Linda Flower. CCC 34 (May 1983): 233-35.
Pomerantz, Anita. “Agreeing and Disagreeing with Assessments: Some Features of Preferred/ Dispreferred Turn Shapes.” Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Ed. J. Maxwell Atkinson and John Heritage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984, 58-10 1.
—. “Pursuing a Response.” Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Ed. J. Maxwell Atkinson and John Heritage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984. 152-63.
Smith, Frank. Understanding Reading: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and Learning to Read. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.
Vosniadou, Stella, and William Brewer. “Theories of Knowledge Restructuring in Development.” Review of Educational Research 57 (Spring 1987): 51-67.
Voss, Ralph F. “Janet Emig’s The Composing Process of Twelfth Graders: A Reassessment.” CCC 34 (Oct. 1983): 278-83.

Zawacki, Terry Myers. “Recomposing as a Woman. An Essay in Different Voices.” CCC 43.1 (1992): 32-38.



ccc43.1 Women Essays Writing Garden Flowers Voices Students Discourse VWoolf EFlynn JTompkins Knowledge PSullivan

Works Cited

Belenky, Mary Field, Blythe McVicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Jill Mattuck Tarule. Women’s Ways of Knowing. New York: Basic, 1986.
Flynn, Elizabeth A. “Composing as a Woman.” CCC 39 (Dec. 1988): 423-35.
Fort, Keith. “Form, Authority, and the Critical Essay.” Contemporary Rhetoric. Ed. W. Ross Winterowd. New York: Harcourt, 1975. 171-83.
Frey, Olivia. “Beyond Literary Darwinism: Women’s Voices and Critical Discourse.” College English 52 (Sept. 1990): 507-26.
Olsen, Tillie. Silences. New York: Delacorte, 1965.
Sullivan, Pat. “Academic Conventions and Teacher Expectations: A Feminist Perspective.” CCCC Convention. Chicago, March 1990.
Tompkins, Jane. “Pedagogy of the Distressed.” College English 52 (Oct. 1990): 653-60.
Woolfe, Virginia. “Women and Fiction.” Granite and Rainbow. Ed. Leonard Woolfe. New York: Harcourt, 1958. 76-84.

Sommers, Nancy. “Between the Drafts.” CCC 43.1 (1992): 23-31.



ccc43.1 BraddockAward Authority Revision Drafts Voices Life Students Language Sources MFoucault Parents Talk

No works cited.

McQuade, Donald. “Living in–And on–The Margins.” CCC 43.1 (1992): 11-22.



ccc43.1 ChairsAddress Time Eyes Bed Body Margins Attention Place Writing Experience Voice Lasagne

Works Cited

Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunte Lute, 1987.
Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1958.
Gray, Francine du Plessix. “I Write for Revenge Against Reality,” The New York Times Book Review. September 12, 1982: 3.
James, William. “A World of Pure Experience,” Essays in Radical Empiricism. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1976.

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