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2015 Resolutions

The following resolutions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 21, 2015, in Tampa.

Resolution 1

Whereas in the spirit of innovation and action, borne of her scholarship in digital rhetoric, technical communication, and computer-based instruction, Joyce Locke Carter has reimagined the CCCC conference as a diversity of venues and genres for individuals in the profession to share their scholarship and experiences with posters, Ignite presentations, and the Action Hub;

Whereas she has made herself accessible to conference presenters and attendees through active use of social media in order to make the processes for submission, acceptance, and engaged attendance more transparent, setting the bar for future conference chairs;

Whereas we all spent time with Joyce in her office as she delivered key information to us in her informational videos, speaking directly to each of us whenever there was a key deadline, process, or idea that needed to be translated or communicated;

Whereas we can see the tangible evidence of change in every conference space, we also have seen her everywhere; and

Whereas she has done all this work in a spirit of generosity, goodwill, and collaboration;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication thank Joyce Locke Carter for her many contributions to us and to the profession.

Resolution 2

Whereas Dianne Donnelly and the Local Arrangements Committee have provided a comprehensive hospitality guide that includes a “bounty of treasures” for convention attendees about historical, cultural, and entertainment options in Tampa;

Whereas Dianne Donnelly and the Local Arrangements Committee have designed, developed, and published a robust hospitality website and Twitter account that includes more information and links to other resources above and beyond the published hospitality guide;

Whereas Dianne Donnelly and the Local Arrangements Committee have demonstrated a commitment to making the conference experience more accessible for attendees through the creation of an extensive accessibility guide, the provision of quiet space, gender-neutral restrooms, scent-free products; and many other ways for including all Cs members;

Whereas Dianne Donnelly and the Local Arrangements Committee have worked on behalf of CCCC’s membership to keep this conference economically accessible; and

Whereas throughout the conference Dianne Donnelly and the Local Arrangements Committee have been on the ground and across the conference site, working to welcome and assist attendees;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication express our deep appreciation to Dianne Donnelly and the Local Arrangements Committee by applauding their energy and efforts.

Resolution 3

Whereas, according to the Coalition on the Academic Workforce 2012 survey, 34% of adjunct faculty teaching at four-year institutions nationally have masters degrees, while 39% have PhDs; and

Whereas on many campuses salaries differ for faculty holding masters and doctoral degrees, even though their workloads and courses are the same;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that CCCC support a study of writing programs to learn how non-tenure track faculty are compensated and valued differently based on their credentials.

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