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Why Do You Attend?

What features of the CCCC Annual Convention are the most valuable to you?  Why do you attend this Convention?


The atmosphere of the convention is far more collegial, rather than competitive, than many other preeminent national conferences. I always find CCCC conventions a productive and enjoyable opportunity to meet my peers at other institutions.

Variety of sessions. Since our travel funds seem to be more and more restricted, it is vital that we can attend conferences where many different angles/approaches are covered.

I love the diversity and scope of panels, and I always find myself wishing I could attend multiple sessions at once.

I always take away something from sessions I attend, so I value that professional development time, but most of all I just like being among my colleagues, interacting with fellow professionals in my discipline and seeing friends.

I really liked the digital pedagogy posters this year. The quality was high and the placement ideal. I visited multiple times when I had 15-20 minutes before the next session.

Networking with people I don’t see elsewhere, seeing the evolution of scholars’ research as I attend several of their presentations in succeeding years

I come mostly for new ideas and for things I can use in my classrooms. I’m most interested in teaching strategies and in innovations in teaching.

I enjoy being able to see and hear recognized figures in the field. I also feel strongly that graduate students and younger professors are well represented; I almost always stumble upon a really interesting presentation from someone in their 20s or early 30s.

I love the workshops — they are such an enriching experience. I always attend one. And I love the SIGs. If I can manage my time for the conference, I attend at least one meeting. Sessions, sessions, sessions, generally. This year, I was otherwise occupied with other meetings and lived within driving distance, so I missed quite a few sessions. But I also really enjoy networking and seeing old friends from grad school and former places of employment.

The featured sessions, the exhibit space, the SIGs, and the large open spaces to meet people, including new people. I also have to say, the open and warm environment, which is hard to quantify but very important.

The chance to meet with so many different people in our field, to renew contacts and make new ones. I always make sure to go to panels as well as social events to make/renew connections.

Everything – I love that people come from far and near to talk about what they’re doing.


I like to hear from people in the profession who have done/are doing good work. I value this more than “outside” speakers. I value time between sessions to talk to people.

I care about having face time with the scholars, practitioners, and instructors at our nation’s colleges and universities. I also care about building solidarity with various groups through the committees and caucuses.

Lively, practical, comfortable sessions that recharge my enthusiasm and offer ideas I can ponder or implement…

reconnecting with colleagues, hearing new ideas/research, making my own work available for peer review/discussion

Sessions that are practical and relevant to my teaching responsibilities.

Just seeing people who are passionate about the same things I am. 

Seeing people I care about and meeting new people to care about. That’s the advantage of it being a large convention. Also, I love rummaging through the program for topics of particular interest to me in a given year–finding people interested in similar concerns is wonderful.

SIG meetings, workshops, searchable online program, the huge size of it which provides a good variety, and the caliber of the presentations, which is very high.

I love that 4C’s has cutting edge scholarship in an atmosphere that is welcoming and collegial – not snarky and cutting. It’s about learning and mentoring for the most part and I cherish that.

CCCC is the most resourceful as well as inspiring conference I attend each year.  

Sessions that thoughtfully combine theory and practice to explore issues that directly benefit our students.

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