Committee Members
Sheryl Fontaine, Chair
Damian Baca
Shirley Wilson Logan
Jay Wootten
Committee Charge
This committee is charged with carrying out the recommendations of the CCCC Task Force on Position Statements in 2008, namely that
- The first page of position statements should be categorized into four groups: professional issues, assessment and digital writing, language issues, and ethical issues.
- To establish consistency, all the statements should reflect standardized titles and be framed by an introduction that sets the historical context, including the exigence. Included in the statement category should be a template for future statements.
- Once position statements have been reformatted, announcements of this accomplishment should appear in both College Composition and Communication and College English.
- To ensure the currency of each statement, we should establish an annual process of review and revision (a few statements each year) handled by one of the original writers, others with related expertise, and/or EC members. Complements to this revision cycle should include a standard format for future statements and a guide for reviews and revisions of existing statements.
- In particular, you requested that the bibliography for the 2003 “CCCC Guidelines for the Ethical Conduct of Research in Composition Studies” be updated and that the 2000 “Guidelines for the Ethical Treatment of Students and Student Writing in Composition Studies” be dropped.
We anticipate the first three recommendations be carried out by March 2010. Also if the committee wished to carry forward with recommendation 5, we would appreciate a proposal to that effect with rationale be prepared to be considered by the March 2010 meeting of the CCCC Executive Committee. In the ensuing years, the Committee will carry out the work of recommendation 4 in collaboration with “original writers, others with related expertise, and/or EC members” to be invited by the Committee. This committee is charged for three years through March 2012.