This Web site is designed for composition faculty whose professional lives focus on computer technology. It provides multiple perspectives on the ways others—especially department chairs and members of tenure and promotion committees—may see and evaluate work with technology.
This site outlines five fictional tenure and promotion cases of composition faculty who work with computer technology—addressing their contributions in the area of teaching, scholarship, and service.
Linked to each case are the comments of real department chairs, deans, and personnel committee chairs, writing anonymously and frankly about how the case would be evaluated at their institutions. We have tried to include assessments from individuals at a wide range of institutions, so that the site is useful to as many faculty members as possible.
The evaluations of these cases should not be substituted for the advice of the dean, department chair, and personnel committee chair on a candidate’s own campus. Nor do these evaluations represent, in any way, an official position of the CCCC.
This site is sponsored by the CCCC Committee on Computers in Composition (the 7 Cs) and compiled by the following sub-committee members in 2001:
Cynthia L. Selfe, sub-committee Chair, Michigan Technological University
Linda Hanson, Ball State University
Gail Hawisher, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Victor Villanueva, Jr., Washington State University
Kathleen Yancey, Clemson University