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CCCC 2023 Update

13 September 2022

Dear CCCC Members,

Thank you for your patience as we make the shift from this year’s virtual Convention to next year’s in-person event in Chicago, with a virtual component for the 2023 CCCC Convention. Planning proceeds apace for the Convention, and I want to give you a few updates about what is to come.

You should receive your program notifications before the end of September.

With regard to virtual components of the Chicago Convention: in addition to livestreaming the opening session, keynote, and a few promoted sessions, we are holding seventy-five on-demand sessions for participants who need to present virtually. Priority for on-demand sessions will go to presenters who are immune-compromised, caregivers, and non-tenure-track or adjunct faculty. In addition to your acceptance email, each presenter will receive, under separate cover, an email asking you to indicate whether you require an on-demand session. We will be operating under the honour system with the hope that we can provide that option to those with the greatest need.

Prior to the Convention, you will receive information about how to upload your proof of vaccination to our Crowdpass app. We encourage participants to wear masks throughout the Convention and will make masks available at the Registration Desk. NCTE will continue to monitor and follow protocols that comply with any applicable local public health requirements and that are consistent with then-prevailing public health standards, as issued by the CDC (or other relevant public health authorities).

This year’s CCCC Annual Convention will offer some new features. These include a Muslim Prayer Room, meeting space for graduate students, and extra space for childcare, breastfeeding, and caregiver respite. I’m also really excited about our pop-up writing centres, where presenters can seek feedback on their Convention papers, workshop materials, and handouts and find guidance on the composing and delivery of land and water acknowledgements. The American Indian Caucus, under the leadership of Andrea Riley Mukavetz, is generously working with representatives from the writing centre community to prepare specialized training for volunteer tutors so they can offer culturally responsive feedback as well as take their new knowledge about land and water acknowledgements back to their home institutions following the Convention.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or to the staff at should you have any questions. You can also find a detailed FAQ on the CCCC Convention website.

With warmest regards,

Frankie Condon

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