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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 55, No. 4, June 2004

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Swiencicki, Jill. Rev. of Teaching Youth Media: A Critical Guide to Literacy, Video Production, and Social Change, by Steven Goodman. CCC. 55.4 (2004): 762-765.

Waddell, Craig. Rev. of The Rhetoric of Risk: Technical Documentation in Hazardous Environments, by Beverly Sauer. CCC. 55.4 (2004): 766-767.

Juzwik, Mary M. Rev. of The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: Strategies for Stability and Change, by Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard, and Tatiana Teslenko, eds. CCC. 55.4 (2004): 767-770.

Mortensen, Peter. Rev. of The Extraordinary Work of Ordinary Writing: Annie Ray’s Diary by Jennifer Sinor. CCC. 55.4 (2004): 771-773.

Cooper, Marilyn M. Rev. of Arts of Living: Reinventing the Humanities for the Twenty-First Century by Kurt Spellmeyer. CCC. 55.4 (2004): 773-778.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Postmodernism, Palimpsest, and Portfolios: Theoretical Issues in the Representation of Student Work.” CCC. 55.4 (2004): 738-761.


What we ask students to do is who we ask them to be. With this as a defining proposition, I make three claims: (1) print portfolios offer fundamentally different intellectual and affective opportunities than electronic portfolios do; (2) looking at some student portfolios in both media begins to tell us something about what intellectual work is possible within a portfolio; and (3) assuming that each portfolio is itself a composition, we need to consider which kind of portfolio-as-composition we want to invite from students, and why.


ccc55.4 Portfolios Print Students Representation Context Model Work Medium DigitalPortfolios Links Composition Space Information Curriculum

Works Cited:

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Tinberg, Howard. “Starting Where Students Are, but Knowing (and Letting Them Know) Where We Want to Take Them,” TETYC 30.1 (2002): 5.
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Vielstimmig, Myka. “Not a Cosmic Convergence: Rhetorics, Poetics, Performance, and the Web.” Kairos 3.2 (1998). 29 Sept. 03. <>.
Wickliffe, Greg, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. “The Perils of Creating a Class Web-Site: It Was the Best of Times, It Was the . . . .” Computers and Composition 18.3 (2001): 177-86.
Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Looking for Sources of Coherence in a Fragmented World: Notes toward a New Assessment Design.” Computers and Composition 21.1 (2004): 89-102.
—. Reflection in the Writing Classroom. Logan: Utah State UP, 1998.
Yancey, Kathleen Blake, and Irwin Weiser. Situating Portfolios. Logan: Utah State UP, 1997.

Micciche, Laura R. “Making a Case for Rhetorical Grammar.” CCC. 55.4 (2004): 716-737.


Rhetorical grammar analysis encourages students to view writing as a material social practice in which meaning is actively made, rather than passively relayed or effortlessly produced. The study of rhetorical grammar can demonstrate to students that language does purposeful, consequential work in the world: work that can be learned and applied.


ccc55.4 Grammar Students Language Writing Teaching Work GrammarInstruction RhetoricalGrammar Thinking Analysis Sentence Composition Discourse Skills Meaning

Works Cited

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Young, Vershawn Ashanti. “Your Average Nigga.” CCC. 55.4 (2004): 693-715.


“Your Average Nigga” contends that just as exaggerating the differences between black and white language leaves some black speakers, especially those from the ghetto, at an impasse, so exaggerating and reifying the differences between the races leaves blacks in the impossible position of either having to try to be white or forever struggling to prove they’re black enough. In this essay I recount how I negotiated my own black ghetto-to-middle class identity conflict as I facilitated classroom interactions with a black male student from the ghetto.


ccc55.4 Students School Ghetto Language Class Race StandardEnglish Identity Teachers AfricanAmerican English

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Hawisher, Gail E., Cynthia L. Selfe, Brittney Moraski, and Melissa Pearson. “Becoming Literate in the Information Age: Cultural Ecologies and the Literacies of Technology.” CCC. 55.4 (2004): 642-692.


In this article, we discuss the literacy narratives of coauthors Melissa Pearson and Brittney Moraski, who came to computers almost a generation apart. Our goal is to demonstrate the importance of situating literacies of technology: and literacies more generally: within specific cultural, material, educational, and familial contexts that influence, and are influenced by, their acquisition and development.


ccc55.4 Ecology CulturalEcology Literacy Computers DigitalLiteracy Access Technology Practice Students Web Online

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Popken, Randall. “Edwin Hopkins and the Costly Labor of Composition Teaching.” CCC. 55.4 (2004): 618-641.


Using a “historical case study” of Edwin M. Hopkins, this article explores what Bruce Horner calls the “material social conditions” of teaching writing early in the twentieth century. It shows how Hopkins’s own attitude and response to the demands of being a writing teacher serve as a backdrop for understanding his local and national crusade to improve labor conditions for faculty.


ccc55.4 EHopkins Faculty Composition Teaching Labor Writing Students Work History

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