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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 54, No. 1, September 2002

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Braun, Lundy. Rev. of Out of the Dead House: Nineteenth-Century Women Physicians and theWriting of Medicine by Susan Wells. CCC. 54.1 (2002): 143-146.

Islam, Suhail. Rev. of Life-Affirming Acts: Education As Transformation in the Writing Classroom by Hector Julio Vila. CCC. 54.1 (2002): 146-150.

Salvatori, Mariolina Rizzi. Rev. of Activist Rhetorics and American Higher Education: 1885-1937 by Susan Kates. CCC. 54.1 (2002): 150-153.

Martins, David. Rev. of Student Writing: Access, Regulation, Desire by  Theresa M. Lillis. CCC. 54.1 (2002): 153-156.

Pinard, Mary. Rev. of The Politics of Writing Centers. Jane Nelson and Kathy Evertz, eds. CCC. 54.1 (2002): 156-158.

Flynn, Elizabeth A. Rev. of Alternative Rhetorics: Challenges to the Rhetorical Tradition. Laura Gray-Rosendale and Sibylle Gruber, eds. CCC. 54.1 (2002): 158-161.

Rhodes, Jacqueline. “‘Substantive and Feminist Girlie Action’: Women Online.” CCC. 54.1 (2002): 116-142.


Radical feminist textuality of the 1960s and today provides a suggestive example of networked and collectively literate action, action dependent on the constant and visible contextualization of self and writing within the discourses that shape us. In this essay, I argue that an articulation of radical feminist textuality can benefit both scholarship and classroom, in that it situates writers as rhetorical agents who can write, resist, and, finally act within a network of discourses and identifications.


ccc54.1 Women Feminism Online Web Websites Internet Action Network Technology Space Textuality Agency

Works Cited

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Reynolds, Nedra. “Interrupting Our Way to Agency: Feminist Cultural Studies and Composition.” Jarratt and Worsham 58-73.
Selfe, Cynthia L. “Technology in the English Classroom: Computers through the Lens of Feminist Theory.” Handa 118-39.
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Wahlstrom, Billie J. “Communication and Technology: Defining a Feminist Presence in Research and Practice.” Literacy and Computers: The Complications of Teaching and Learning with Technology . Ed. Cynthia L. Selfe and Susan Hilligoss. New York: MLA, 1994. 171-85.
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Price, Margaret. “Beyond ‘Gotcha!’: Situating Plagiarism in Policy and Pedagogy.” CCC. 54.1 (2002): 88-115.


Plagiarism is difficult, if not impossible, to define. In this paper, I argue for a contextsensitive understanding of plagiarism by analyzing a set of written institutional policies and suggesting ways that they might be revised. In closing, I offer examples of classroom practices to help teach a concept of plagiarism as situated in context.


ccc54.1 Plagiarism Students Policy Document RHoward Writing Author Ideas Citation Pedagogy Collaboration

Works Cited

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Wilson, Henry L. “When Collaboration Becomes Plagiarism: The Administrative Perspective.” Buranen and Roy 211-18.
Woodmansee, Martha. “On the Author Effect: Recovering Collectivity.” Woodmansee and Jaszi 15-28.
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Kumamoto, Chikako D. “Bakhtin’s Others and Writing As Bearing Witness to the Eloquent ‘I.'” CCC. 54.1 (2002): 66-87.


Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism and his irenic view of the cultural other inform this article that builds the multiple voice of the eloquent “I” as a dialectic self-construction where codes of meaning are inscribed. The eloquent “I” cultivates a deepened self-dialogue and offers students an epistemological and rhetorical discipline, bearing witness to their imaginative, meaningful interiority and their written, public articulation of it.


ccc54.1 Self Writing Students Others MBakhtin Discourse Understanding Epistemology Community Knowledge Culture Experience

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Cushman, Ellen. “Sustainable Service Learning Programs.” CCC. 54.1 (2002): 40-65.


The role of the professor in community service writing courses factors into the teaching, research, and overall institutional viability of these initiatives, yet too little has been written about the role of the professor in service learning. Through an analysis of recent publications on service learning and data gathered during an outreach initiative at University of California, Berkeley, this article reveals a few of the obstacles that hinder the sustainability of community literacy programs. I find that professors in service learning courses can better sustain these initiatives when they view the community site as a place where their research, teaching, and service contribute to a community’s self-defined needs and students’ learning.


ccc54.1 ServiceLearning Students Community Research Writing Faculty Program Courses Literacy

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Redd, Teresa. “Assessing Impact As Students, Teachers, and Clients See It.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL, 22 Mar. 2002.
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George, Diana. “From Analysis to Design: Visual Communication in the Teaching of Writing.” CCC. 54.1 (2002): 11-39.


In an attempt to bring composition studies into a more thoroughgoing discussion of the place of visual literacy in the writing classroom, I argue that throughout the history of writing instruction in this country the terms of debate typical in discussions of visual literacy and the teaching of writing have limited the kinds of assignments we might imagine for composition.


ccc54.1 Writing Students Composition Argument Communication Design Literacy Media Images Television VisualRhetoric Analysis

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