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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 53, No. 4, June 2002

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Grimm, Nancy Maloney. Shanghai Quartet: The Crossings of Four Women of China byMin-Zhan Lu. CCC. 53.4 (2002): 747-750.

McComiskey, Bruce. Literacy Matters: Writing and Reading the Social Self by Robert P. Yagelski. CCC. 53.4 (2002): 751-753.

Rodby, Judith. Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics . John Trimbur, ed. CCC . 53.4 (2002): 753-756.

Mahiri, Jabari. Minding the Body: What Student Athletes Know about Learning by Julie Cheville. CCC. 53.4 (2002): 757-759.

Bauer, Dale M. Water Drops from Women Writers: A Temperance Reader . Carol Mattingly, ed. CCC. 53.4 (2002): 759-761.

Frick, Jane and Nancy Blattner. “In Brief: Reflections on the Missouri CWA Surveys, 1989-2001: A New Composition Delivery Paradigm.” CCC. 53.4 (2002): 739-746.

White, Linda Feldmeier. “Learning Disability, Pedagogies, and Public Discourse.” CCC. 53.4 (2002): 705-738.


I analyze the public and professional discourse of learning disability, arguing that medical models of literacy misdirect teaching by narrowing its focus to remediation. This insight about teaching is not new; resurgent demands for behaviorist pedagogies make understanding their continuing appeal important to composition studies.


ccc53.4 LearningDisabilities Students Pedagogy Research Spelling Problems Dyslexia Accommodation Public Neurology Reading

Works Cited

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Richardson, Elaine. “‘To Protect and Serve’: African American Female Literacies.” CCC. 53.4 (2002): 675-704.


This chapter seeks to add to our understanding of literacy as it relates to African Americans, with a focus on African American female literacies. Primarily, I argue that mother tongue literacy is central to literacy education.


ccc53.4 Women AfricanAmerican Literacy Language Mother Life School Students Practice Culture

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Bruch, Patrick and Richard Marback. “Race, Literacy, and the Value of Rights Rhetoric in Composition Studies.” CCC. 53.4 (2002): 651-674.


The fiftieth anniversary issue of CCC included a call from Geneva Smitherman for compositionists to renew the fight for language rights. In this article, we take up Smitherman’s call by situating the theory of language rights in composition studies in a brief history of rights rhetoric in the United States.


ccc53.4 Rights Rhetoric Language Students Struggle AmericanRhetoric AfricanAmerican Composition Literacy Equality Resolution Race

Works Cited

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Steinberg, Stephen. “The Liberal Retreat from Race during the Post-Civil Rights Era.” The House That Race Built: Black Americans, U.S. Terrain . Ed. Wahneema Lubiano. New York: Pantheon Books, 1997. 13-47.
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Trainor, Jennifer Seibel. “Critical Pedagogy’s ‘Other’: Constructions of Whiteness in Education for Social Change.” CCC. 53.4 (2002): 631-650.


This article examines the contradictory representations of whiteness in the literature on critical pedagogy and argues that a deeper engagement with these contradictions can help critical educators in their work with white students. The essay explores a number of sites: the rhetoric of critical pedagogy, the literature on whiteness that has surfaced in the past five years: and concludes by analyzing portraits of white students as they read texts that challenge them to think about race and racial identity in new ways.


ccc53.4 Students Whiteness Identity Texts Pedagogy Rhetoric Values Class CriticalPedagogy Discourses Race Multicultural

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Horner, Bruce and John Trimbur. “English Only and U.S. College Composition.” CCC. 53.4 (2002): 594-630.


In this article, we identify in the formation of U.S. college composition courses a tacit policy of English monolingualism based on a chain of reifications of languages and social identity. We show this policy continuing in assumptions underlying arguments for and against English Only legislation and basic writers. And we call for an internationalist perspective on written English in relation to other languages and the dynamics of globalization.


ccc53.4 Language English Students Writing ModernLanguages Curriculum Composition Work EnglishOnly Monolingualism Globalization Immigrants Identity LanguagePolicy Policy

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