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2023 Resolutions

The following resolutions were passed at the CCCC Annual Business Meeting held on Friday, February 17, in Chicago.

Resolution 1

Whereas Julie Lindquist invited us to consider whether and how our scholarly and pedagogical practices reflect our fundamental commitments to equity, inclusion, and access;

Whereas she called on us to consider our field’s traditions, tensions, dialogues, and innovations in the context of our labors as scholars and teachers;

Whereas she built out and designed a new means of engaging, participating, and building knowledge through our conferencing spaces in the role of Documentarian as well as through Engaged Learning Experience session slots;

Whereas Julie Lindquist led the CCCC organization through the challenges, anxieties, fears, and losses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic with generosity, grace, intelligence, and dignity;

Whereas her dedication to examinations of working-class experience and ethos, class affect, and strategic empathy have helped to shape our field’s understanding of the criticality of class struggle to teaching and learning within and beyond the composition classroom; and

Whereas Julie Lindquist managed the cancellation of the 2020 CCCC Convention with care, attending to the needs and interests of scheduled participants by enabling presentations to be recorded and made available online;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2023 Conference on College Composition and Communication thanks Julie Lindquist for her exceptional dedication to our profession and our organization.

Resolution 2

Whereas Holly Hassel, in picking up the theme of commonplaces, returned our attention to our field’s shared practice and commitment to the teaching of writing;

Whereas she insistently returned us to questions about how the field’s body of knowledge about teaching and learning reflects the diverse spaces, places, and people within it;

Whereas she built from and invited continuity and engagement from Julie Lindquist and her team in building the 2021 Convention given the cancellation of the 2020 Convention entirely;

Whereas she modeled inclusivity and accessibility through explicit invitations, spaces, and opportunities for distinct constituencies and communities to connect in different ways across the Convention; and

Whereas she launched the first fully virtual CCCC Convention under extraordinary circumstances;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2023 Conference on College Composition and Communication thanks Holly Hassel for her ongoing and long-standing commitments to designing equitable, ethical, and engaged professional spaces and organizations.

Resolution 3

Whereas Staci Perryman-Clark called our field to attend anew to our commitments to equity and inclusion, to access and race- and gender-based exclusions, and to the justice or injustice of our everyday and field-wide gatekeeping practices;

Whereas she continues to make clear and certain the relationship between our work as teachers and scholars of writing, rhetoric, and communication and the creation and maintenance of inclusive classroom and programmatic spaces;

Whereas Staci Perryman-Clark’s scholarly work offers a powerful contribution to our field’s understanding of the inextricable interlocking of racial justice, gender justice, and linguistic justice;

Whereas Staci Perryman-Clark’s public advocacy of equity, access, and inclusion and linguistic justice shapes and inspires collective advocacy for public recognition and understanding of equitable, inclusive, and historically accurate education; and

Whereas with grace, dignity, and intelligence, she shepherded an unforeseen shift from planning for an in-person Convention and transitioned to a fully virtual event under continuing pandemic conditions;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2023 Conference on College Composition and Communication thanks Staci Perryman-Clark for her exceptional dedication to our profession and our organization.

Resolution 4

Whereas Frankie Condon invited us to do hope, to recognize both the inequitable and difficult situations around us and how we might look to one another, creating meaningful relationships with one another and recognize our interdependence, to live our convictions while embracing uncertainty;

Whereas Frankie Condon commits herself to this work, inviting others on her own website to hold her accountable in her work resisting and dismantling white supremacy;

Whereas she has enacted her convictions to antiracist organizing in the face of institutional racism through various institutional roles, doing hope in concert with students and colleagues;

Whereas she invites us all to act on our convictions, modeling what it means to live with and for one another by graciously receiving feedback and criticism, challenging members of CCCC to take up antiracism and social justice in our teaching, our scholarship, our service to the profession, and our lives; and

Whereas she models for us the labor of hope in her scholarship, her teaching, and her antiracist organizing;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2023 Conference on College Composition and Communication thanks Frankie Condon for her outstanding and transformative contributions to us and to the profession.

Resolution 5

Whereas Charitianne Williams and members of the Local Arrangements Committee have made significant contributions to support new attendees and returnees and to enhance the Convention experience;

Whereas Charitianne Williams and the Local Arrangements Committee created a vibrant, inviting, and comprehensive guide to Chicago that covered various sections of the Windy City and its local history;

Whereas they worked diligently to provide attendees with detailed information about the city’s rich history of jazz, local cuisine, and area museums;

Whereas they provided pertinent access information to traverse the city;

Whereas Local Arrangements Committee members were ever-present in the Hilton Chicago helping guide conference attendees to registration and events, making recommendations for nearby restaurants, and generally welcoming more than 2,500 visitors; and

Whereas Charitianne Williams and the Local Arrangements Committee curated a wide selection of local events and labored to connect conference attendees with the vibrancy of the city of Chicago;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2023 Conference on College Composition and Communication expresses our deepest appreciation to Charitianne Williams and the Local Arrangements Committee by applauding their energy and efforts in creating a welcoming conference experience during these particularly difficult times as we return to in-person conferencing for the first time since 2019 before COVID-19 upended so many lives across the globe and in our professions.

Resolution 6

Whereas Margaret Fink and the creators of the 4C23 Accessibility Guide—a volunteer Accessibility Committee created by members of the Committee on Disability Issues in College Composition, the Standing Group for Disability Studies, and members of the Local Arrangements Committee—have labored toward a culture of access, broadly imagined;

Whereas Margaret Fink and the Accessibility Committee created a detailed, comprehensive guide that highlights accessibility features at the conference and the surrounding area, responsive to the access requests of attendees;

Whereas they worked diligently to provide attendees with detailed accessibility information including visual and auditory access, access for people with mobility impairments, access for parents and lactation rooms, access for neurodivergent attendees and others who benefit from quiet spaces, access for those in recovery, and access information for nonbinary and gender-nonconforming attendees; and

Whereas the Accessibility Committee, in community with the Committee on Disability Issues in College Composition and the Standing Group for Disability Studies, were vigilant in staffing an access table, working toward collective access with conference visitors;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 2023 Conference on College Composition and Communication expresses our deepest appreciation to Margaret Fink and the Accessibility Committee by applauding their commitment and labor toward creating a culture of access that we hope will be part of conferences to come.

Sense of the House Motions

S1. The Intellectual Property Standing Group moves that teachers and administrators work with students to help them understand how to use generative language models (such as ChatGPT) ethically in different contexts, and work with educational institutions to develop guidelines for using generative language models, without resorting to taking a defensive stance.

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